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!!L_ShowFormulabarinFullView KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Options\BinaryOptions VALUENAME fFmlaFull_68_1 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_CheckedDisplaystheFormulabarwhentheFullScreencommandintheVie END POLICY POLICY !!L_Functiontooltips KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Options\BinaryOptions VALUENAME fShowFunTips_101_1 VALUEON NUMERIC 0 ;reverse VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 EXPLAIN !!L_FunctiontooltipsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Comments KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Options\BinaryOptions PART !!L_Comments DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME vmdNoteDisp_38_2 ITEMLIST NAME !!L_None VALUE NUMERIC 0 ACTIONLIST VALUENAME fNoteOffv5_35_1 VALUE NUMERIC 1 END ACTIONLIST NAME !!L_Commentindicatoronly VALUE NUMERIC 1 DEFAULT ACTIONLIST VALUENAME fNoteOffv5_35_1 VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ACTIONLIST NAME !!L_Commentindicator VALUE NUMERIC 2 ACTIONLIST VALUENAME fNoteOffv5_35_1 VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ACTIONLIST END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_Determineshowcommentsaredisplayedontheworksheet END POLICY POLICY !!L_ProvidefeedbackwithAnimation KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Options\BinaryOptions VALUENAME fAnimationsOK_129_1 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_ProvidefeedbackwithAnimationExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Recentlyusedfilelist KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\File MRU" PART !!L_Entriesonrecentlyusedfilelist NUMERIC VALUENAME "Max Display" SPIN 1 MIN 0 MAX 50 DEFAULT 9 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUnchecksthecorrespondingUIoptionandspecifiesthenumbero END POLICY POLICY !!L_Alternatestartupfilelocation KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Options PART !!L_Alternatestartupfilelocation EDITTEXT VALUENAME AltStartup EXPANDABLETEXT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SpecifiesthestartupfolderExcelwillopenallfilesinthisfolderat END POLICY CATEGORY !!L_WebOptions KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Internet CATEGORY !!L_General KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Internet POLICY !!L_Saveanyadditionaldatanecessarytomaintainformulas KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Internet VALUENAME DoNotSaveHiddenData VALUEON NUMERIC 0 ;Reverse VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 EXPLAIN !!L_SaveanyadditionaldatanecessarytomaintainformulasExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_LoadpicturesfromWebpagesnotcreatedinExcel KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Internet VALUENAME DoNotLoadPictures VALUEON NUMERIC 0 ;Reverse VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 EXPLAIN !!L_LoadpicturesfromWebpagesnotcreatedinExcelExplain END POLICY END CATEGORY END CATEGORY END CATEGORY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_Customizableerrormessages KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\CustomizableAlerts POLICY !!L_Listoferrormessagestocustomize KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\CustomizableAlerts PART !!L_Listoferrormessagestocustomize LISTBOX EXPLICITVALUE END PART PART !!L_EntererrorIDforValueNameandcustombuttontextforValue TEXT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_String END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_DataRecovery KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Options POLICY !!L_Donotshowdataextractionoptionswhenopeningcorruptworkbooks KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Options VALUENAME ExtractDataDisableUI VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DonotshowdataextractionoptionswExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Assumestructuredstorageformatofworkbookisintactwhenrecoverin KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Options VALUENAME ExtractDataMode VALUEON NUMERIC 0 ;reverse VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 EXPLAIN !!L_AssumestructuredstorageformatofExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Corruptformulaconversion KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Options PART !!L_Convertunrecoverablereferencesto DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME ExtractDataFormulas ITEMLIST NAME !!L_values VALUE NUMERIC 2 DEFAULT NAME !!L_REForNAME VALUE NUMERIC 1 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_CorruptformulaconversionExplain END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_DataAccessSecurity KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Options POLICY !!L_ConnectionFileLocations KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\Common\Server Links\Published" PART !!L_Empty LISTBOX EXPLICITVALUE END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ConnectionFileLocationsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_AutomaticQueryRefresh KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Options PART !!L_AutomaticQueryRefreshSettings DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME QuerySecurity ITEMLIST NAME !!L_DefaultPromptforallworkbooks VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Donotpromptdonotallowautorefresh VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!L_Donotpromptallowautorefresh VALUE NUMERIC 2 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_AutomaticQueryRefreshExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_RefreshAlertSettings KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Options VALUENAME RefreshAlert VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 EXPLAIN !!L_RefreshAlertSettingsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_OLAPPivotTableconnectwarning KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Options VALUENAME OLAPSecurityPrompt VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 EXPLAIN !!L_OLAPPivotTableconnectwarningExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_PivotTableExternalDataSourceconnectwarning KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Options VALUENAME PageFieldSecurityPrompt VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 EXPLAIN !!L_PivotTableExternalDataSourceconnectwarningExplain END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_NewSpreadsheetLinks KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\New Spreadsheet" POLICY !!L_CustomLink1 KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\New Spreadsheet\CustomPolicy1" PART !!L_DisplayName TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty EDITTEXT VALUENAME DisplayName END PART PART !!L_Fullpathincludingfilenamerequired TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty EDITTEXT VALUENAME Filename END PART PART !!L_Sectionofworkpanetodisplaylink TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Section ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Openaspreadsheet VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_New VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!L_Newfromexistingspreadsheet VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!L_Newfromtemplate VALUE NUMERIC 3 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART PART !!L_Action TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Action ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Openexistingfile VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Createnewfile VALUE NUMERIC 1 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_String END POLICY POLICY !!L_CustomLink2 KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\New Spreadsheet\CustomPolicy2" PART !!L_DisplayName TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty EDITTEXT VALUENAME DisplayName END PART PART !!L_Fullpathincludingfilenamerequired TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty EDITTEXT VALUENAME Filename END PART PART !!L_Sectionofworkpanetodisplaylink TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Section ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Openaspreadsheet VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_New VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!L_Newfromexistingspreadsheet VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!L_Newfromtemplate VALUE NUMERIC 3 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART PART !!L_Action TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Action ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Openexistingfile VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Createnewfile VALUE NUMERIC 1 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_String END POLICY POLICY !!L_CustomLink3 KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\New Spreadsheet\CustomPolicy3" PART !!L_DisplayName TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty EDITTEXT VALUENAME DisplayName END PART PART !!L_Fullpathincludingfilenamerequired TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty EDITTEXT VALUENAME Filename END PART PART !!L_Sectionofworkpanetodisplaylink TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Section ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Openaspreadsheet VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_New VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!L_Newfromexistingspreadsheet VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!L_Newfromtemplate VALUE NUMERIC 3 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART PART !!L_Action TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Action ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Openexistingfile VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Createnewfile VALUE NUMERIC 1 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_String END POLICY POLICY !!L_CustomLink4 KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\New Spreadsheet\CustomPolicy4" PART !!L_DisplayName TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty EDITTEXT VALUENAME DisplayName END PART PART !!L_Fullpathincludingfilenamerequired TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty EDITTEXT VALUENAME Filename END PART PART !!L_Sectionofworkpanetodisplaylink TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Section ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Openaspreadsheet VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_New VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!L_Newfromexistingspreadsheet VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!L_Newfromtemplate VALUE NUMERIC 3 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART PART !!L_Action TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Action ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Openexistingfile VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Createnewfile VALUE NUMERIC 1 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_String END POLICY POLICY !!L_CustomLink5 KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\New Spreadsheet\CustomPolicy5" PART !!L_DisplayName TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty EDITTEXT VALUENAME DisplayName END PART PART !!L_Fullpathincludingfilenamerequired TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty EDITTEXT VALUENAME Filename END PART PART !!L_Sectionofworkpanetodisplaylink TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Section ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Openaspreadsheet VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_New VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!L_Newfromexistingspreadsheet VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!L_Newfromtemplate VALUE NUMERIC 3 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART PART !!L_Action TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Action ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Openexistingfile VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Createnewfile VALUE NUMERIC 1 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_String END POLICY POLICY !!L_CustomLink6 KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\New Spreadsheet\CustomPolicy6" PART !!L_DisplayName TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty EDITTEXT VALUENAME DisplayName END PART PART !!L_Fullpathincludingfilenamerequired TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty EDITTEXT VALUENAME Filename END PART PART !!L_Sectionofworkpanetodisplaylink TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Section ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Openaspreadsheet VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_New VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!L_Newfromexistingspreadsheet VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!L_Newfromtemplate VALUE NUMERIC 3 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART PART !!L_Action TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Action ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Openexistingfile VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Createnewfile VALUE NUMERIC 1 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_String END POLICY POLICY !!L_CustomLink7 KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\New Spreadsheet\CustomPolicy7" PART !!L_DisplayName TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty EDITTEXT VALUENAME DisplayName END PART PART !!L_Fullpathincludingfilenamerequired TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty EDITTEXT VALUENAME Filename END PART PART !!L_Sectionofworkpanetodisplaylink TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Section ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Openaspreadsheet VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_New VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!L_Newfromexistingspreadsheet VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!L_Newfromtemplate VALUE NUMERIC 3 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART PART !!L_Action TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Action ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Openexistingfile VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Createnewfile VALUE NUMERIC 1 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_String END POLICY POLICY !!L_CustomLink8 KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\New Spreadsheet\CustomPolicy8" PART !!L_DisplayName TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty EDITTEXT VALUENAME DisplayName END PART PART !!L_Fullpathincludingfilenamerequired TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty EDITTEXT VALUENAME Filename END PART PART !!L_Sectionofworkpanetodisplaylink TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Section ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Openaspreadsheet VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_New VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!L_Newfromexistingspreadsheet VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!L_Newfromtemplate VALUE NUMERIC 3 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART PART !!L_Action TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Action ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Openexistingfile VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Createnewfile VALUE NUMERIC 1 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_String END POLICY POLICY !!L_CustomLink9 KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\New Spreadsheet\CustomPolicy9" PART !!L_DisplayName TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty EDITTEXT VALUENAME DisplayName END PART PART !!L_Fullpathincludingfilenamerequired TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty EDITTEXT VALUENAME Filename END PART PART !!L_Sectionofworkpanetodisplaylink TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Section ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Openaspreadsheet VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_New VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!L_Newfromexistingspreadsheet VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!L_Newfromtemplate VALUE NUMERIC 3 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART PART !!L_Action TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Action ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Openexistingfile VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Createnewfile VALUE NUMERIC 1 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_String END POLICY POLICY !!L_CustomLink10 KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\New Spreadsheet\CustomPolicy10" PART !!L_DisplayName TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty EDITTEXT VALUENAME DisplayName END PART PART !!L_Fullpathincludingfilenamerequired TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty EDITTEXT VALUENAME Filename END PART PART !!L_Sectionofworkpanetodisplaylink TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Section ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Openaspreadsheet VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_New VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!L_Newfromexistingspreadsheet VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!L_Newfromtemplate VALUE NUMERIC 3 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART PART !!L_Action TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Action ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Openexistingfile VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Createnewfile VALUE NUMERIC 1 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_String