;// _lcid="1033" _version="12.0.4518" CLASS USER CATEGORY !!L_MicrosoftOfficeOneNote12 CATEGORY !!L_ToolsOptions KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options CATEGORY !!L_Display KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options POLICY !!L_Pagetabsappearontheleft KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\options\other PART !!L_Specifylocationofthepagetabcontrol DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME PageTabsOnLeft ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Right VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Left VALUE NUMERIC 1 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_RightUncheckstheoptionPagetabsappearontheleftLeftCheckstheop END POLICY POLICY !!L_Verticalscrollbarappearsonleft KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\options\Other VALUENAME VertScrollBarOnLeft VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUnchecksthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_ShowNoteContainers KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\options\Other VALUENAME ShowNoteContainers VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUnchecksthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_Navigationbarappearsontheright KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\Other VALUENAME NavBarOnLeft VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 EXPLAIN !!L_NavigationbarappearsontherightExplain END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_Editing KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\Editing POLICY !!L_Turnoffautocalculator KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\Editing VALUENAME AutoCalculate VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 EXPLAIN !!L_TurnoffautocalculatorExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_ShowPasteOptionsbuttons KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\Other VALUENAME PasteOoui VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUnchecksthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_AutoNumberingRecognition KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\Editing VALUENAME "Numbering Auto Reco" VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionApplynumberingtolistsautomatically END POLICY POLICY !!L_AutoBulletRecognition KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\Editing VALUENAME "Bullet Auto Reco" VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionApplybulletstolistsautomatically END POLICY POLICY !!L_DefaultFontName KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\Editing PART !!L_Font EDITTEXT VALUENAME DefaultFontFace END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SpecifiesthevalueintheoptionFont END POLICY POLICY !!L_DefaultFontSize KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\Editing PART !!L_FontSize EDITTEXT VALUENAME DefaultFontSize END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SpecifiesthevalueintheoptionSize END POLICY POLICY !!L_AutoKeyboardSwitching KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\Language VALUENAME AutoKeyboard VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_CheckUncheckstheoptionSwitchkeyboardsautomatically END POLICY POLICY !!L_IncludelinktosourcewhenpastingfromtheInternet KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\options\editing VALUENAME PasteIncludeURL VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUnchecksthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_Pen KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\options\Pen POLICY !!L_DisableScratchout KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\Pen VALUENAME DisableScratchOut VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisableScratchoutExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Createallnewpageswithrulelines KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\options\Pen VALUENAME UseRuleLines VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUnchecksthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_Usepenpressuresensitivity KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\options\Pen VALUENAME InkPressure VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUnchecksthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_AutomaticallyswitchbetweenPenandSelectionTool KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\options\Pen VALUENAME AutoModeSwitch VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUnchecksthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_ShowTabletPCInputPanelonOneNotepages KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\options\Pen VALUENAME ShowTabletPCInputPanel VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_ChecktodisplayInputPanel END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_Email KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\options POLICY !!L_Attachembeddedfileswhenemailing KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options PART !!L_Empty DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME "Email Embedded Files" ITEMLIST NAME !!L_AttachembeddedfileswhenemailingPart0 VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_AttachembeddedfileswhenemailingPart1 VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!L_AttachembeddedfileswhenemailingPart2 VALUE NUMERIC 2 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_AttachembeddedfileswhenemailingExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_AllowOneNoteemailattachments KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options VALUENAME "Email Attachment" VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionAttachacopyoftheoriginalnotesasaOneNo END POLICY POLICY !!L_AddsignaturetoOneNoteemailmessages KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\Other VALUENAME EMailSignature VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionAddthefollowingsignaturetoemailmessag END POLICY POLICY !!L_UsethissignatureforOneNoteemail KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\Other