;// _lcid="1033" _version="12.0.4518" CLASS MACHINE CATEGORY !!L_CalendarPrintingAssistantMachine POLICY !!L_TemplatesdirectoryPolicy KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\CPAO\Settings PART !!L_Empty EDITTEXT VALUENAME TemplateDir END PART EXPLAIN !!L_TempatesdirecotryExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_CalendardesigndirectoryPolicy KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\CPAO\Settings PART !!L_Empty EDITTEXT VALUENAME CalDesignDir END PART EXPLAIN !!L_CalendardesigndirectoryExplain END POLICY END CATEGORY CLASS USER CATEGORY !!L_CalendarPrintingAssistant POLICY !!L_FirstWeekPolicy KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\CPAO\Settings PART !!L_Empty DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME firstWeekOfYearSelection ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Firstfullweek VALUE "FirstFullWeek" NAME !!L_Firstfourdayweek VALUE "FirstFourDayWeek" NAME !!L_Firstday VALUE "FirstDay" DEFAULT END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_FirstWeekExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_FirstdayofweekPolicy KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\CPAO\Settings PART !!L_Empty DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME firstDayOfWeekSelection ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Sunday VALUE "sun" DEFAULT NAME !!L_Monday VALUE "mon" NAME !!L_Tuesday VALUE "tue" NAME !!L_Wednesday VALUE "wed" NAME !!L_Thursday VALUE "thu" NAME !!L_Friday VALUE "fri" NAME !!L_Saturday VALUE "sat" END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_FirstdayofweekExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_ShowweeknumbersPolicy KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\CPAO\Settings VALUENAME showWeekNumber VALUEON !!L_true VALUEOFF !!L_false EXPLAIN !!L_ShowweeknumbersExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_MinfontsizePolicy KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\CPAO\Settings PART !!L_Empty NUMERIC VALUENAME minSize MIN 1 MAX 71 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_MinfontsizeExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_MincharspacingPolicy KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\CPAO\Settings PART !!L_Empty DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME condense ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Condensed VALUE "Condensed" DEFAULT NAME !!L_SemiCondensed VALUE "SemiCondensed" NAME !!L_ExtraCondensed VALUE "ExtraCondensed" NAME !!L_UltraCondensed VALUE "UltraCondensed" NAME !!L_Normal VALUE "Normal" END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_MincharspacingExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_MinfontweightPolicy KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\CPAO\Settings PART !!L_Empty DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME weight ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Thin VALUE "Thin" DEFAULT NAME !!L_Light VALUE "Light" NAME !!L_ExtraLight VALUE "ExtraLight" NAME !!L_Normal VALUE "Normal" END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_MinfontweightExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_DropendtimesPolicy KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\CPAO\Settings VALUENAME adaptChecked VALUEON !!L_true VALUEOFF !!L_false EXPLAIN !!L_DropendtimesExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_BreaklinesPolicy KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\CPAO\Settings VALUENAME break VALUEON !!L_true VALUEOFF !!L_false EXPLAIN !!L_BreaklinesExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_ConsistencyPolicy KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\CPAO\Settings VALUENAME consistency VALUEON !!L_true VALUEOFF !!L_false EXPLAIN !!L_ConsistencyExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_DefaultcolorschemePolicy KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\CPAO\Settings PART !!L_Empty EDITTEXT VALUENAME styleColors END PART EXPLAIN !!L_DefaultcolorschemeExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_DefaultfontPolicy KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\CPAO\Settings PART !!L_Empty EDITTEXT VALUENAME styleFonts END PART EXPLAIN !!L_DefaultfontExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_DefaultcalendardesignPolicy KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\CPAO\Settings PART !!L_Empty EDITTEXT VALUENAME styleCalendarDesigns END PART EXPLAIN !!L_DefaultcalendardesignExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_SortbyduedatePolicy KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\CPAO\Settings VALUENAME tasksByDueDate VALUEON !!L_true VALUEOFF !!L_false EXPLAIN !!L_SortbyduedateExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_SortbystartdatePolicy KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\CPAO\Settings VALUENAME tasksByStartDate VALUEON !!L_true VALUEOFF !!L_false EXPLAIN !!L_SortbystartdateExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_ShowcompletedtasksPolicy KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\CPAO\Settings VALUENAME tasksShowCompleted VALUEON !!L_true VALUEOFF !!L_false EXPLAIN !!L_ShowcompletedtasksExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_ShowundatedtasksPolicy KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\CPAO\Settings VALUENAME tasksShowUndated VALUEON !!L_true VALUEOFF !!L_false EXPLAIN !!L_ShowundatedtasksExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_ShowMRUlistPolicy KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\CPAO\Settings VALUENAME showMRUList VALUEON !!L_true VALUEOFF !!L_false EXPLAIN !!L_ShowMRUlistExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_MRU1Policy KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\CPAO\Settings PART !!L_Empty EDITTEXT VALUENAME MRU1 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_MRU1Explain END POLICY POLICY !!L_MRU2Policy KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\CPAO\Settings PART !!L_Empty EDITTEXT VALUENAME MRU2 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_MRU2Explain END POLICY POLICY !!L_MRU3Policy KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\CPAO\Settings PART !!L_Empty EDITTEXT VALUENAME MRU3 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_MRU3Explain END POLICY POLICY !!L_MRU4Policy KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\CPAO\Settings PART !!L_Empty EDITTEXT VALUENAME MRU4 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_MRU4Explain END POLICY