END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_Blockfileformats KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Options\BinaryOptions CATEGORY !!L_Open KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Security\FileOpenBlock POLICY !!L_Blockopeningprerelease KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Security\FileOpenBlock VALUENAME Excel12BetaFiles VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_BlockopeningprereleaseExplain END POLICY END CATEGORY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_Miscellaneous KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Options POLICY !!L_Chartgallerypath KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Options PART !!L_Chartgallerypath EDITTEXT VALUENAME GalleryPath EXPANDABLETEXT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ChartgallerypathExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_CustomAnswerWizarddatabasepath KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Answer Wizard" PART !!L_CustomAnswerWizarddatabasepath EDITTEXT VALUENAME AdminDatabase EXPANDABLETEXT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_CustomAnswerWizarddatabasepathExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Enablefourdigityeardisplay KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Options VALUENAME EnableFourDigitYearDisplay VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_EnablefourdigityeardisplayExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Locallycachenetworkfilestorages KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Options PART !!L_Empty TEXT END PART PART !!L_Enablingthissettinghelpspreventdatalossduringnet1 TEXT END PART PART !!L_Enablingthissettinghelpspreventdatalossduringnet2 TEXT END PART VALUENAME NetworkResiliency VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_LocallycachenetworkfilestoragesExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_LocallycachePivotTablereports KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Options PART !!L_Empty TEXT END PART PART !!L_Enablingthissettinghelpspreventdatalossduringnet1 TEXT END PART PART !!L_Enablingthissettinghelpspreventdatalossduringnet2 TEXT END PART VALUENAME PivotTableNetworkResiliency VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_LocallycachePivotTablereportsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_OLAPPivotTableUserDefinedFunctionUDFsecuritysetting KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Options PART !!L_OLAPPivotTableUserDefinedFunctionUDFsecuritysetting DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME OLAPUDFSecurity ITEMLIST NAME !!L_AllowALLUDFs VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!L_AllowsafeUDFsonly VALUE NUMERIC 2 DEFAULT NAME !!L_AllowNOUDFs VALUE NUMERIC 3 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART PART !!L_PivotTablereportscancontainOLAPquerieswithreferences1 TEXT END PART PART !!L_PivotTablereportscancontainOLAPquerieswithreferences2 TEXT END PART PART !!L_PivotTablereportscancontainOLAPquerieswithreferences3 TEXT END PART PART !!L_PivotTablereportscancontainOLAPquerieswithreferences4 TEXT END PART PART !!L_PivotTablereportscancontainOLAPquerieswithreferences5 TEXT END PART PART !!L_PivotTablereportscancontainOLAPquerieswithreferences6 TEXT END PART PART !!L_PivotTablereportscancontainOLAPquerieswithreferences7 TEXT END PART PART !!L_PivotTablereportscancontainOLAPquerieswithreferences8 TEXT END PART PART !!L_PivotTablereportscancontainOLAPquerieswithreferences9 TEXT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_OLAPPivotTableUserDefinedFunctionExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_RecognizeSmartTags KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Options VALUENAME RecognizeSmartTags VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 EXPLAIN !!L_ChecktoblockExcelfromrecognizingSmartTags END POLICY END CATEGORY END CATEGORY [Strings] L_AllowSelectionFloaties="Show Mini Toolbar on selection" L_DisableLivePreview="Enable Live Preview" L_DonotopeninIEexplain="This policy determines whether hyperlinks to Office documents opens them inside the application, or inside a browser window. The default in Office 2007 and greater (changed from previous releases) is to open within the Office applications. This behavior can also be driven from the Windows shell (in Windows XP and prior): Tools | Folder Options... | File Types | | Advanced | Browse in same window." L_DonotopeninIE="Open Hyperlinks to documents in Windows Internet Explorer" L_TrustedLocations="Trusted Locations" L_DisableTrustBarNotificationforunsignedExplain="This setting means Office applications will silently disable any DLL containing an application add-in which does not have a digital signature. It is used in conjuntion with the 'Require that application add-ins are signed by Trusted Publisher' option which must first be set to cause the application to actually check for signatures." L_DisableTrustBarNotificationforunsigned="Disable Trust Bar Notification for unsigned application add-ins" L_RequirethatApplicationExtensionsaresignedExplain="This setting means Office applications will check the digital signature on the .DLL containing an application add-in, and will give the user a security notification in the event of an unsigned DLL or a DLL signed by a publishers certificate that has not been added to the Trusted Publishers list." L_RequirethatApplicationExtensionsaresigned="Require that application add-ins are signed by Trusted Publisher" L_TrustCenter="Trust Center" L_Disableallapplicationextensions="Disable all application add-ins" L_TrustedLocationsExplain="Warning: These locations are used as a trusted source for opening files in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access and Visio. Macros and code in these files will execute without user warning. If you change or add a location make sure that the new location