PART !!L_EntersignaturetouseforOneNoteemail EDITTEXT VALUENAME Signature DEFAULT "Created with Microsoft OneNote 12. One place for all your notes." END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SetsthevalueintheoptionAddthefollowingsignaturetoemailmessag END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_NoteFlags KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\Other POLICY !!L_Copyitemswhenmovingthem KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\Other VALUENAME DuplicateNoteFlag VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_CheckedCheckstheoptionLeaveoriginalflaggednotesunchangedUnch END POLICY POLICY !!L_Showmoveditemsinthetaskpane KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\Other VALUENAME ShowInactiveNoteFlag VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionShowdimmedflaggednotesintheNoteFlagsS END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_AudioandVideo KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\options\Audio POLICY !!L_Disableaudosearch KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\Other VALUENAME EnableAudioSearch VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 EXPLAIN !!L_DisableaudosearchExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_DisableLinkedAudiofeature KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\options\Audio VALUENAME DisableRecording VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisablesEnablestheRecordcommandontheAudioRecordingsubmenuoft END POLICY POLICY !!L_Specifynumberofbitstosamplewhenrecording KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\options\Audio PART !!L_Bits NUMERIC VALUENAME DefaultBitDepth SPIN 1 MIN 8 MAX 48 DEFAULT 16 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_Specifiesthedefaultnumberofbitspersamplevalueisinkbpsusedwhe END POLICY POLICY !!L_Specifyratetosampleaudiobitssecond KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\options\Audio PART !!L_BitsSecond NUMERIC VALUENAME DefaultSampleRate SPIN 1 MIN 8 MAX 192 DEFAULT 16 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SpecifiesthedefaultsampleratevalueisinkHzusedwhenrecordingau END POLICY POLICY !!L_Specifynumberofchannelstorecord KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\options\Audio PART !!L_Channels12 NUMERIC VALUENAME AudioDefaultChannels SPIN 1 MIN 1 MAX 2 DEFAULT 1 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_Specifieswhether1or2channelsareusedwhenrecordingaudioIftheap END POLICY POLICY !!L_Rewindfromstartofparagraphbythefollowingnumberofseconds KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\options\Audio PART !!L_Rewindfromstartofparagraphbysec NUMERIC VALUENAME Rewind SPIN 1 MIN 0 MAX 999 DEFAULT 5 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SetsthevalueinthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_ChoosedefaultcodectobeusedforVideonotebook KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\options\Audio PART !!L_ChoosetheWindowsMediaVideo8codec DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME VideoCaptureProfile ITEMLIST NAME !!L_ColorPocketPcs150kbps VALUE "Windows Media Video 8 for Color Pocket PCs (150 Kbps)" NAME !!L_DialupModemsorSinglechannel VALUE "Windows Media Video 8 for Dial-up Modems or Single-channel ISDN (28.8 to 56 Kbps)" NAME !!L_LANCableModemorXDSL VALUE "Windows Media Video 8 for LAN, Cable Modem, or xDSL (100 to 768 Kbps)" NAME !!L_DialupModemsorLAN VALUE "Windows Media Video 8 for Dial-up Modems or LAN (28.8 to 100 Kbps)" NAME !!L_DialupModems288kbps VALUE "Windows Media Video 8 for Dial-up Modems (28.8 Kbps)" NAME !!L_DialupModems56kbps VALUE "Windows Media Video 8 for Dial-up Modems (56 Kbps)" NAME !!L_LocalAreaNetwork100kbps VALUE "Windows Media Video 8 for Local Area Network (100 Kbps)" NAME !!L_LocalAreaNetwork256kbps VALUE "Windows Media Video 8 for Local Area Network (256 Kbps)" DEFAULT NAME !!L_LocalAreaNetwork384kbps VALUE "Windows Media Video 8 for Local Area Network (384 Kbps)" NAME !!L_BroadbandNTSC700kbps VALUE "Windows Media Video 8 for Broadband (NTSC, 700 Kbps)" NAME !!L_BroadbandNTSC1400kbps VALUE "Windows Media Video 8 for Broadband (NTSC, 1400 Kbps)" NAME !!L_BroadbandPAL384kbps VALUE "Windows Media Video 8 for Broadband (PAL, 384 Kbps)" NAME !!L_BroadbandPAL700kbps VALUE "Windows Media Video 8 for Broadband (PAL, 700 Kbps)" END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ChoosedefaultcodectobeusedforVideonotebookExplain END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_SharedSession KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\options\SharedSession POLICY !!L_DisableOneNotesharedsessions KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\options\SharedSession VALUENAME DisableSharedSessions VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisableOneNotesharedsessionsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Automaticallysetthesharedsessionport KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\options\SharedSession PART !!L_ChecktouseManualPort CHECKBOX VALUENAME UseManualPort VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_ChoosetheWindowsMediaVideo8codec NUMERIC VALUENAME ManualPortNumber SPIN 1 MIN 0 MAX 65535 DEFAULT 2302 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_AutomaticallysetthesharedsessionportExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_AutomaticallyconfigureroutersthatsupportUniversalPlugandPlay KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\options\SharedSession VALUENAME UseUPnP VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_AutomaticallyconfigureroutersthatsupportUniversalPlugandPlayExplain END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_Save KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\options POLICY !!L_NotebookRoot KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\Save PART !!L_Empty EDITTEXT VALUENAME "Notebook Root" END PART EXPLAIN !!L_NotebookRootExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Locationofunfilednotessection KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\Paths PART !!L_OpenSideNotesinthissection EDITTEXT VALUENAME UnfiledNotesSection DEFAULT !!L_LocationofunfilednotessectionDefaultValue END PART EXPLAIN !!L_LocationofunfilednotessectionExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_LocationofBackupFolder KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\Paths PART !!L_BackupFolder EDITTEXT VALUENAME BackupFolderPath END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SetsthevalueinthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_SpecifylengthofFileOpenMRUlist KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\Save PART !!L_Items09 NUMERIC VALUENAME FileMRULength SPIN 1 MIN 0 MAX 9 DEFAULT 4 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SetsthevalueinthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_Percentageofunuseddiskspacetoallowinsections KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\Save PART !!L_EnterPercentage NUMERIC VALUENAME PercentFreeSpaceBeforeOptimize SPIN 1 MIN 0 MAX 100 DEFAULT 15 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SetsthevalueintheoptionPercentageofunusedspacetoallowinsecti END POLICY POLICY !!L_EnableabilitytooptimizeOneNotefiles KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\Save PART !!L_ChecktoenableabilitytooptimizeOneNotefiles CHECKBOX VALUENAME EnableOptimizeSections VALUEON NUMERIC 1 DEFCHECKED VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_OptimizeOneNotefilesatthisintervalmin NUMERIC VALUENAME OptimizeSectionIntervalMinutes SPIN 1 MIN 0 MAX 32767 DEFAULT 60 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionOptimizesectionsafterOneNotehasbeenin END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_Password KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\options\Security POLICY !!L_Disallowsaddonsaccesstopass KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\Other VALUENAME AllowAddinAccessToEncryptedFiles VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 EXPLAIN !!L_DisallowsaddonsaccesstopassExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Disablepasswordprotectedsections KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\General VALUENAME PasswordProtectionDisabled VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisablepasswordprotectedsectionsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_LockpasswordprotectedsectionsassoonasInavigateawayfromthem KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\options\Security VALUENAME LockSectionsImmediately VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_LockpasswordprotectedsectionsassoonasInavigateawayfromthemExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Lockpasswordprotectedsectionsafteruserhasntworkedonthemforatime KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\options\Security PART !!L_Checktolocksections CHECKBOX VALUENAME LockIdleSections VALUEON NUMERIC 1 DEFCHECKED VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_Timeintervalminutestolockpasswordprotectedsections DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME PasswordTimeOut ITEMLIST NAME "1" VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME "5" VALUE NUMERIC 5 NAME "10" VALUE NUMERIC 10 DEFAULT NAME "15" VALUE NUMERIC 15 NAME "30" VALUE NUMERIC 30 NAME "60" VALUE NUMERIC 60 NAME "120" VALUE NUMERIC 120 NAME "240" VALUE NUMERIC 240 NAME "480" VALUE NUMERIC 480 NAME "720" VALUE NUMERIC 720 NAME "1440" VALUE NUMERIC 1440 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_LockpasswordprotectedsectionsafteruserhasntworkedonthemforatimeExplain END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_Backup KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\options POLICY !!L_Automaticallybackupmynotebook KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\Save PART !!L_Checktoenableautomaticbackup CHECKBOX VALUENAME BackupEnableAutoBackup VALUEON NUMERIC 1 DEFCHECKED VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_Automaticallybackupatthisintervalmin DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME BackupRunEveryXMinutes ITEMLIST NAME !!L_1 VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!L_2 VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!L_3 VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!L_4 VALUE NUMERIC 4 NAME !!L_5 VALUE NUMERIC 5 NAME !!L_10 VALUE NUMERIC 10 NAME !!L_15 VALUE NUMERIC 15 NAME !!L_30 VALUE NUMERIC 30 NAME !!L_60 VALUE NUMERIC 60 NAME !!L_120 VALUE NUMERIC 120 NAME !!L_180 VALUE NUMERIC 180 NAME !!L_240 VALUE NUMERIC 240 NAME !!L_300 VALUE NUMERIC 300 NAME !!L_360 VALUE NUMERIC 360 NAME !!L_480 VALUE NUMERIC 480 NAME !!L_720 VALUE NUMERIC 720 NAME !!L_960 VALUE NUMERIC 960 NAME !!L_1440 VALUE NUMERIC 1440 DEFAULT NAME !!L_2880 VALUE NUMERIC 2880 NAME !!L_4320 VALUE NUMERIC 4320 NAME !!L_5760 VALUE NUMERIC 5760 NAME !!L_7200 VALUE NUMERIC 7200 NAME !!L_8640 VALUE NUMERIC 8640 NAME !!L_10080 VALUE NUMERIC 10080 NAME !!L_20160 VALUE NUMERIC 20160 NAME !!L_30240 VALUE NUMERIC 30240 NAME !!L_40320 VALUE NUMERIC 40320 NAME !!L_50400 VALUE NUMERIC 50400 NAME !!L_60480 VALUE NUMERIC 60480 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionAutomaticallybackupmynotebookatthefol END POLICY POLICY !!L_Numberofbackupcopiestokeep KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\Save PART !!L_Numberofbackupcopiestokeep NUMERIC VALUENAME BackupNumberOfBackupsToKeep SPIN 1 MIN 0 MAX 1000 DEFAULT 3 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SetsthevalueinthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_Outlooknotes KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options POLICY !!L_Outlookcontactnotes KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\OutlookAndWeb PART !!L_Empty DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME OutlookContactsLocation ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Newpageinspecificlocation VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Newpageincurrentsection VALUE NUMERIC 1 