#if version <= 2 CLASS USER CATEGORY !!GPONLY_CAT POLICY !!GPONLY_POL KEYNAME Software\Policies PART !!GPONLY_TEXT1 TEXT END PART PART !!GPONLY_TEXT2 TEXT END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY CLASS MACHINE CATEGORY !!GPONLY_CAT POLICY !!GPONLY_POL KEYNAME Software\Policies PART !!GPONLY_TEXT1 TEXT END PART PART !!GPONLY_TEXT2 TEXT END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY #endif; version <= 2 #if version >= 3 CLASS MACHINE CATEGORY !!DW20_CAT KEYNAME Software\Policies\Microsoft\PCHealth\ErrorReporting\DW #if version >= 4 EXPLAIN !!DW20_CAT_HKLM_EXP #endif CATEGORY !!GENERAL_CAT #if version >= 4 EXPLAIN !!GENERAL_CAT_EXP #endif POLICY !!NeverUpload_POL VALUENAME DWNeverUpload VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!NeverUpload_POL_EXP #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!SUPPORTED_WIN2K #endif END POLICY POLICY !!NoFileCollection_POL VALUENAME DWNoFileCollection VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!NoFileCollection_POL_EXP #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!SUPPORTED_WIN2K #endif END POLICY POLICY !!NoSecondLevelCollection_POL VALUENAME DWNoSecondLevelCollection VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!NoSecondLevelCollection_POL_EXP #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!SUPPORTED_WIN2K #endif END POLICY POLICY !!NoExternalURL_POL VALUENAME DWNoExternalURL VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!NoExternalURL_POL_EXP #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!SUPPORTED_WIN2K #endif END POLICY END CATEGORY ;GENERAL CATEGORY !!CER_CAT #if version >= 4 EXPLAIN !!CER_CAT_EXP #endif POLICY !!FileTreeRoot_POL PART !!FileTreeRoot EDITTEXT VALUENAME DWFileTreeRoot END PART EXPLAIN !!FileTreeRoot_POL_EXP #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!SUPPORTED_WIN2K #endif END POLICY POLICY !!Tracking_POL VALUENAME DWTracking VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!Tracking_POL_EXP #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!SUPPORTED_WIN2K #endif END POLICY POLICY !!AlwaysReport_POL VALUENAME DWAlwaysReport VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!AlwaysReport_POL_EXP #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!SUPPORTED_WIN2K #endif END POLICY POLICY !!ReporteeName_POL PART !!ReporteeName EDITTEXT VALUENAME DWReporteeName END PART EXPLAIN !!ReporteeName_POL_EXP #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!SUPPORTED_WIN2K #endif END POLICY POLICY !!URLLaunch_POL PART !!URLLaunch EDITTEXT VALUENAME DWURLLaunch END PART EXPLAIN !!URLLaunch_POL_EXP #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!SUPPORTED_WIN2K #endif END POLICY POLICY !!ExplainerURL_POL PART !!ExplainerURL EDITTEXT VALUENAME DWExplainerURL END PART EXPLAIN !!ExplainerURL_POL_EXP #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!SUPPORTED_WIN2K #endif END POLICY END CATEGORY ;CER CATEGORY !!QUEUE_CAT #if version >= 4 EXPLAIN !!QUEUE_CAT_EXP #endif POLICY !!BypassQueue_POL VALUENAME DWBypassQueue VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!BypassQueue_POL_EXP #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!SUPPORTED_WIN2K #endif END POLICY POLICY !!AllQueuesHeadless_POL VALUENAME DWAllQueuesHeadless VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!AllQueuesHeadless_POL_EXP #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!SUPPORTED_WIN2K #endif END POLICY POLICY !!MaxQueueSize_POL PART !!MaxQueueSize NUMERIC VALUENAME DWMaxQueueSize DEFAULT 50 MAX 1000 MIN 0 SPIN 10 END PART EXPLAIN !!MaxQueueSize_POL_EXP #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!SUPPORTED_WIN2K #endif END POLICY POLICY !!QueuePesterInterval_POL PART !!QueuePesterInterval NUMERIC VALUENAME DWQueuePesterInterval DEFAULT 4320 ;3 days MAX 100000 MIN 20 SPIN 100 END PART EXPLAIN !!QueuePesterInterval_POL_EXP #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!SUPPORTED_WIN2K #endif END POLICY END CATEGORY ;QUEUE END CATEGORY ;DW20 CLASS USER CATEGORY !!DW20_CAT KEYNAME Software\Policies\Microsoft\PCHealth\ErrorReporting\DW #if version >= 4 EXPLAIN !!DW20_CAT_HKCU_EXP #endif CATEGORY !!GENERAL_CAT #if version >= 