is secured, with only appropriate user permissions to add document/files." L_Pathcolon="Path:" L_Datecolon="Date:" L_Descriptioncolon="Description:" L_Allowsubfolders="Allow sub folders:" L_TrustedLoc1="Trusted Location #1" L_TrustedLoc2="Trusted Location #2" L_TrustedLoc3="Trusted Location #3" L_TrustedLoc4="Trusted Location #4" L_TrustedLoc5="Trusted Location #5" L_TrustedLoc6="Trusted Location #6" L_TrustedLoc7="Trusted Location #7" L_TrustedLoc8="Trusted Location #8" L_TrustedLoc9="Trusted Location #9" L_TrustedLoc10="Trusted Location #10" L_TrustedLoc11="Trusted Location #11" L_TrustedLoc12="Trusted Location #12" L_TrustedLoc13="Trusted Location #13" L_TrustedLoc14="Trusted Location #14" L_TrustedLoc15="Trusted Location #15" L_TrustedLoc16="Trusted Location #16" L_TrustedLoc17="Trusted Location #17" L_TrustedLoc18="Trusted Location #18" L_TrustedLoc19="Trusted Location #19" L_TrustedLoc20="Trusted Location #20" L_TrustedLocsnotonmachineExplain="By default Office Trusted Locations require the user to explictly allow locations not on their local computer/disk be trusted. Using this key you can enforce policy that users can only trust locations on their computers or conversely require them to allow trusted locations off their computer. Note: If you are also deploying Trusted Locations via policy you should verify if any of them are remote locations. If any are remote locations and you do not allow remote locations via this key, then those policy keys pointing to remote locations will be ignored on the client" L_TrustedLocsnotonmachine="Allow Trusted Locations not on the computer" L_DisableTrustedLoc="Disable all trusted locations" L_DisableTrustedLocExplain="Office allows documents/document based solutions running from a trusted location to load and execute macros without warning. Using this policy key you can disable ALL trusted locations including those deployed by Office during setup, add by the user via UI, or already deployed via policy." L_Empty=" " L_Action="Action:" L_ChecksUnchecksthecorrespondingUIoption="Checks/Unchecks the corresponding UI option." L_Createnewfile="Create new file" L_CustomAnswerWizarddatabasepath="Custom Answer Wizard database path" L_Customizableerrormessages="Customizable Error Messages" L_CustomLink1="Custom Link #1" L_CustomLink10="Custom Link #10" L_CustomLink2="Custom Link #2" L_CustomLink3="Custom Link #3" L_CustomLink4="Custom Link #4" L_CustomLink5="Custom Link #5" L_CustomLink6="Custom Link #6" L_CustomLink7="Custom Link #7" L_CustomLink8="Custom Link #8" L_CustomLink9="Custom Link #9" L_DisplayName="Display Name:" L_EntererrorIDforValueNameandcustombuttontextforValue="Enter error ID for Value Name and custom button text for Value" L_Fullpathincludingfilenamerequired="Full path including filename (required):" L_General="General" L_Lefttoright4="Left-to-Right" L_Listoferrormessagestocustomize="List of error messages to customize" L_Miscellaneous="Miscellaneous" L_New="New" L_Newfromtemplate="New from template" L_Openexistingfile="Open existing file" L_Recentlyusedfilelist="Number of documents in the Recent Documents list" L_RighttoLeft3="Right-to-Left" L_Save="Save" L_Sectionofworkpanetodisplaylink="Section of work pane to display link:" L_Security="Security" L_Visual="Visual" L_WebOptions="Web Options..." L_WebPagehtmhtml="Web Page (*.htm; *.html)" L_WindowsinTaskbar="Show all windows in the Taskbar" L_AutoCorrectOptionsExplain="When working in cells adjacent to a table (known as a ''list'' in previous versions of Excel), enabling this setting causes the adjacent row or column to become part of the table." L_Includenewrowsandcolumnsinlist="Include new rows and columns in table" L_saveautorecoverinfoexplain="Enabling this policy selects the user option to ''Save AutoRecover information every N minutes''." L_AutorecovertimeExplain="This policy determines the interval (in minutes) at which AutoRecover information will be saved." L_AutorecoversavelocationExplain="This policy specifies the location where AutoRecover information is to be saved." L_AutorecoverdelayExplain="This policy specifies how long (in seconds) the user must be idle before AutoRecover information will be saved." L_DisableAutoRepublishExplain="Turns off the AutoRepublish feature." L_AutoRepublishWarningAlertExplain="Specifies whether the AutoRepublish warning alert is displayed. Note: The AutoRepublish warning is never shown if the Disable AutoRepublish setting is enabled." L_StoreMacroinpersonalmacroExplain="When macro recording is started, the user is asked whether the macro should be stored in this workbook, in a new workbook, or in a personal macro workbook. This policy changes the default setting." L_TrustaccesstoVisualBasicProjectExplain="When this setting is enabled, users can use Visual Basic code to change the Visual Basic project associated with a workbook. An example would be to programmatically insert a code module." L_SuppressHighSecurityExplain="When the security level is high, unsigned macros will not run. This setting controls whether or not the user will see an alert when a macro is blocked from executing because it is unsigned." L_DefaultDirectionExplain="This setting controls the default direction which is either ''Left to Right'' or ''Right to Left''." L_CursorMovementExplain="Determines how the insertion point moves through bi-directional text. Possible values are Logical or Visual and the default is Logical." L_ShowControlCharactersExplain="Enabling this policy selects the user option to ''Show control characters''. This option appears in the Advanced category when certain languages have been enabled." L_MSEmenuorhelpExplain="The value set in this policy will also be set for the Advanced (Lotus compatibility) user option named ''Microsoft Office Excel menu key''." L_TransitionnavigationkeysExplain="Enabling this policy checks the Advanced (Lotus compatibility) user option named ''Transition navigation