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_OutlookcontactnotesExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_OutlookContactnoteslocationpath KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\OutlookAndWeb PART !!L_Empty EDITTEXT VALUENAME OutlookContactsPath END PART EXPLAIN !!L_OutlookContactnoteslocationpathExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_OutlookEmailnoteslocation KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\OutlookAndWeb PART !!L_Empty DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME OutlookEmailLocation ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Newpageinspecificlocation VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Newpageincurrentsection VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!L_Currentpage VALUE NUMERIC 2 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_OutlookEmailnoteslocationExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_OutlookEmailnotespath KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\OutlookAndWeb PART !!L_Empty EDITTEXT VALUENAME OutlookEmailPath END PART EXPLAIN !!L_OutlookEmailnotespathExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_OutlookMeetingnoteslocation KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\OutlookAndWeb PART !!L_Empty DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME OutlookMeetingsLocation ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Newpageinspecificlocation VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Newpageincurrentsection VALUE NUMERIC 1 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_OutlookMeetingnoteslocationExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_OutlookMeetingnotespath KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\OutlookAndWeb PART !!L_Empty EDITTEXT VALUENAME OutlookMeetingsPath END PART EXPLAIN !!L_OutlookMeetingnotespathExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_DisableOutlooksendemailtoOneNoteoption KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\OutlookAndWeb VALUENAME DisableSendEmailtoOneNote VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisableOutlooksendemailtoOneNoteoptionExplain END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_WebandPrintedPages KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options POLICY !!L_WebNotesnoteslocation KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\OutlookAndWeb PART !!L_Empty DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME WebNotesLocation ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Newpageinspecificlocation VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Newpageincurrentsection VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!L_Currentpage VALUE NUMERIC 2 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_WebNotesnoteslocationExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Webnotespath KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\OutlookAndWeb PART !!L_Empty EDITTEXT VALUENAME WebNotesPath END PART EXPLAIN !!L_WebnotespathExplain END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_Addins KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options POLICY !!L_DisableinstalledOneNoteaddins KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\Other VALUENAME DisableAddIns VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisableinstalledOneNoteaddinsExplain END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_Spelling KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options POLICY !!L_OneNoteSpellingOptions KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Proofing Tools\1.0\Office" PART !!L_Empty DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME OneNoteSpellingOptions ITEMLIST NAME !!L_nospellchecking VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_checkspellingasyoutypelower VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!L_hidespllingerrors VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!L_checkspellingbuthideerrors VALUE NUMERIC 3 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_OneNoteSpellingOptionsExplain END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_Other KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\options\other POLICY !!L_DisableOCR KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\Other VALUENAME DisableOCR VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisableOCRExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_EmbeddedFilesBlockedExtensions KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\EmbeddedFileOpenOptions PART !!L_Empty EDITTEXT VALUENAME BlockedExtensions END PART EXPLAIN !!L_EmbeddedFilesBlockedExtensionsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Loadanotebookonfirstboot KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\Other PART !!L_Empty EDITTEXT VALUENAME AddNotebooks END PART EXPLAIN !!L_LoadanotebookonfirstbootExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Disablecreatingsharednotebooks KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\Save VALUENAME AllowShareCreation VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 EXPLAIN !!L_DisablecreatingsharednotebooksExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Disableembeddedfiles KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options VALUENAME DisableEmbeddedFiles VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisableembeddedfilesExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_DisableOneNotescreenclippingnotifications KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\Other VALUENAME DisableScreenClippingBalloon VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisableOneNotescreenclippingnotificationsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_DisableOneNoteScreenClippings KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\Other VALUENAME DisableScreenClippings VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisableOneNoteScreenClippingsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Numberofdaysbeforewarningthatserveris KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\Synchronization PART !!L_Empty NUMERIC VALUENAME InaccessibleServerDaysBeforeWarn MIN 0 MAX 30 DEFAULT 7 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_NumberofdaysbeforewarningthatserverisExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_SharePointsyncinterval KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\Save PART !!L_Empty NUMERIC VALUENAME SharePointSyncInterval MIN 10 MAX 604800 SPIN 10 DEFAULT 600 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SharePointsyncintervalExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_DefaultunitofmeasurementusedinOneNote KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\options\other PART !!L_Specifydefaultunitofmeasurement DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME MeasurementUnit ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Inch VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Centimeter VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!L_Millimeter VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!L_Point VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!L_Pica VALUE NUMERIC 4 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SetsthevalueintheoptionMeasurementunits END POLICY POLICY !!L_AddOneNoteicontonotificationarea KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\options\other VALUENAME RunSystemTrayApp VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionPlaceOneNoteiconinthenotificationarea END POLICY END CATEGORY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_ExtensibilityAPI KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote POLICY !!L_DisableOneNoteCOMAPI KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\Other VALUENAME DisableCOMAPI VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisableOneNoteCOMAPIExplain END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_OneNoteMobile POLICY !!L_MinimumOneNoteMobileapplicationversion KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\Other PART !!L_Empty EDITTEXT VALUENAME MinimumVersionToSync END PART EXPLAIN !!L_MinimumOneNoteMobileapplicationversionExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_DisableOneNoteMobileinstallnotifications KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\OneNote\Options\Other VALUENAME DisableOneNoteMobileInstall VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisableOneNoteMobileinstallnotificationsExplain END POLICY END CATEGORY END CATEGORY [Strings] L_Empty=" " L_ChecksUnchecksthecorrespondingUIoption="Checks/Unchecks the corresponding UI option." L_Save="Save" L_ToolsOptions="Tools | Options..." L_DisableOCRExplain="This policy turns off the OneNote image optical character recognition (OCR) feature. The OCR feature allows OneNote to automatically scan through images to find text that will appear in search results." L_DisableOCR="Disable OCR" L_MinimumOneNoteMobileapplicationversionExplain="Specify the build number of the minimum OneNote Mobile application version required to synchronize. The string must be an exact match to the build number format displayed in the About screen in OneNote Mobile. Check occurs on each device connection, and allows sync only if the build number on the device is greater than or equal to the build specified." L_MinimumOneNoteMobileapplicationversion="Minimum OneNote Mobile application version required to synchronize" L_OneNoteSpellingOptionsExplain="These options change the 'When correcting spelling in OneNote' options that appear in the Tools-->Spelling-->Spelling Options dialog box." L_OneNoteSpellingOptions="OneNote Spelling Options" L_nospellchecking="no spell checking" L_checkspellingasyoutypelower="check spelling as you type" L_hidespllingerrors="hide spelling errors" L_checkspellingbuthideerrors="check spelling but hide errors" L_DisableScratchoutExplain="Disables the scratch out gesture while inking." L_DisableScratchout="Disable scratch out" L_OutlookMeetingnotespath="Outlook Meeting notes path" L_OutlookMeetingnotespathExplain="OneNote 2007 installs an add-in for Outlook that allows you to 'Take Notes' about Outlook items such as Meetings or Contacts. This setting specifies which section in OneNote is used to store the notes taken about Outlook Meetings. This option is only used by OneNote if the 'Outlook Meeting notes location' is set to 'New page in specific location'." L_OutlookMeetingnoteslocationExplain="OneNote 2007 installs an add-in for Outlook that allows you to 'Take Notes' about Outlook items such as Meetings or Contacts. This setting specifies where notes taken about Outlook Meetings go. If you select a specific location, which is the default option, you would then need to set the path found in the 'Outlook Meeting notes path' policy. And if you specify the current section, OneNote will generate a new page in the current section." L_OutlookMeetingnoteslocation="Outlook Meeting notes location" L_OutlookEmailnotespathExplain="OneNote 2007 installs an add-in for Outlook that allows you to 'Take Notes' about Outlook items such as Meetings or Contacts. This setting specifies which section in OneNote is used to store the notes taken about Outlook E-Mails. This option is only used by OneNote if the 'Outlook Email notes location' is set to 'New page in specific location'." L_OutlookEmailnotespath="Outlook Email notes path" L_Currentpage="Current page" L_Newpageincurrentsection="New page in current section" L_Newpageinspecificlocation="New page in specific location" L_OutlookEmailnoteslocationExplain="OneNote 2007 installs an add-in for Outlook that allows you to 'Take Notes' about Outlook items such as Meetings or Contacts. This setting specifies where notes taken about Outlook E-Mails go. If you select a specific location, which is the default option, you would then need to set the path found in the 'Outlook Email notes path' setting. And if you specify the current section, OneNote will generate a new page in the current section." L_OutlookEmailnoteslocation="Outlook Email