END CATEGORY [Strings] L_Empty=" " L_CalendarPrintingAssistant="Calendar Printing Assistant for Microsoft Office Outlook 2007" L_CalendarPrintingAssistantMachine="Calendar Printing Assistant for Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 (Machine)" L_FirstWeekPolicy="How first week of year is calculated" L_FirstWeekExplain="This will affect calculations of week number in templates that include it, as well as the display of the week number in the date picker." L_Firstfullweek="First full week" L_Firstfourdayweek="First four day week" L_Firstday="First day" L_FirstdayofweekPolicy="How first day of week is calculated" L_FirstdayofweekExplain="In templates that display days of the week, as well as the date picker, this will shift the display so that the specified day is displayed first. In templates where the First Day Of Week property is explicitly set, this setting will have no effect." L_Sunday="Sunday" L_Monday="Monday" L_Tuesday="Tuesday" L_Wednesday="Wednesday" L_Thursday="Thursday" L_Friday="Friday" L_Saturday="Saturday" L_ShowweeknumbersPolicy="Show week numbers in date navigator and calendar views" L_ShowweeknumbersExplain="This causes week numbers to be displayed in the date picker, as well as templates that support showing the week number by using the Show week numbers in date navigator and calendar views condition." L_true="true" L_false="false" L_MinfontsizePolicy="Minimum font size for templates with a 'Compact List' control" L_MinfontsizeExplain="When attempting to shrink content to fit within 'Compact List' controls, Calendar Printing Assistant will start from the specified font size in the template and shrink the content as needed until the value specified in this string is reached, after which the text will not be shrunk any further (and alternative sizing strategies, such as dropping the end time, are applied). If the value in this string is greater than the font size specified in the template, the template’s value is used without any shrinking." L_MincharspacingPolicy="Minimum character spacing" L_MincharspacingExplain="This will have the visual effect of squeezing the text together horizontally to allow more content to fit." L_Condensed="Condensed" L_SemiCondensed="Semi-condensed" L_ExtraCondensed="Extra-condensed" L_UltraCondensed="Ultra-condensed" L_Normal="Normal" L_MinfontweightPolicy="Minimum font weight" L_MinfontweightExplain="This will have the visual effect of making each character physically “thinner” to allow more content to fit." L_Thin="Thin" L_Light="Light" L_ExtraLight="Extra-light" L_DropendtimesPolicy="Drop end times to show longer subject text" L_DropendtimesExplain="When enabled, only the start time for each appointment is shown when there is insufficient room for text to be fully displayed. Only applies to 'Compact List' based controls." L_BreaklinesPolicy="Break lines at character" L_BreaklinesExplain="When enabled, a line may break in mid-word in order to maximize space used by each line, instead of breaking at the end of a word. Only applies to 'Compact List' based controls." L_ConsistencyPolicy="Show all days with uniform settings" L_ConsistencyExplain="When enabled, Compact List based controls within a template shares the content-fitting settings of the most restrictive cell in the grid. For example, if there is a cell in the calendar grid that has the font as small as possible, as well as the end-time dropped, all cells will share these settings when the Show all days in uniform settings is enabled." L_DefaultcolorschemePolicy="Set default color scheme" L_DefaultcolorschemeExplain="When this value is set, the user may still change the current color scheme but is unable to set a different scheme as default." L_DefaultfontPolicy="Set default font scheme" L_DefaultfontExplain="When this value is set, the user may still change the current font scheme but is unable to set a different scheme as default." L_DefaultcalendardesignPolicy="Set default calendar design scheme" L_DefaultcalendardesignExplain="When this value is set, the user may still change the current calendar design scheme but is unable to set a different scheme as default." L_SortbyduedatePolicy="Sort tasks by due date" L_SortbyduedateExplain="When this value is set, the “Tasks by Due Date” option under the View menu is enabled and is grayed-out, preventing the user from modifying this setting. The “Tasks by Due Date” setting cannot be enabled at the same time as the “Tasks by Start Date” setting." L_SortbystartdatePolicy="Sort tasks by start date" L_SortbystartdateExplain="When this value is set, the “Tasks by Start Date” option under the View menu is enabled and is grayed-out, preventing the user from modifying this setting. The “Tasks by Start Date” setting cannot be enabled at the same time as the “Tasks by Due Date” setting." L_ShowcompletedtasksPolicy="Show completed tasks" L_ShowcompletedtasksExplain="When this value is set, the “Show Completed Tasks” option under the View menu is enabled and is grayed-out, preventing the user from modifying this setting." L_ShowundatedtasksPolicy="Show tasks without dates" L_ShowundatedtasksExplain="When this value is set, the “Show Tasks without Dates” option under the View menu is enabled and is grayed-out, preventing the user from modifying this setting." L_ShowMRUlistPolicy="Show the most recently used files under the File menu" L_ShowMRUlistExplain="The last four files that were opened in Calendar Printing Assistant are listed under the File menu; if this setting is enabled, none of the most recently used files are displayed." L_MRU1Policy="Most recently used file entry #1" L_MRU2Policy="Most recently used file entry #2" L_MRU3Policy="Most recently used file entry #3" L_MRU4Policy="Most recently used file entry #4" L_MRU1Explain="Specify the file to use in entry #1 of the most recently used files." L_MRU2Explain="Specify the file to use in entry #2 of the most recently used files." L_MRU3Explain="Specify the file to use in entry #3 of the most recently used files." L_MRU4Explain="Specify the file to use in entry #4 of the most recently used files." L_TemplatesdirectoryPolicy="Directory where all templates are located" L_TempatesdirecotryExplain="Any user-created or downloaded templates that are saved in this directory will appear in the template gallery." L_CalendardesigndirectoryPolicy="Directory where all calendar designs are located" L_CalendardesigndirectoryExplain="Any user-created or downloaded calendar designs that are saved in this directory appear in the Calendar Styles gallery."