keys''." L_IgnoreotherappsExplain="This setting selects the user option to ''Ignore other applications that use Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)''." L_ZoomonrollwithIntelliMouseExplain="Enabling this setting selects the Advanced (Editing Options) user option to ''Zoom on roll with IntelliMouse''." L_ShownamesExplain="Enabling this setting selects the Advanced (Display) user option to ''Show chart element names on hover''." L_ShowvaluesExplain="Enabling this setting selects the Advanced (Display) user option to ''Show data point values on hover''." L_EditdirectlyincellExplain="Enabling this setting selects the Advanced (Editing Options) user option to ''Allow editing directly in cells''." L_AllowcelldraganddropExplain="Enabling this setting selects the Advanced (Editing Options) user option to ''Enable fill handle and cell drag-and-drop''." L_AlertbeforeoverwritingcellsExplain="Enabling this setting selects the Advanced (Editing Options) user option to ''Alert before overwriting cells''." L_MoveselectionafterEnterExplain="Enabling this policy selects the Advanced (Editing Options) user option to ''After pressing Enter, move selection''." L_CutcopyandsortobjectswithcellsExplain="Enabling this policy selects the Advanced (Cut, copy, and paste) user option to ''Cut, copy, and sort inserted objects with their parent cells''." L_AsktoupdateautomaticlinksExplain="Enabling this policy selects the Advanced (General) user option to ''Ask to update automatic links''." L_EnableAutoCompleteforcellvaluesExplain="Enabling this policy selects the Advanced (Editing Options) user option to ''Enable AutoComplete for cell values''." L_ExtendlistformatsandformulasExplain="Enabling this policy selects the Advanced (Editing options) user option to ''Extend data range formats and formulas''." L_EnableautomaticpercententryExplain="Enabling this policy selects the Advanced (Editing options) user option to ''Enable automatic percent entry''." L_ShowInsertOptionsbuttonsExplain="Enabling this policy selects the Advanced (Cut, copy, and paste) user option to ''Show Insert Options buttons''." L_ShowFormulabarinNormalViewExplain="Enabling this setting selects the Advanced (Display) user option to ''Show formula bar''." L_FunctiontooltipsExplain="Enabling this setting selects the Advanced (Display) user option to ''Show function ScreenTips''." L_ProvidefeedbackwithAnimationExplain="Enabling this setting selects the Advanced (General) user option to ''Provide feedback with animation''." L_SaveanyadditionaldatanecessarytomaintainformulasExplain="Enabling this setting selects the Advanced (General) user Web option to ''Save any additional hidden data necessary to maintain formulas''." L_LoadpicturesfromWebpagesnotcreatedinExcelExplain="Enabling this setting selects the Advanced (General) user Web option to ''Load pictures from Web pages not created in Excel''." L_DonotshowdataextractionoptionswExplain="When the user chooses to ''Open and Repair'' a workbook, and this setting is enabled, Excel does not offer the user any options and opens the file by using the Safe Load process. When the user chooses to ''Open and Repair'' a workbook, and this setting is not enabled, Excel prompts the user to select either to repair or to extract data, and to select either to convert to values or to recover formulas." L_AssumestructuredstorageformatofExplain="When this setting is enabled and the user is in an ''Open and Repair'' operation, Excel assumes that the structure of the workbook is not corrupted and therefore tries to recover the whole workbook, including formulas, formatting, and Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) projects. When this setting is not enabled, Excel assumes that the structure of the workbook is corrupted and therefore does not try to recover anything other than the data in the workbook." L_CorruptformulaconversionExplain="When Excel tries to recover formulas in an Open and Repair operation Excel converts a formula to a value or to #REF or #NAME if the recovery does not succeed. This setting also affects the default option when the user is prompted to recover formulas during the Open and Repair operation." L_AutomaticQueryRefreshExplain="Specifies how Excel behaves when opening a file that contains a query or PivotTable that has been configured to refresh automatically." L_OLAPPivotTableUserDefinedFunctionExplain="PivotTable reports can contain OLAP queries with references to User Defined Functions (UDFs). UDFs can be compiled executables, therefore posing a potential security threat. With this setting you can either (1) allow all UDFs in OLAP queries to execute with no IObjectSafety check, (2) allow only UDFs where the developer has used IObjectSafety to mark the UDF as a safe executable, or (3) disable all UDFs from executing in OLAP queries. The effect of setting this key is for Excel to pass the selected value to the OLAP provider." L_LocallycachePivotTablereportsExplain="Enabling this setting helps prevent data loss during network failures when editing spreadsheets stored on network shares." L_LocallycachenetworkfilestoragesExplain="Enabling this setting helps prevent data loss during network failures when editing spreadsheets stored on network shares." L_EnablefourdigityeardisplayExplain="When this setting is not enabled, Excel follows the Short date style setting under Regional Settings in Control Panel. When this setting is enabled, Excel always displays four digits when you type a date that includes a four-digit year, which may override the Short date style setting under Regional Settings in Control Panel." L_CustomAnswerWizarddatabasepathExplain="Sets the path and filename for the custom Help and Answer Wizard (AW) file." L_ChartgallerypathExplain="Sets the path where user defined chart templates are stored." L_ExcelMacroEnabledWorkbook="Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (*.xlsm)" L_ExcelBinaryWorkbook="Excel