4 EXPLAIN !!GENERAL_CAT_EXP #endif POLICY !!NeverUpload_POL VALUENAME DWNeverUpload VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!NeverUpload_POL_EXP #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!SUPPORTED_WIN2K #endif END POLICY POLICY !!NoFileCollection_POL VALUENAME DWNoFileCollection VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!NoFileCollection_POL_EXP #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!SUPPORTED_WIN2K #endif END POLICY POLICY !!NoSecondLevelCollection_POL VALUENAME DWNoSecondLevelCollection VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!NoSecondLevelCollection_POL_EXP #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!SUPPORTED_WIN2K #endif END POLICY POLICY !!NoExternalURL_POL VALUENAME DWNoExternalURL VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!NoExternalURL_POL_EXP #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!SUPPORTED_WIN2K #endif END POLICY END CATEGORY ;GENERAL CATEGORY !!CER_CAT #if version >= 4 EXPLAIN !!CER_CAT_EXP #endif POLICY !!FileTreeRoot_POL PART !!FileTreeRoot EDITTEXT VALUENAME DWFileTreeRoot END PART EXPLAIN !!FileTreeRoot_POL_EXP #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!SUPPORTED_WIN2K #endif END POLICY POLICY !!Tracking_POL VALUENAME DWTracking VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!Tracking_POL_EXP #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!SUPPORTED_WIN2K #endif END POLICY POLICY !!AlwaysReport_POL VALUENAME DWAlwaysReport VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!AlwaysReport_POL_EXP #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!SUPPORTED_WIN2K #endif END POLICY POLICY !!ReporteeName_POL PART !!ReporteeName EDITTEXT VALUENAME DWReporteeName END PART EXPLAIN !!ReporteeName_POL_EXP #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!SUPPORTED_WIN2K #endif END POLICY POLICY !!URLLaunch_POL PART !!URLLaunch EDITTEXT VALUENAME DWURLLaunch END PART EXPLAIN !!URLLaunch_POL_EXP #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!SUPPORTED_WIN2K #endif END POLICY POLICY !!ExplainerURL_POL PART !!ExplainerURL EDITTEXT VALUENAME DWExplainerURL END PART EXPLAIN !!ExplainerURL_POL_EXP #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!SUPPORTED_WIN2K #endif END POLICY END CATEGORY ;CER CATEGORY !!QUEUE_CAT #if version >= 4 EXPLAIN !!QUEUE_CAT_EXP #endif POLICY !!BypassQueue_POL VALUENAME DWBypassQueue VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!BypassQueue_POL_EXP #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!SUPPORTED_WIN2K #endif END POLICY POLICY !!AllQueuesHeadless_POL VALUENAME DWAllQueuesHeadless VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!AllQueuesHeadless_POL_EXP #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!SUPPORTED_WIN2K #endif END POLICY POLICY !!MaxQueueSize_POL PART !!MaxQueueSize NUMERIC VALUENAME DWMaxQueueSize DEFAULT 50 MAX 1000 MIN 0 SPIN 10 END PART EXPLAIN !!MaxQueueSize_POL_EXP #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!SUPPORTED_WIN2K #endif END POLICY POLICY !!QueuePesterInterval_POL PART !!QueuePesterInterval NUMERIC VALUENAME DWQueuePesterInterval DEFAULT 4320 ;3 days MAX 100000 MIN 20 SPIN 100 END PART EXPLAIN !!QueuePesterInterval_POL_EXP #if version >= 4 SUPPORTED !!SUPPORTED_WIN2K #endif END POLICY END CATEGORY ;QUEUE END CATEGORY ;DW20 #endif ;version >=3 [strings] ; GPONLY GPONLY_TEXT1="System Policy Editor does not support this policy template." GPONLY_TEXT2="You must use Group Policy in Windows 2000." GPONLY_CAT="Unsupported Administrative Template" GPONLY_POL="AER_1033.ADM" ; SUPPORTED SUPPORTED_WIN2K="At least Microsoft Windows 2000" ; CATEGORIES DW20_CAT="Application Error Reporting" CER_CAT="Corporate Error Reporting" QUEUE_CAT="Queued Reporting" GENERAL_CAT="General Reporting" WER_CAT="System Error Reporting" ; CATEGORY EXPLANATIONS DW20_CAT_HKCU_EXP="Application Error Reporting is related to Windows Error Reporting but is not part of the operating system.\n\nThese policies may also be configured per MACHINE." DW20_CAT_HKLM_EXP="Application Error Reporting is related to Windows Error Reporting but is not part of the operating system.