;// _lcid="1033" _version="12.0.4518" CLASS USER CATEGORY !!L_MicrosoftOfficeOutlook12 CATEGORY !!L_ToolsOptions CATEGORY !!L_Delegates POLICY !!L_Locationofitemsdeletedbydelegates KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\General VALUENAME DelegateWastebasketStyle VALUEON NUMERIC 8 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 4 EXPLAIN !!L_LocationofitemsdeletedbydelegatesExplain END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_Preferences CATEGORY !!L_TaskOptions POLICY !!L_DisableToDoBar KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\ToDoBar VALUENAME DisableToDoBar VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisableToDoBarExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Disabletasklist KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\ToDoBar VALUENAME ShowTaskList VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 EXPLAIN !!L_DisabletasklistExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_ToDoBarAppointments KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\ToDoBar PART !!L_Numberofappointments NUMERIC VALUENAME NumAppointments DEFAULT 3 MIN 0 MAX 25 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ToDoBarAppointmentsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_ToDoBarDateNavigators KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\ToDoBar PART !!L_NumberofDataNaigators NUMERIC VALUENAME NumDateNavigators DEFAULT 1 MIN 0 MAX 9 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ToDoBarDateNavigatorsExplain END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_SearchOptions POLICY !!L_Disableinstallationprompts KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Search VALUENAME DisableDownloadSearchPrompt VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisableinstallationpromptsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_ExpandScopeofSearches KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Search VALUENAME AlwaysSearchAllItems VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_ExpandScopeofSearchesExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Disablehithighlighting KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Search VALUENAME DisableHitHighlighting VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisablehithighlightingExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_HitHighlightingcolor KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Search PART !!L_BackgroundColorcolon DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME HitHighlightingBackgroundColor ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Black VALUE NUMERIC 000000 NAME !!L_Silver VALUE NUMERIC 12632256 NAME !!L_Gray VALUE NUMERIC 8421504 NAME !!L_White VALUE NUMERIC 16777215 NAME !!L_Aqua VALUE NUMERIC 65535 NAME !!L_Fuchsia VALUE NUMERIC 16711808 NAME !!L_Lime VALUE NUMERIC 8453888 NAME !!L_Yellow VALUE NUMERIC 16776960 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Olive VALUE NUMERIC 8421376 NAME !!L_Purple VALUE NUMERIC 8388736 NAME !!L_Green VALUE NUMERIC 32768 NAME !!L_Red VALUE NUMERIC 16711680 NAME !!L_Maroon VALUE NUMERIC 8388608 NAME !!L_Navy VALUE NUMERIC 128 NAME !!L_Teal VALUE NUMERIC 32896 NAME !!L_Blue VALUE NUMERIC 255 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_HitHighlightingcolorExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Turnoffwordwheel KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Search VALUENAME DisableWordwheeling VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_TurnoffwordwheelExplain END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_Emailoptions POLICY !!L_DisableAttachmentPreviewing KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Preferences VALUENAME DisableAttachmentPreviewing VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisableAttachmentPreviewingExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Enablemarkingofcomments KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\MailSettings VALUENAME MarkComments VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_EnablemarkingofcommentsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Disablestheshortcutkey KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\DisabledShortcutKeysCheckBoxes VALUENAME CtrlEnter VALUEON 13,8 VALUEOFF 