Binary Workbook (*.xlsb)" L_Excel972003Workbook="Excel 97-2003 Workbook (*.xls)" L_Blockfileformats="Block file formats" L_Open="Open" L_Blockopeningprerelease="Block opening of pre-release versions of file formats new to Excel 2007" L_BlockopeningprereleaseExplain="Disables the opening of pre-release versions of the .xlsb, .xlsx, .xlsm, .xltx, .xltm, and .xlam file formats new to Excel 2007." L_Whenmultipleworkbooksareopensimult="When multiple workbooks are open simultaneously, this determines whether the user will see a single entry for Excel in the taskbar or a separate entry in the taskbar for each open workbook." L_ConnectionFileLocations="Connection File Locations" L_ConnectionFileLocationsExplain="If you place a set of connection files within a folder (UNC or URL), you can make those connection files available to your users by specifying a Name for each of set of connections and a location (UNC or URL) Value for each set of connections. If none are specified here, the Existing Connections dialog box in Excel will have a blank section entitled Connection Files on the Network." L_xla=".xla" L_xlsx=".xlsx" L_xls=".xls" L_xlsb=".xlsb" L_xlsm=".xlsm" L_xlt=".xlt" L_xltm=".xltm" L_xlw=".xlw" L_xlxml=".xlxml" L_DeterminewhethertoforceencryptedExcel="Determine whether to force encrypted macros to be scanned in Microsoft Excel Open XML workbooks" L_DeterminewhethertoforceencryptedExcelExplain="When an Office Open XML workbook is rights managed or password protected, any macros that are embedded in the workbook are encrypted along with the rest of the workbook’s contents. By default, these encrypted macros won’t be run unless they have been scanned by antivirus software immediately before being loaded. Use this setting to override the virus scan requirement, Office will treat encrypted macros according the Office macro security settings." L_Alwaysmatchfiletype="Always match file type" L_Allowdifferentbutwarn="Allow different, but warn" L_Allowdifferent="Allow different" L_AllowSelectionFloatiesExplain="Disabling this policy setting will result in Mini Toolbar not being displayed on text selection. By default, Mini Toolbar on selection is enabled and its visibility can be changed via a setting in the Excel Options dialog box." L_Forcefileextenstionstomatch="Force file extension to match file type" L_ForcefileextenstionstomatchExplain="This policy controls how Excel loads file types that do not match their extension. For example, it is possible to rename a .csv file as .xls and Excel will properly load it as a CSV file. When no policy is set, Excel will allow such behavior but warn the user that the file type is not what Excel expected. This setting can be changed to enforce that extensions must always match the file type. Note that in previous versions of Excel file extension-type matching was never enforced. Enabling the enforcement of this matching may cause disruptions for certain users in which the legacy behavior is relied upon." L_InternetandnetworkpathsashyperlinksExplain="Enable this policy to enable the Replace as You Type option for hyperlinks." L_RefreshAlertSettingsExplain="Check to alert user on Refresh Data." L_OLAPPivotTableconnectwarningExplain="Check to warn user on OLAP data connect." L_PivotTableExternalDataSourceconnectwarningExplain="Check to warn user on connect." L_Automaticallyinsertadecimalpoint="Automatically insert a decimal point" L_DisableLivePreviewsExplain="Shows or hides the Live Previews that appear when using Galleries that support previews. Live Preview shows how a command would be applied without actually applying it to the document." L_ChecktoblockExcelfromrecognizingSmartTags="Check to block Excel from recognizing SmartTags" L_RecognizeSmartTags="Recognize SmartTags" L_SuppressHighSecurityMacroalertforunsignedMacros="Suppress High Security Macro alert for unsigned Macros" L_Alertbeforeoverwritingcells="Alert before overwriting cells" L_AllowALLUDFs="Allow ALL UDFs" L_Allowcelldraganddrop="Allow cell drag and drop" L_AllowNOUDFs="Allow NO UDFs" L_AllowsafeUDFsonly="Allow safe UDFs only" L_Alternatestartupfilelocation="Alternate startup file location" L_Alwaysshowthealertbeforepublishing="Always show the alert before publishing" L_ExcelOptions="Excel Options" L_Asktoupdateautomaticlinks="Ask to update automatic links" L_Assumestructuredstorageformatofworkbookisintactwhenrecoverin="Assume structured storage format of workbook is intact when recovering data" L_AutocorrectOptions="Autocorrect Options" L_AutomaticQueryRefresh="Automatic Query Refresh" L_AutomaticQueryRefreshSettings="Automatic Query Refresh Settings" L_AutoRecoverdelay="AutoRecover delay" L_AutoRecoversavelocation="AutoRecover save location" L_AutoRecovertime="AutoRecover time" L_AutoRepublishWarningAlert="AutoRepublish Warning Alert" L_Chartgallerypath="Chart gallery path" L_CheckedCheckstheFixedDecimaloptionandsetsthePlacesoptionto2U="Checked: Checks the Fixed Decimal option and sets the Places option to 2. | Unchecked: Unchecks the option Fixed Decimal option." L_CheckedDisplaystheFormulabarwhentheFullScreencommandintheVie="Checked: Displays the Formula bar when the Full Screen command in the View menu is set. | Unchecked: Does not dispaly the Formula bar when the Full Screen command in the View menu is set." L_ChecksUnchecksthecorrespondingUIoptionandspecifiesthenumbero="Checks/Unchecks the corresponding UI option and specifies the number of entries to maintain in the Recent Document list in the Office menu." L_Commentindicator="Comment & indicator" L_Commentindicatoronly="Comment indicator only" L_Comments="Comments" L_Convertunrecoverablereferencesto="Convert unrecoverable references to:" L_Corruptformulaconversion="Corrupt formula conversion" L_Cursormovement="Cursor movement" L_Cutcopyandsortobjectswithcells="Cut, copy, and sort objects with cells" L_DataAccessSecurity="Data Access Security" L_DataRecovery="Data