notes location" L_OutlookContactnoteslocationpathExplain="OneNote 2007 installs an add-in for Outlook that allows you to 'Take Notes' about Outlook items such as Meetings or Contacts. This setting specifies which section in OneNote is used to store the notes taken about Outlook Contacts. This option is only used by OneNote if the 'Outlook Contacts notes location path' is set to 'New page in specific location'." L_OutlookContactnoteslocationpath="Outlook Contacts notes path" L_Outlooknotes="Outlook notes" L_OutlookcontactnotesExplain="OneNote 2007 installs an add-in for Outlook that allows you to 'Take Notes' about Outlook items such as Meetings or Contacts. This setting specifies where notes taken about Outlook Contacts go. If you select a specific location, which is the default option, you would then need to set the path found in the 'Outlook Contacts notes location path' setting. And if you specify the current section, OneNote will generate a new page in the current section." L_Outlookcontactnotes="Outlook Contacts notes location" L_WebnotespathExplain="OneNote 2007 installs an add-in for Windows Internet Explorer that adds the command Send to OneNote. This setting specifies which section in OneNote is used to store notes sent from Windows Internet Explorer. This option is used by OneNote only if the Web Notes location is set to New page in specific location." L_Webnotespath="Web notes path" L_WebandPrintedPages="Web and Printed Pages" L_WebNotesnoteslocationExplain="OneNote 2007 installs an add-in for Windows Internet Explorer that allows you to 'Send to OneNote'. This setting specifies where notes sent from Windows Internet Explorer go. If you select a specific location, which is the default option, you would then need to set the path found in the 'Web notes path' policy. And if you specify the current section, OneNote will generate a new page in the current section." L_WebNotesnoteslocation="Web Notes location" L_Addins="Add-ins" L_DisableinstalledOneNoteaddinsExplain="Turns off all of the installed OneNote Add-ins." L_DisableinstalledOneNoteaddins="Disable installed OneNote Add-ins" L_DisableaudosearchExplain="Disables OneNote audio search feature." L_Disableaudosearch="Disable audio search" L_DisablepasswordprotectedsectionsExplain="Disables the ability to create new password protected sections. You can however still unlock and edit existing sections which had a password set." L_Disablepasswordprotectedsections="Disable password protected sections" L_DisallowsaddonsaccesstopassExplain="This option disallows extensibility add-ons the ability to access password protected sections if they are unlocked." L_Disallowsaddonsaccesstopass="Disallows add-ons access to password protected sections" L_SharePointsyncintervalExplain="Limits the number of times OneNote polls a SharePoint site for changes to a section. Enter the sync interval in seconds." L_SharePointsyncinterval="SharePoint sync interval for notebooks stored on SharePoint" L_NumberofdaysbeforewarningthatserverisExplain="Set the number of days until OneNote warns that the server is inaccessible and prompts for a new location for the affected files." L_Numberofdaysbeforewarningthatserveris="Number of days before warning that server is inaccessible" L_DisableOneNoteScreenClippingsExplain="Disables the screen clipping feature in OneNote." L_DisableOneNoteScreenClippings="Disable OneNote Screen Clippings" L_DisableOutlooksendemailtoOneNoteoptionExplain="This policy disables the OneNote ''Send to OneNote'' add-in for Microsoft Outlook. By default OneNote installs an add-in on the Outlook toolbar which allows users to send emails to OneNote. The ''Send to OneNote'' button appears on the main mail module in Outlook as well as when viewing an email message. You may disable this feature with this policy." L_DisableOutlooksendemailtoOneNoteoption="Disable Outlook send email to OneNote option" L_DisableOneNotescreenclippingnotificationsExplain="Turns off all of the OneNote screen clipping notifications." L_DisableOneNotescreenclippingnotifications="Disable OneNote screen clipping notifications" L_DisableembeddedfilesExplain="To disable the ability to embed files on a OneNote page, so people cannot transmit files that might not be caught by anti-virus software, etc. Note: This policy will only limit embedded files in the OneNote UI, if a page has an embedded file OneNote will still sync and replicate the embedded files in the file system." L_Disableembeddedfiles="Disable embedded files" L_DisablecreatingsharednotebooksExplain="Disables creating shared notebooks through new notebook wizard." L_Disablecreatingsharednotebooks="Disable creating shared notebooks" L_LoadanotebookonfirstbootExplain="Points to a folder containing a notebook that should be loaded on first boot." L_Loadanotebookonfirstboot="Load a notebook on first boot" L_AttachembeddedfileswhenemailingPart2="Don't attach files" L_AttachembeddedfileswhenemailingPart1="Include as a separate file" L_AttachembeddedfileswhenemailingPart0="Include embedded files in the OneNote file" L_AttachembeddedfileswhenemailingExplain="This option is to specify whether or not to attach the embedded files when sending email from OneNote." L_Attachembeddedfileswhenemailing="Attach embedded files when emailing from OneNote" L_TurnoffautocalculatorExplain="This option turns on/off the auto calculator functionality." L_Turnoffautocalculator="Turn off auto calculator" L_NavigationbarappearsontherightExplain="This option is to specify where the navigation bar appears." L_Navigationbarappearsontheright="Navigation bar appears on the right" L_OneNoteMobile="OneNote Mobile" L_DisableOneNoteMobileinstallnotifications="Disable OneNote Mobile install notifications" L_DisableOneNoteMobileinstallnotificationsExplain="Disabling this setting prevents the UI prompts for installing OneNote Mobile from displaying." L_LocationofunfilednotessectionExplain="Location where OneNote stores the unfiled notes section." L_Locationofunfilednotessection="Location of unfiled notes