\n\nThese policies may also be configured per USER." CER_CAT_EXP="Corporate Error Reporting is a way to send error reports to a file server instead of to Microsoft.\n\nFor related Windows Error Reporting policies, go to Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Error Reporting\Report Errors." QUEUE_CAT_EXP="Reports are queued for delayed reporting when the user is offline or the error is not critical enough to interrupt the user." GENERAL_CAT_EXP="Use these policies to disable error reporting or limit the type of data which can be collected." WER_CAT_EXP="These policies affect Windows Error Reporting as well as Application Error Reporting.\n\nFor more policies that affect Windows Error Reporting, go to Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Error Reporting." ; POLICIES AllQueuesHeadless_POL="Send all queued reports silently" AlwaysReport_POL="Hide Don't Send button" BypassQueue_POL="Bypass queue and send all reports" ExplainerURL_POL="URL to explain why user should report" FileTreeRoot_POL="Local error reporting file path" MaxQueueSize_POL="Maximum number of queued reports" NeverUpload_POL="Disable error reporting" NoExternalURL_POL="Do not display Microsoft web page" NoFileCollection_POL="Do not upload user documents" NoSecondLevelCollection_POL="Do not upload any additional data" QueuePesterInterval_POL="Time between queued reporting requests" ReporteeName_POL="Replace Microsoft with your company name" Tracking_POL="Log error report details" URLLaunch_POL="URL to launch after reporting" ; PARTS ExplainerURL="URL to explain why user should report" FileTreeRoot="Local error reporting file path (UNC or drive letter)" MaxQueueSize="Maximum number of queued reports" NoExternalURL="Do not display link or launch URL to Microsoft web page" QueuePesterInterval="Shortest time between queued reporting requests (minutes)" ReporteeName="Specify your company name to replace 'Microsoft' in reporting dialogs" URLLaunch="URL to launch after reporting" ; POLICY EXPLANATIONS AllQueuesHeadless_POL_EXP="This policy allows you to send all queued reports without prompting the user.\n\nIf you ENABLE this policy the queued dialog is not displayed. When a user logs on all queued reports are silently uploaded to either your local error reporting file path (if you have configured Corporate Error Reporting) or directly to Microsoft.\n\nIf you DISABLE or DO NOT CONFIGURE this policy the user is prompted to either send or not send the reports.\n\nThis policy does not affect any dialogs shown at the time of the error." AlwaysReport_POL_EXP="This policy hides the Don't Send button on the main error reporting dialog.\n\nIf you ENABLE this policy the user sees only one button on the error reporting dialog: Send Error Report.\n\nIf you DISABLE or DO NOT CONFIGURE this policy the user has two buttons: Send Error Report (or Send Report Later if the machine is offline) and Don't Send.\n\nIf the user is prompted for additional data such as user documents there is always a choice to Cancel the report, even if this policy is enabled." BypassQueue_POL_EXP="This policy disables error report queuing.\n\nIf you ENABLE this policy no reports are queued. Error reports are always sent at the time the error occurs. If the machine is offline and the report cannot be sent, the report is deleted.\n\nIf you DISABLE or DO NOT CONFIGURE this policy, reports may be queued when the machine is offline or if the application chooses to queue reports instead of displaying a dialog at the time of the error." ExplainerURL_POL_EXP="This policy adds a link to the main error reporting dialog.\n\nIf you ENABLE this policy a link is displayed on the error reporting dialog with the text 'Why should I report?'. Clicking the link launches the URL you specify in the policy.\n\nIf you DISABLE or DO NOT CONFIGURE this policy the link is only displayed if specified by the application that is sending the error report.\n\nThis policy allows you to create your own web page which explains why users should send error reports. It is intended for use with Corporate Error Reporting but will work even if you have not specified an error reporting file path." FileTreeRoot_POL_EXP="This policy enables Corporate Error Reporting, which allows you to send all error reports to a file server on your local network.