Recovery" L_Defaultdirection="Default direction" L_Defaultfilelocation="Default file location" L_DefaultPromptforallworkbooks="Default: Prompt for all workbooks" L_DefaultSheets="Default Sheets" L_Determineshowcommentsaredisplayedontheworksheet="Determines how comments are displayed on the worksheet." L_DisableAutoRepublish="Disable AutoRepublish" L_Donotpromptallowautorefresh="Do not prompt; allow auto refresh" L_Donotpromptdonotallowautorefresh="Do not prompt; do not allow auto refresh" L_Donotshowdataextractionoptionswhenopeningcorruptworkbooks="Do not show data extraction options when opening corrupt workbooks" L_Down="Down" L_Editdirectlyincell="Edit directly in cell" L_EnableAutoCompleteforcellvalues="Enable AutoComplete for cell values" L_Enableautomaticpercententry="Enable automatic percent entry" L_Enablefourdigityeardisplay="Enable four-digit year display" L_Enablingthissettinghelpspreventdatalossduringnet1="Enabling this setting helps prevent data loss during network" L_Enablingthissettinghelpspreventdatalossduringnet2="failures when editing spreadsheets stored on network shares." L_EnterASCIIvalueforkeyofchoiceeg47="Enter ASCII value for key of choice (e.g. '/'=47)" L_Entriesonrecentlyusedfilelist="Entries on recently used file list" L_Excel5095Workbookxls="Excel 5.0/95 Workbook (*.xls)" L_ExcelWorkbookxls="Excel Workbook (*.xlsx)" L_Extendlistformatsandformulas="Extend list formats and formulas" L_Font="Font" L_Formulas="Formulas" L_Functiontooltips="Function tooltips" L_Helpkey="Help key" L_Ignoreotherapplications="Ignore other applications" L_Internetandnetworkpathsashyperlinks="Internet and network paths as hyperlinks" L_Left="Left" L_LoadpicturesfromWebpagesnotcreatedinExcel="Load pictures from Web pages not created in Excel" L_Locallycachenetworkfilestorages="Locally cache network file storages" L_LocallycachePivotTablereports="Locally cache PivotTable reports" L_Logical="Logical" L_Lotus123Help="Lotus 1-2-3 Help" L_MicrosoftExcelmenuorHelpkey="Microsoft Excel menu or Help key" L_MicrosoftExcelmenus="Microsoft Excel menus" L_MicrosoftExcelmenusorLotus123Help="Microsoft Excel menus or Lotus 1-2-3 Help" L_MicrosoftOfficeExcel="Microsoft Office Excel 2007" L_MicrosoftOfficeExcelMachine="Microsoft Office Excel 2007 (Machine)" L_MoveselectionafterEnter="Move selection after Enter" L_MoveselectionafterEnterdirection="Move selection after Enter direction" L_NameSize="Name, Size" L_Nevershowthealertbeforepublishing="Never show the alert before publishing" L_Newfromexistingspreadsheet="New from existing spreadsheet" L_NewSpreadsheetLinks="New Spreadsheet Links" L_None="None" L_OLAPPivotTableconnectwarning="OLAP PivotTable connect warning" L_OLAPPivotTableUserDefinedFunctionUDFsecuritysetting="OLAP PivotTable User Defined Function (UDF) security setting" L_Openaspreadsheet="Open a spreadsheet" L_PivotTableExternalDataSourceconnectwarning="PivotTable External Data Source connect warning" L_PivotTablereportscancontainOLAPquerieswithreferences1="PivotTable reports can contain OLAP queries with references to" L_PivotTablereportscancontainOLAPquerieswithreferences2="User Defined Functions (UDFs). UDFs can be compiled executables," L_PivotTablereportscancontainOLAPquerieswithreferences3="therefore posing a potential security threat. With this setting" L_PivotTablereportscancontainOLAPquerieswithreferences4="you can either (1) allow all UDFs in OLAP queries to execute with" L_PivotTablereportscancontainOLAPquerieswithreferences5="no IObjectSafety check, (2) allow only UDFs where the developer" L_PivotTablereportscancontainOLAPquerieswithreferences6="has used IObjectSafety to mark the UDF as a safe executable or (3)" L_PivotTablereportscancontainOLAPquerieswithreferences7="disable all UDFs from executing in OLAP queries. The effect of" L_PivotTablereportscancontainOLAPquerieswithreferences8="setting this key is for Excel to pass the selected value to the" L_PivotTablereportscancontainOLAPquerieswithreferences9="OLAP provider." L_Promptforworkbookproperties="Prompt for workbook properties" L_ProvidefeedbackwithAnimation="Provide feedback with Animation" L_R1C1referencestyle="R1C1 reference style" L_REForNAME="#REF or #NAME" L_RefreshAlertSettings="Refresh Alert Settings" L_Right="Right" L_Saveanyadditionaldatanecessarytomaintainformulas="Save any additional data necessary to maintain formulas" L_SaveAutoRecoverinfo="Save AutoRecover info" L_SaveAutoRecoverinfoevery="Save AutoRecover info every (minutes):" L_SaveExcelfilesas="Save Excel files as" L_Advanced="Advanced" L_Proofing="Proofing" L_SecondsofidletimebeforeAutoRecoverstarts="Seconds of idle time before AutoRecover starts" L_Popular="Popular" L_Sheetsinnewworkbook="Sheets in new workbook" L_Showcontrolcharacters="Show control characters" L_ShowFormulabarinFullView="Show Formula bar in Full View" L_ShowFormulabarinNormalView="Show Formula bar in Normal View" L_ShowInsertOptionsbuttons="Show Insert Options buttons" L_Shownames="Show names" L_Showvalues="Show values" L_Specifiesthedefaultworkingfolder="Specifies the default working folder." L_SpecifiesthedirectionthattheselectionismovedaftertheEnterkey="Specifies the direction that the selection is moved after the Enter key is pressed." L_Specifiestheinitialnumberofworksheetstocreateinanewworkbook="Specifies the initial number of worksheets to create in a new workbook." L_SpecifiestheStandardfontfontnameandsize="Specifies the ''Standard font'' font name and size." L_SpecifiesthestartupfolderExcelwillopenallfilesinthisfolderat="Specifies the startup folder - Excel will open all files in this folder at startup." L_StoremacroinPersonalMacroWorkbookbydefault="Store macro in Personal Macro Workbook by default" L_String=" " L_Transitionnavigationkeys="Transition navigation keys" L_TrustaccesstoVisualBasicProject="Trust access to Visual Basic Project" L_Up="Up" L_values="values" L_ZoomonrollwithIntelliMouse="Zoom on roll with IntelliMouse"