;// _lcid="1033" _version="12.0.4518" CLASS USER CATEGORY !!L_InterConnect CATEGORY !!L_GeneralSetting POLICY !!L_CommunicatorPresence KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InterConnect\General\ VALUENAME DisablePresence VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 EXPLAIN !!L_CommunicatorPresenceExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_SearchKeywordMRU KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InterConnect\Search\Keyword VALUENAME EnableMRU VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_SearchKeywordMRUExplain END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_InternetConnectionSetting POLICY !!L_ExternalServicePolicy KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InterConnect\General\Service VALUENAME ExternalService VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_ExternalServiceExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_EnableGetCertificatePolicy KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InterConnect\Activity\Security VALUENAME EnableGetCertificate VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_EnableGetCertificateExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_MapServicePolicy KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InterConnect\AddressBook VALUENAME MapService VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_MapServiceExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_URLLinkPolicy KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InterConnect\AddressBook VALUENAME URLLink VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_URLLinkExplain END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_SecuritySetting POLICY !!L_EnableMRUPolicy KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InterConnect\General\DigitalSignatureMRU VALUENAME EnableMRU VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_EnableMRUExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_AcceptUnsignedFromIntranetPolicy KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\InterConnect\Activity\Security PART !!L_Empty DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME AcceptUnsignedFromIntranet ITEMLIST NAME !!L_GAL VALUE "-GAL" DEFAULT NAME !!L_LDAP VALUE "-LDAP" NAME !!L_ALL VALUE "-ALL" END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_AcceptUnsignedFromIntranetExplain END POLICY END CATEGORY END CATEGORY [Strings] L_Empty=" " L_CommunicatorPresenceExplain="Enable or Disable Office Communicator presence in InterConnect." L_CommunicatorPresence="Communicator Presence" L_InterConnect="Microsoft Office InterConnect 2007" L_GeneralSetting="General Setting" L_SearchKeywordMRU="Search Keyword MRU" L_SearchKeywordMRUExplain="Enable or Disable Search keyword MRU." L_InternetConnectionSetting="Internet Connection Setting" L_ExternalServicePolicy="Allow (or not allow) users to connect to the external services" L_ExternalServiceExplain="Turning off this option does not allow users to connect to the external services." L_EnableGetCertificatePolicy="Enable/disable the links for getting an external certificate" L_EnableGetCertificateExplain="Turning off this option disables the Get external Certificate button on the Security tab of the Options dialog box and the Run button on the Get CA Digital Certificate recommendation item." L_MapServicePolicy="Enable/disable the connection to mapping service" L_MapServiceExplain="Turning off this option disables the links and buttons that have the connection to mapping services set." L_URLLinkPolicy="Enable/disable URL links" L_URLLinkExplain="Turning off this option disables links and buttons that allow users to connect to the Internet." L_SecuritySetting="Security Setting" L_EnableMRUPolicy="Show (or not show) the list of certificates" L_EnableMRUExplain="Turning off this option does not show certificates in the Set Certificate list box on the Security tab of the Options dialog box." L_AcceptUnsignedFromIntranetPolicy="Allow the intranet users to send/receive activities" L_AcceptUnsignedFromIntranetExplain="Allow the intranet users to send/receive activities without exchange bizcards.\n\n-GAL Allow to send/receive activities to/from the users registered in the Global Address List.\n-LDAP Allow to send/receive activities to/from the users registered in the LDAP directory.\n-ALL Allow to send/receive activities to/from the users both registered in the Global Address List and LDAP directory." L_GAL="-GAL" L_LDAP="-LDAP" L_ALL="-ALL"