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisablestheshortcutkeyExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Messagehandling KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Preferences PART !!L_Aftermovingordeletinganopenitem DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME AfterMove ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Openthenextitem VALUE NUMERIC 0 NAME !!L_ReturntotheInbox VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!L_Openthepreviousitem VALUE NUMERIC 2 DEFAULT END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART PART !!L_Closeoriginalmessagewhenreplyorforward CHECKBOX VALUENAME CloseOrig VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_SavecopiesofmessagesinSentItemsfolder CHECKBOX VALUENAME SaveSent VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_Displayanotificationmessagewhennewmailarrives CHECKBOX VALUENAME Notification VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_Autosaveunsenteveryxxminutes0NoAutoSave NUMERIC KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\MailSettings VALUENAME AutosaveTime SPIN 1 #if VERSION == 1 SPIN 0 #endif DEFAULT 3 MIN 0 MAX 99 END PART PART !!L_Automaticallycleanupplaintextmessages CHECKBOX KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail VALUENAME AutoFormatPlainText VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_MessagehandlingExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Reademailasplaintext KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail VALUENAME ReadAsPlain VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionReadallstandardmailinplaintext END POLICY POLICY !!L_Readsignedemailasplaintext KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail VALUENAME ReadSignedAsPlain VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionReadalldigitallysignedmailinplaintext END POLICY POLICY !!L_Onrepliesandforwards KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Preferences PART !!L_Whenreplyingtoamessage DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME ReplyStyle ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Donotincludeorginalmessage VALUE NUMERIC 0 NAME !!L_Attachorginalmessage VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!L_Includeoriginalmessagetext VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!L_Includeandindentorgmessagetext VALUE NUMERIC 3 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Prefixeachlineoftheorgmessage VALUE NUMERIC 1000 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART PART !!L_Whenforwardingamessage DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME ForwardStyle ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Attachorginalmessage VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!L_Includeoriginalmessagetext VALUE NUMERIC 2 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Includeandindentorgmessagetext VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!L_Prefixeachlineoftheorgmessage VALUE NUMERIC 1000 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART PART !!L_Prefixeachlinewith EDITTEXT VALUENAME PrefixText DEFAULT ">" END PART PART !!L_Allowuserscommentstobemarked CHECKBOX KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\Common\mailsettings VALUENAME MarkComments VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SetsthevaluesinthecorrespondingUIoptions END POLICY CATEGORY !!L_AdvancedEmailoptions POLICY !!L_Disableemailpostmark KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail VALUENAME DisablePostmarkingOnSend VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisableemailpostmarkExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_DisableextendedAutoSave KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook VALUENAME "Options key" VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 EXPLAIN !!L_DisableextendedAutoSaveExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_SaveMessages KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\General PART !!L_Saveunsentitemsinthisfolder DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME SAVE_LOC ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Outbox VALUE NUMERIC 4 NAME !!L_SentItems VALUE NUMERIC 5 NAME !!L_Inbox VALUE NUMERIC 6 NAME !!L_Drafts VALUE NUMERIC 16 DEFAULT