section" L_LocationofunfilednotessectionDefaultValue="OneNote Notebooks\Unfiled Notes.one" L_NotebookRootExplain="To change to where new notebooks are defaulted, enter a path to a folder relative to your documents." L_NotebookRoot="Notebook Root" L_Pen="Pen" L_BroadbandPAL700kbps="Broadband (PAL, 700 Kbps)" L_BroadbandPAL384kbps="Broadband (PAL, 384 Kbps)" L_BroadbandNTSC1400kbps="Broadband (NTSC, 1400 Kbps)" L_BroadbandNTSC700kbps="Broadband (NTSC, 700 Kbps)" L_LocalAreaNetwork384kbps="Local Area Network (384 Kbps)" L_LocalAreaNetwork256kbps="Local Area Network (256 Kbps)" L_LocalAreaNetwork100kbps="Local Area Network (100 Kbps)" L_DialupModems56kbps="Dial-up Modems (56 Kbps)" L_DialupModems288kbps="Dial-up Modems (28.8 Kbps)" L_DialupModemsorLAN="Dial-up Modems or LAN (28.8 to 100 Kbps)" L_LANCableModemorXDSL="LAN, Cable Modem, or xDSL (100 to 768 Kbps)" L_DialupModemsorSinglechannel="Dial-up Modems or Single-channel ISDN (28.8 to 56 Kbps)" L_ColorPocketPcs150kbps="Color Pocket PCs (150 Kbps)" L_Timeintervalminutestolockpasswordprotectedsections="Time interval (minutes) to lock password protected sections:" L_Checktolocksections="Check to lock sections" L_ChecktouseManualPort="Check to use Manual Port" L_ChoosetheWindowsMediaVideo8codec="Choose the Windows Media Video 8 codec:" L_ChecktodisplayInputPanel="Enable this policy to display the Tablet PC Input Panel on OneNote pages." L_ShowTabletPCInputPanelonOneNotepages="Show Tablet PC Input Panel on OneNote pages" L_ChoosedefaultcodectobeusedforVideonotebook="Choose default codec to be used for Video notebook" L_ChoosedefaultcodectobeusedforVideonotebookExplain="This option will set the default codec used by OneNote for video recording that are created in OneNote." L_Automaticallysetthesharedsessionport="Automatically set the shared session port" L_AutomaticallysetthesharedsessionportExplain="When using live shared sessions OneNote will use port 2302, but you can change this option so that OneNote will use another port." L_AutomaticallyconfigureroutersthatsupportUniversalPlugandPlay="Automatically configure routers that support Universal Plug and Play" L_AutomaticallyconfigureroutersthatsupportUniversalPlugandPlayExplain="While using live shared sessions OneNote can automatically configure routers that support Universal Plug and Play, setting this option will turn this feature on/off." L_Lockpasswordprotectedsectionsafteruserhasntworkedonthemforatime="Lock password protected sections after user hasn't worked on them for a time" L_LockpasswordprotectedsectionsafteruserhasntworkedonthemforatimeExplain="OneNote supports password protecting sections and they are unlocked once a user types the password and can be locked again by either a timeout period or when you navigate away from the section. This option will lock the section after the user hasn't used the section for the selected amount of time." L_LockpasswordprotectedsectionsassoonasInavigateawayfromthem="Lock password protected sections as soon as I navigate away from them" L_LockpasswordprotectedsectionsassoonasInavigateawayfromthemExplain="OneNote supports password protecting sections and they are unlocked once a user types the password and can be locked again by either a timeout period or when you navigate away from the section. This option will lock the section once you navigate away from the password protected section." L_Password="Password" L_SharedSession="Shared Session" L_AudioandVideo="Audio and Video" L_1="1" L_10="10" L_10080="10080" L_120="120" L_1440="1440" L_15="15" L_180="180" L_2="2" L_20160="20160" L_240="240" L_2880="2880" L_3="3" L_30="30" L_300="300" L_30240="30240" L_360="360" L_4="4" L_40320="40320" L_4320="4320" L_480="480" L_5="5" L_50400="50400" L_5760="5760" L_60="60" L_60480="60480" L_720="720" L_7200="7200" L_8640="8640" L_960="960" L_AddOneNoteicontonotificationarea="Add OneNote icon to notification area" L_AddsignaturetoOneNoteemailmessages="Add signature to OneNote email messages" L_AllowOneNoteemailattachments="Allow OneNote e-mail attachments" L_AutoBulletRecognition="Auto Bullet Recognition" L_AutoKeyboardSwitching="Auto Keyboard Switching" L_Automaticallybackupatthisintervalmin="Automatically back up at this interval (min):" L_Automaticallybackupmynotebook="Automatically back up my notebook..." L_AutomaticallyswitchbetweenPenandSelectionTool="Automatically switch between Pen and Selection Tool" L_AutoNumberingRecognition="Auto Numbering Recognition" L_Backup="Backup" L_BackupFolder="Backup Folder:" L_Bits="Bits:" L_BitsSecond="Bits/Second:" L_Centimeter="Centimeter" L_Channels12="Channels (1-2):" L_CheckedCheckstheoptionLeaveoriginalflaggednotesunchangedUnch="Checked: Checks the option ''Leave original flagged notes unchanged''. | Unchecked: Checks the option ''Show original flagged notes as dimmed''." L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionAddthefollowingsignaturetoemailmessag="Checks/Unchecks the option ''Add the following signature to e-mail messages and Web pages created in OneNote''." L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionApplybulletstolistsautomatically="Checks/Unchecks the option ''Apply bullets to lists automatically''." L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionApplynumberingtolistsautomatically="Checks/Unchecks the option ''Apply numbering to lists automatically''." L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionAttachacopyoftheoriginalnotesasaOneNo="Checks/Unchecks the option ''Attach a copy of the original notes as a OneNote file''." L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionAutomaticallybackupmynotebookatthefol="Checks/Unchecks the option ''Automatically back up my notebook at the following time interval''." L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionOptimizesectionsafterOneNotehasbeenin="Checks/Unchecks the option ''Optimize sections after OneNote has been inactive for the following number of minutes''." L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionPlaceOneNoteiconinthenotificationarea="Checks/Unchecks