\n\nIf you ENABLE this policy no reports are sent to Microsoft. All error reports are sent to the specified file path, which may be a UNC or drive letter. You may use the Corporate Error Reporting tool (CER) to view the reports and optionally batch upload them to Microsoft.\n\nIf you DISABLE or DO NOT CONFIGURE this policy, error reports are sent to Microsoft, unless reporting is disabled." MaxQueueSize_POL_EXP="This policy sets the maximum number of error reports stored in each queue.\n\nIf you ENABLE this policy you can increase or decrease the maximum number of queued reports. Reports may be queued for each user and for any admin. When a report is sent to a queue that has reached the maximum number, the report is deleted.\n\nIf you DISABLE or DO NOT CONFIGURE this policy the default maximum of 50 is used." NeverUpload_POL_EXP="This policy disables application error reporting.\n\nIf you ENABLE this policy, reports are not sent.\n\nIf you DISABLE or DO NOT CONFIGURE this policy the user may be prompted to send error reports." NoExternalURL_POL_EXP="This policy prevents the user from being sent to a Microsoft web page after reporting.\n\nIf you ENABLE this policy the user will not see a final dialog with a KB article or downloadable update.\n\nIf you DISABLE or DO NOT CONFIGURE this policy the user may in some cases see a browser window with Microsoft content or a final dialog with a link to a Microsoft web page.\n\nThis policy does not prevent the user from seeing a link to a URL specified for use with the Corporate Error Reporting tool." NoFileCollection_POL_EXP="This policy prevents user files from being included in error reports.\n\nIf you ENABLE this policy, requests from Microsoft for user documents and other files are denied.\n\nIf you DISABLE or DO NOT CONFIGURE this policy the user may occasionally be prompted to include current documents or other files in the error report.\n\nThis policy does not affect requests to include registry settings, file version information or WMI queries in error reports." NoSecondLevelCollection_POL_EXP="This policy prevents all additional data from being included in error reports.\n\nIf you ENABLE this policy, requests from Microsoft for any additional data are denied.\n\nIf you DISABLE or DO NOT CONFIGURE this policy the user may occasionally be prompted to include additional information in error reports." QueuePesterInterval_POL_EXP="This policy controls how often the user may be prompted to send queued reports.\n\nThe user is not prompted again until after the time has elapsed. (If there are no queued reports, elapsed time may be much longer.)\n\nIf you ENABLE this policy you may shorten or lengthen the interval (in minutes) between prompting the user to send queued reports.\n\nIf you DISABLE or DO NOT CONFIGURE this policy the default of 4320 minutes (3 days) is used." ReporteeName_POL_EXP="This policy allows you to substitute the name of your company in place of Microsoft in the error reporting dialog.\n\nIf you ENABLE this policy, occurrences of the string Microsoft in the error reporting dialog are replaced with the string you specify.\n\nIf you DISABLE or DO NOT CONFIGURE this policy the user is prompted to send error reports to Microsoft.\n\nThis policy is intended for use with Corporate Error Reporting but will work even if you have not specified an error reporting file path." Tracking_POL_EXP="This policy enables logging with Corporate Error Reporting.\n\nIf you ENABLE this policy, error details including username and machine name are written to the crash.log file at the root of your error reporting file path.\n\nIf you DISABLE or DO NOT CONFIGURE this policy the log file is not written.\n\nThis policy has no effect if you do not enable Corporate Error Reporting." URLLaunch_POL_EXP="This policy always displays a URL after reporting.\n\nIf you ENABLE this policy, each user who sends a report will see a final dialog with a link to a the URL you specify.\n\nIf you DISABLE or DO NOT CONFIGURE this policy the user may be sent to a Microsoft web page after reporting."