END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_Specifiesthefolderinwhichunsentmessagesaresaved END POLICY POLICY !!L_Moresavemessages KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Preferences PART !!L_InfoldersotherthantheInboxsavereplieswithoriginalmessage CHECKBOX VALUENAME SaveReplies VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_Saveforwardedmessages CHECKBOX VALUENAME SaveFW VALUEON NUMERIC 1 DEFCHECKED VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUnchecksthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_Whennewitemsarrive KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Preferences PART !!L_Playasound CHECKBOX VALUENAME PlaySound VALUEON NUMERIC 1 DEFCHECKED VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_Brieflychangethemousecursor CHECKBOX VALUENAME ChangePointer VALUEON NUMERIC 1 DEFCHECKED VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_Showanenvelopeiconinthesystemtray CHECKBOX VALUENAME ShowEnvelope VALUEON NUMERIC 1 DEFCHECKED VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUnchecksthecorrespondingUIoptions END POLICY POLICY !!L_Whensendingamessage KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Preferences PART !!L_Setimportance DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Importance ITEMLIST NAME !!L_High VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!L_Normal VALUE NUMERIC 1 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Low VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART PART !!L_Setsensitivity DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Sensitivity ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Normal VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Personal VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!L_Private VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!L_Confidential VALUE NUMERIC 3 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART PART !!L_Messagesexpireafterdays NUMERIC KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\General VALUENAME NumDaysExpire SPIN 0 DEFAULT 0 MIN 0 MAX 3652 END PART PART !!L_Allowcommasasaddressseparator CHECKBOX VALUENAME AllowCommasInRecip VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_Automaticnamechecking CHECKBOX VALUENAME AutoNameCheck VALUEON NUMERIC 1 DEFCHECKED VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_DeletemeetingrequestfromInboxwhenresponding CHECKBOX VALUENAME DeleteWhenRespond VALUEON NUMERIC 1 DEFCHECKED VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_SuggestnameswhilecompletingToCcandBccfields CHECKBOX KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Preferences VALUENAME ShowAutoSug VALUEON NUMERIC 1 DEFCHECKED VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_AddpropertiestoattachmentstoenableReplywithChanges CHECKBOX KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail VALUENAME AdHocReviewBehavior VALUEON NUMERIC 0 DEFCHECKED ;reverse VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SetsthevaluesinthecorrespondingUIoptions END POLICY CATEGORY !!L_DesktopAlert POLICY !!L_NewMailDesktopAlert KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Preferences VALUENAME NewmailDesktopAlerts VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 EXPLAIN !!L_NewMailDesktopAlertExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Specifydurationoffadeininmillisec KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\DesktopAlerts PART !!L_Millisec NUMERIC VALUENAME TimeIn SPIN 1 DEFAULT 1000 MIN 0 MAX 25000 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_Specifydurationoffadeininmillisec END POLICY POLICY !!L_SpecifydurationofDesktopAlertbeforefadeinmillisec KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\DesktopAlerts PART !!L_MillisecDefault4000 NUMERIC VALUENAME TimeOn MAX 1000000000 DEFAULT 4000 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SpecifydurationofDesktopAlertbeforefadeinmillisec END POLICY POLICY !!L_SpecifydurationofDesktopAlertonmouseoverinmillisec KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\DesktopAlerts PART !!L_Millisec NUMERIC VALUENAME TimeFocus SPIN 1 DEFAULT 60000 MIN 0 MAX 250000 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SpecifydurationofDesktopAlertonmouseoverinmillisec END POLICY POLICY !!L_Specifydurationoffadeoutinmillisec KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\DesktopAlerts PART !!L_Millisec NUMERIC VALUENAME TimeOut SPIN 1 DEFAULT 2000 MIN 0 MAX 25000 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_Specifydurationoffadeoutinmillisec END POLICY POLICY !!L_SpecifyopacityofDesktopAlert KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\DesktopAlerts PART !!L_OpacityAlphaLevel NUMERIC VALUENAME Opacity SPIN 1 DEFAULT 51 MIN 0 MAX 255 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SpecifyopacityofDesktopAlert END POLICY POLICY !!L_Specifyopacityatstartoffadein KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\DesktopAlerts PART !!L_Specifyopacityatstartoffadein NUMERIC VALUENAME FirstOpacity SPIN 1 DEFAULT 0 MIN 0 MAX 255 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_Specifyopacityatstartoffadein END POLICY POLICY !!L_SpecifydefaultlocationofDesktopAlert KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\DesktopAlerts PART !!L_Corner03 NUMERIC VALUENAME Corner SPIN 1 DEFAULT 3 MIN 0 MAX 3 END PART PART !!L_XOffsetdefault44 NUMERIC VALUENAME XOffset END PART PART !!L_YOffsetdefault42 NUMERIC VALUENAME YOffset END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SpecifydefaultlocationofDesktopAlertExplain END POLICY END CATEGORY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_Trackingoptions POLICY !!L_TurnoffSendandTrack KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Flagging VALUENAME DisableSenderFlags VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_TurnoffSendandTrackExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Options KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\General PART !!L_Processrequestsandresponsesonarrival CHECKBOX KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\General VALUENAME AutoProcReq VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_Processreceiptsonarrival CHECKBOX KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\General VALUENAME AutoProcRcpts VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_Deleteblankvotingandmeetingresponsesafterprocessing CHECKBOX KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\General VALUENAME AutoDelRcpts VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_Requestareadreceiptforallmessagesausersends CHECKBOX KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Preferences VALUENAME ReadReceipt VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_RequestdeliveryrcptforallmsgsausersendsExchangeonly CHECKBOX KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Preferences VALUENAME DeliveryReceipt VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_WhenOutlookisaskedtorespondtoareadreceiptrequest DROPDOWNLIST KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail VALUENAME "Receipt Response" ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Alwayssendaresponse VALUE NUMERIC 0 NAME !!L_Neversendaresponse VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!L_Askbeforesendingaresponse VALUE NUMERIC 2 DEFAULT END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_OptionsExplain END POLICY END CATEGORY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_Calendaroptions POLICY !!L_Disableresponsebuttonsoninformationalmeetings KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Calendar VALUENAME DisableResponseButtons VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisableresponsebuttonsoninformationalmeetingsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Disableautomaticupdatestoappointments KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Calendar VALUENAME DisableTimeZoneAutoPrompt VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisableautomaticupdatestoappointmentsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Disablespecialmeetingalerts KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Calendar VALUENAME DisableMeetingAlert VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisablespecialmeetingalertsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Disablemeetingregeneration KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Calendar VALUENAME DisableMeetingRegeneration VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisablemeetingregenerationExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_DisableClicktoAdd KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Calendar VALUENAME ClickToAdd VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisableClicktoAddExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_RemindersonCalendaritems KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Preferences VALUENAME ApptReminders VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_RemindersonCalendaritemsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Calendaritemdefaults KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Calendar PART !!L_Showremindersxminutesbeforetheeventstarts NUMERIC VALUENAME RemindDefault SPIN 10 #if VERSION == 1 SPIN 0 #endif DEFAULT 15 MIN 0 MAX 2880 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SetsthevalueintheoptionDefaultreminder END POLICY POLICY !!L_Workweek KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Calendar PART !!L_Lengthofworkweek DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Workday ITEMLIST NAME !!L_MondaytoFriday VALUE NUMERIC 124 DEFAULT NAME !!L_MondaytoThursday VALUE NUMERIC 120 NAME !!L_TuesdaytoFriday VALUE NUMERIC 60 NAME !!L_MondaytoSaturday VALUE NUMERIC 126 NAME !!L_WednesdaytoSaturday VALUE NUMERIC 30 NAME !!L_ThursdaytoSunday VALUE NUMERIC 142 NAME !!L_SundaytoFriday VALUE NUMERIC 252 NAME !!L_Allsevendays VALUE NUMERIC 254 END ITEMLIST #if VERSION > 1 NOSORT #endif END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SetsthevalueintheoptionCalendarworkweek END POLICY POLICY !!L_Firstdayoftheweek KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Calendar PART !!L_Choosethefirstdayoftheweek DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME FirstDOW ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Sunday VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Monday VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!L_Tuesday VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!L_Wednesday VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!L_Thursday VALUE NUMERIC 4 NAME !!L_Friday VALUE NUMERIC 5 NAME !!L_Saturday VALUE NUMERIC 6 END ITEMLIST #if VERSION > 1 NOSORT #endif END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SetsthevalueinthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_Firstweekofyear KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Calendar PART !!L_Choosethefirstweekoftheyear DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME FirstWOY ITEMLIST NAME !!L_StartsonJan1 VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Firstfullweek VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!L_Firstfourdayweek VALUE NUMERIC 1 END ITEMLIST #if VERSION > 1 NOSORT #endif END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SetsthevalueinthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_Workinghours KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Calendar PART !!L_Starttime DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME CalDefStart ITEMLIST NAME !!L_800AM VALUE NUMERIC 480 DEFAULT NAME !!L_1200AM VALUE NUMERIC 0 NAME !!L_1230AM VALUE NUMERIC 30 NAME !!L_100AM VALUE NUMERIC 60 NAME !!L_130AM VALUE NUMERIC 90 NAME !!L_200AM VALUE NUMERIC 120 NAME !!L_230AM VALUE NUMERIC 150 NAME !!L_300AM VALUE NUMERIC 180 NAME !!L_330AM VALUE NUMERIC 210 NAME !!L_400AM VALUE NUMERIC 240 NAME !!L_430AM VALUE NUMERIC 270 NAME !!L_500AM VALUE NUMERIC 300 NAME !!L_530AM VALUE NUMERIC 330 NAME !!L_600AM VALUE NUMERIC 360 NAME !!L_630AM VALUE NUMERIC 390 NAME !!L_700AM VALUE NUMERIC 420 NAME !!L_730AM VALUE NUMERIC 450 NAME !!L_800AM VALUE NUMERIC 480 NAME !!L_830AM VALUE NUMERIC 510 NAME !!L_900AM VALUE NUMERIC 540 NAME !!L_930AM VALUE NUMERIC 570 NAME !!L_1000AM VALUE NUMERIC 600 NAME !!L_1030AM VALUE NUMERIC 630 NAME !!L_1100AM VALUE NUMERIC 660 NAME !!L_1130AM VALUE NUMERIC 690 NAME !!L_1200PM VALUE NUMERIC 720 NAME !!L_1230PM VALUE NUMERIC 750 NAME !!L_100PM VALUE NUMERIC 780 NAME !!L_130PM VALUE NUMERIC 810 NAME !!L_200PM VALUE NUMERIC 840 NAME !!L_230PM VALUE NUMERIC 870 NAME !!L_300PM VALUE NUMERIC 900 NAME !!L_330PM VALUE NUMERIC 930 NAME !!L_400PM VALUE NUMERIC 960 NAME !!L_430PM VALUE NUMERIC 990 NAME !!L_500PM VALUE NUMERIC 1020 NAME !!L_530PM VALUE NUMERIC 1050 NAME !!L_600PM VALUE NUMERIC 1080 NAME !!L_630PM VALUE NUMERIC 1110 NAME !!L_700PM VALUE NUMERIC 