the option ''Place OneNote icon in the notification area of the taskbar''." L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionShowdimmedflaggednotesintheNoteFlagsS="Checks/Unchecks the option ''Show dimmed flagged notes in the Note Flags Summary task pane''." L_ChecktoenableabilitytooptimizeOneNotefiles="Check to enable ability to optimize OneNote files" L_Checktoenableautomaticbackup="Check to enable automatic backup" L_CheckUncheckstheoptionSwitchkeyboardsautomatically="Check/Unchecks the option ''Switch keyboards automatically''." L_Copyitemswhenmovingthem="Copy items when moving them" L_Createallnewpageswithrulelines="Create all new pages with rule lines" L_DefaultFontName="Default Font Name" L_DefaultFontSize="Default Font Size" L_DefaultunitofmeasurementusedinOneNote="Default unit of measurement used in OneNote" L_DisableLinkedAudiofeature="Disable Linked Audio feature" L_DisablesEnablestheRecordcommandontheAudioRecordingsubmenuoft="Disables/Enables the Record command on the Audio Recording submenu of the Tools menu." L_Display="Display" L_Editing="Editing" L_Email="E-mail" L_EmbeddedFilesBlockedExtensions="Embedded Files Blocked Extensions" L_EmbeddedFilesBlockedExtensionsExplain="To disable the ability of the users in your organization from being able to open a file attachment of a specific file type from a Microsoft Office OneNote page, add the extensions you want to disable using this format: “.ext1;.ext2;” If you want to disable the opening of any attachment from a OneNote page, see the Disable embedded files policy. You cannot block embedded audio and video recordings (WMA & WMV) with this policy instead refer to the Disable embedded files policy." L_EnableabilitytooptimizeOneNotefiles="Enable ability to optimize OneNote files..." L_EnterPercentage="Enter Percentage:" L_EntersignaturetouseforOneNoteemail="Enter signature to use for OneNote e-mail" L_Font="Font:" L_FontSize="Font Size:" L_Inch="Inch" L_IncludelinktosourcewhenpastingfromtheInternet="Include link to source when pasting from the Internet" L_Items09="Items (0-9):" L_Left="Left" L_LocationofBackupFolder="Location of Backup Folder" L_MicrosoftOfficeOneNote12="Microsoft Office OneNote 2007" L_Millimeter="Millimeter" L_NoteFlags="Note Flags" L_Numberofbackupcopiestokeep="Number of backup copies to keep" L_OpenSideNotesinthissection="Open Side Notes in this section:" L_OptimizeOneNotefilesatthisintervalmin="Optimize OneNote files at this interval (min):" L_Other="Other" L_Pagetabsappearontheleft="Page tabs appear on the left" L_Percentageofunuseddiskspacetoallowinsections="Percentage of unused disk space to allow in sections" L_Pica="Pica" L_Point="Point" L_Rewindfromstartofparagraphbysec="Rewind from start of paragraph by: (sec)" L_Rewindfromstartofparagraphbythefollowingnumberofseconds="Rewind from start of paragraph by the following number of seconds" L_Right="Right" L_RightUncheckstheoptionPagetabsappearontheleftLeftCheckstheop="Right: Unchecks the option ''Page tabs appear on the left''. | Left: Checks the option ''Page tabs appear on the left''." L_SetsthevalueinthecorrespondingUIoption="Sets the value in the corresponding UI option." L_SetsthevalueintheoptionAddthefollowingsignaturetoemailmessag="Sets the value in the option ''Add the following signature to e-mail messages and Web pages created in OneNote''." L_SetsthevalueintheoptionMeasurementunits="Sets the value in the option ''Measurement units''." L_SetsthevalueintheoptionPercentageofunusedspacetoallowinsecti="Sets the value in the option ''Percentage of unused space to allow in sections without optimizing''." L_Showmoveditemsinthetaskpane="Show moved items in the task pane" L_ShowNoteContainers="Show Note Containers" L_ShowPasteOptionsbuttons="Show Paste Options buttons" L_Specifiesthedefaultnumberofbitspersamplevalueisinkbpsusedwhe="Specifies the default number of bits per sample (value is in kbps) used when recording audio. If the appropriate codec is found, then this is the default bit depth used in the Format setting for Linked Audio (Tools|Options menu command)." L_SpecifiesthedefaultsampleratevalueisinkHzusedwhenrecordingau="Specifies the default sample rate (value is in kHz) used when recording audio. If the appropriate codec is found, then this is the default sample rate used in the Format setting for Linked Audio (Tools|Options menu command)." L_SpecifiesthevalueintheoptionFont="Specifies the value in the option ''Font''." L_SpecifiesthevalueintheoptionSize="Specifies the value in the option ''Size''." L_Specifieswhether1or2channelsareusedwhenrecordingaudioIftheap="Specifies whether 1 or 2 channels are used when recording audio. If the appropriate codec is found, then this is the default number of channels used in the Format setting for Linked Audio (Tools|Options menu command)." L_Specifydefaultunitofmeasurement="Specify default unit of measurement:" L_SpecifylengthofFileOpenMRUlist="Specify length of File | Open... MRU list" L_Specifylocationofthepagetabcontrol="Specify location of the page tab control:" L_Specifynumberofbitstosamplewhenrecording="Specify number of bits to sample when recording" L_Specifynumberofchannelstorecord="Specify number of channels to record" L_Specifyratetosampleaudiobitssecond="Specify rate to sample audio (bits/second)" L_Spelling="Spelling" L_Usepenpressuresensitivity="Use pen pressure sensitivity" L_UsethissignatureforOneNoteemail="Use this signature for OneNote email" L_Verticalscrollbarappearsonleft="Vertical scroll bar appears on left" L_DisableOneNotesharedsessions="Disable OneNote shared sessions" L_DisableOneNotesharedsessionsExplain="Disable OneNote Shared Sessions - prevents users from sharing sections in real time." L_ExtensibilityAPI="Extensibility API" L_DisableOneNoteCOMAPI="Disable OneNote COM API" L_DisableOneNoteCOMAPIExplain="Disable OneNote COM API - this disables add-on applications that may use the COM API. Note that it also breaks other features that use this API such as sending information from Outlook to OneNote."