1140 NAME !!L_730PM VALUE NUMERIC 1170 NAME !!L_800PM VALUE NUMERIC 1200 NAME !!L_830PM VALUE NUMERIC 1230 NAME !!L_900PM VALUE NUMERIC 1260 NAME !!L_930PM VALUE NUMERIC 1290 NAME !!L_1000PM VALUE NUMERIC 1320 NAME !!L_1030PM VALUE NUMERIC 1350 NAME !!L_1100PM VALUE NUMERIC 1380 NAME !!L_1130PM VALUE NUMERIC 1410 END ITEMLIST #if VERSION > 1 NOSORT #endif END PART PART !!L_EndTime DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME CalDefEnd ITEMLIST NAME !!L_500PM VALUE NUMERIC 1020 DEFAULT NAME !!L_1200AM VALUE NUMERIC 0 NAME !!L_1230AM VALUE NUMERIC 30 NAME !!L_100AM VALUE NUMERIC 60 NAME !!L_130AM VALUE NUMERIC 90 NAME !!L_200AM VALUE NUMERIC 120 NAME !!L_230AM VALUE NUMERIC 150 NAME !!L_300AM VALUE NUMERIC 180 NAME !!L_330AM VALUE NUMERIC 210 NAME !!L_400AM VALUE NUMERIC 240 NAME !!L_430AM VALUE NUMERIC 270 NAME !!L_500AM VALUE NUMERIC 300 NAME !!L_530AM VALUE NUMERIC 330 NAME !!L_600AM VALUE NUMERIC 360 NAME !!L_630AM VALUE NUMERIC 390 NAME !!L_700AM VALUE NUMERIC 420 NAME !!L_730AM VALUE NUMERIC 450 NAME !!L_800AM VALUE NUMERIC 480 NAME !!L_830AM VALUE NUMERIC 510 NAME !!L_900AM VALUE NUMERIC 540 NAME !!L_930AM VALUE NUMERIC 570 NAME !!L_1000AM VALUE NUMERIC 600 NAME !!L_1030AM VALUE NUMERIC 630 NAME !!L_1100AM VALUE NUMERIC 660 NAME !!L_1130AM VALUE NUMERIC 690 NAME !!L_1200PM VALUE NUMERIC 720 NAME !!L_1230PM VALUE NUMERIC 750 NAME !!L_100PM VALUE NUMERIC 780 NAME !!L_130PM VALUE NUMERIC 810 NAME !!L_200PM VALUE NUMERIC 840 NAME !!L_230PM VALUE NUMERIC 870 NAME !!L_300PM VALUE NUMERIC 900 NAME !!L_330PM VALUE NUMERIC 930 NAME !!L_400PM VALUE NUMERIC 960 NAME !!L_430PM VALUE NUMERIC 990 NAME !!L_500PM VALUE NUMERIC 1020 NAME !!L_530PM VALUE NUMERIC 1050 NAME !!L_600PM VALUE NUMERIC 1080 NAME !!L_630PM VALUE NUMERIC 1110 NAME !!L_700PM VALUE NUMERIC 1140 NAME !!L_730PM VALUE NUMERIC 1170 NAME !!L_800PM VALUE NUMERIC 1200 NAME !!L_830PM VALUE NUMERIC 1230 NAME !!L_900PM VALUE NUMERIC 1260 NAME !!L_930PM VALUE NUMERIC 1290 NAME !!L_1000PM VALUE NUMERIC 1320 NAME !!L_1030PM VALUE NUMERIC 1350 NAME !!L_1100PM VALUE NUMERIC 1380 NAME !!L_1130PM VALUE NUMERIC 1410 END ITEMLIST #if VERSION > 1 NOSORT #endif END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SetsthevalueinthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_Calendarweeknumbers KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Calendar VALUENAME WeekNum VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_CalendarweeknumbersExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_MeetingRequestsusingiCalendar KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Calendar VALUENAME SendMtgAsICAL VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_MeetingRequestsusingiCalendarExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Allowattendeestoproposenewtimesformeetingsyouorganize KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Calendar VALUENAME AllowPropose VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUnchecksthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_Usethisresponsewhenyouproposenewmeetingtimes KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Calendar PART !!L_Usethisresponsewhenyouproposenewmeetingtimes DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME "Propose Response Type" ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Tentative VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!L_Accept VALUE NUMERIC 3 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Decline VALUE NUMERIC 4 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SetsthevalueinthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_Secondarycalendarsettings KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Calendar PART !!L_Usesecondarycalendar CHECKBOX VALUENAME "Show BothCal" VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_Setsecondarycalendarlanguage DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME "Alter Calendar Lang" ITEMLIST NAME !!L_BuddhistThai VALUE NUMERIC 1054 ACTIONLIST VALUENAME "Alter Calendar Type" VALUE NUMERIC 7 END ACTIONLIST NAME !!L_ChineseLunarSimplifiedChinese VALUE NUMERIC 2052 ACTIONLIST VALUENAME "Alter Calendar Type" VALUE NUMERIC 15 END ACTIONLIST NAME !!L_ChineseLunarTraditionalChinese VALUE NUMERIC 1028 ACTIONLIST VALUENAME "Alter Calendar Type" VALUE NUMERIC 15 END ACTIONLIST NAME !!L_GregorianArabic VALUE NUMERIC 1025 ACTIONLIST VALUENAME "Alter Calendar Type" VALUE NUMERIC 10 END ACTIONLIST NAME !!L_GregorianEnglish VALUE NUMERIC 1033 ACTIONLIST VALUENAME "Alter Calendar Type" VALUE NUMERIC 1 END ACTIONLIST NAME !!L_GregorianHebrew VALUE NUMERIC 1037 ACTIONLIST VALUENAME "Alter Calendar Type" VALUE NUMERIC 1 END ACTIONLIST NAME !!L_GregorianTransliteratedEnglish VALUE NUMERIC 1025 ACTIONLIST VALUENAME "Alter Calendar Type" VALUE NUMERIC 11 END ACTIONLIST NAME !!L_GregorianTransliteratedFrench VALUE NUMERIC 1025 ACTIONLIST VALUENAME "Alter Calendar Type" VALUE NUMERIC 12 END ACTIONLIST NAME !!L_HebrewLunarEnglish VALUE NUMERIC 1033 ACTIONLIST VALUENAME "Alter Calendar Type" VALUE NUMERIC 8 END ACTIONLIST NAME !!L_HebrewLunarHebrew VALUE NUMERIC 1037 ACTIONLIST VALUENAME "Alter Calendar Type" VALUE NUMERIC 8 END ACTIONLIST NAME !!L_HijriArabic VALUE NUMERIC 1025 ACTIONLIST VALUENAME "Alter Calendar Type" VALUE NUMERIC 6 END ACTIONLIST NAME !!L_HijriEnglish VALUE NUMERIC 1033 ACTIONLIST VALUENAME "Alter Calendar Type" VALUE NUMERIC 6 END ACTIONLIST NAME !!L_JapaneseLunarJapanese VALUE NUMERIC 1041 ACTIONLIST VALUENAME "Alter Calendar Type" VALUE NUMERIC 14 END ACTIONLIST NAME !!L_KoreanLunarKorean VALUE NUMERIC 1042 ACTIONLIST VALUENAME "Alter Calendar Type" VALUE NUMERIC 20 END ACTIONLIST NAME !!L_RokuyouJapanese VALUE NUMERIC 1041 ACTIONLIST VALUENAME "Alter Calendar Type" VALUE NUMERIC 19 END ACTIONLIST NAME !!L_SakaEnglish VALUE NUMERIC 1033 ACTIONLIST VALUENAME "Alter Calendar Type" VALUE NUMERIC 16 END ACTIONLIST NAME !!L_SakaHindi VALUE NUMERIC 1081 ACTIONLIST VALUENAME "Alter Calendar Type" VALUE NUMERIC 16 END ACTIONLIST NAME !!L_ZodiacJapanese VALUE NUMERIC 1041 ACTIONLIST VALUENAME "Alter Calendar Type" VALUE NUMERIC 18 END ACTIONLIST NAME !!L_ZodiacKorean VALUE NUMERIC 1042 ACTIONLIST VALUENAME "Alter Calendar Type" VALUE NUMERIC 18 END ACTIONLIST NAME !!L_ZodiacSimplifiedChinese VALUE NUMERIC 2052 ACTIONLIST VALUENAME "Alter Calendar Type" VALUE NUMERIC 17 END ACTIONLIST NAME !!L_ZodiacTraditionalChinese VALUE NUMERIC 1028 ACTIONLIST VALUENAME "Alter Calendar Type" VALUE NUMERIC 17 END ACTIONLIST END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionEnablealternatecalendar END POLICY POLICY !!L_HideluckydayswhenusingRokuyouJapanesecalendar KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Calendar VALUENAME LunarRokuyou VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 EXPLAIN !!L_CheckedDoesnotdisplayluckydayswhenusingaJapaneseRokuyoucalen END POLICY CATEGORY !!L_MicrosoftOfficeOnlineSharing KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\PubCal POLICY !!L_PreventpublishingtoOfficeOnline KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\PubCal VALUENAME DisableOfficeOnline VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_PreventpublishingtoOfficeOnlineExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_PreventpublishingtoaDAVserver KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\PubCal VALUENAME DisableDav VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_PreventpublishingtoaDAVserverExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_PathtoDAVserver KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\PubCal PART !!L_Empty EDITTEXT VALUENAME DavServerPath END PART EXPLAIN !!L_PathtoDAVserverExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Restrictlevelofcalendardetails KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\PubCal PART !!L_Empty DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME PublishCalendarDetailsPolicy ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Alloptionsareavailable VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_DisablesFulldetails VALUE NUMERIC 8192 NAME !!L_Disablesfulldetailsandlimiteddetails VALUE NUMERIC 16384 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_RestrictlevelofcalendardetailsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Includeappointmentsonlywithinworkinghours KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\PubCal VALUENAME ShowWorkingHoursOnly VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_IncludeappointmentsonlywithinworkinghoursExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Accesstopublishedcalendars KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\PubCal VALUENAME RestrictedAccessOnly VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_AccesstopublishedcalendarsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Restrictuploadmethod KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\PubCal VALUENAME SingleUploadOnly VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_RestrictuploadmethodExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Publishinterval KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\PubCal VALUENAME IgnoreTTL VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_PublishintervalExplain END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_PlannerOptions KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Calendar POLICY !!L_MeetingPlanner KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Calendar PART !!L_Showpopupcalendardetails CHECKBOX VALUENAME "MeetMode Show popup details" VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_Showcalendardetailsinthegrid CHECKBOX VALUENAME "MeetMode Show details in grid" VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUnchecksthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_GroupCalendar KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Calendar PART !!L_Showpopupcalendardetails CHECKBOX VALUENAME "GroupCalMode Show popup details" VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_Showcalendardetailsinthegrid CHECKBOX VALUENAME "GroupCalMode Show details in grid" VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUnchecksthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_FreeBusyOptions POLICY !!L_Options KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Preferences PART !!L_MonthsofFreeBusyinformationpublished NUMERIC VALUENAME FBPublishRange SPIN 1 #if VERSION == 1 SPIN 0 #endif DEFAULT 2 MIN 0 MAX 12 END PART PART !!L_PreventusersfromchangingMonthsofFreeBusyinformation1 CHECKBOX KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Calendar\Internet Free/Busy" VALUENAME "Lock FB Range" VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_PreventusersfromchangingMonthsofFreeBusyinformation2 TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty TEXT END PART PART !!L_FreeBusyupdatedontheservereveryxxxseconds NUMERIC VALUENAME FBUpdateSecs SPIN 10 #if VERSION == 1 SPIN 0 #endif DEFAULT 900 MIN 0 MAX 86400 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SetsthevalueintheoptionPublishmonthsofCalendarfreebusyinform END POLICY POLICY !!L_InternetFreeBusyOptions KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Calendar\Internet Free/Busy" PART !!L_Publishfreebusyinformation CHECKBOX VALUENAME "Publish to Internet" VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_PublishatthisURL EDITTEXT VALUENAME "Write URL" END PART PART !!L_SearchatthisURL EDITTEXT VALUENAME "Read URL" END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionPublishatmylocation END POLICY END CATEGORY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_Contactoptions POLICY !!L_ShowContactslinkingcontrolsonallForms KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Preferences VALUENAME ShowContactField VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_ShowContactslinkingcontrolsonallFormsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Selectthedefaultsettingforhowtofilenewcontacts KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Contact PART !!L_DefaultFullNameorder DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME NameParserStyle ITEMLIST NAME !!L_FirstMiddleLast VALUE "E" DEFAULT NAME !!L_LastFirst VALUE "H" NAME !!L_FirstLast1Last2 VALUE "S" END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART PART !!L_DefaultFileAsorder DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME FileAsOrder ITEMLIST NAME !!L_LastFirst VALUE NUMERIC 32791 DEFAULT NAME !!L_FirstLast VALUE NUMERIC 32823 NAME !!L_Company VALUE NUMERIC 14870 NAME !!L_LastFirstCompany VALUE NUMERIC 32793 NAME !!L_CompanyLastFirst VALUE NUMERIC 32792 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART PART !!L_Checkforduplicatecontacts CHECKBOX KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Contact VALUENAME ConfirmDuplicates VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_ShowanadditionalContactsIndex CHECKBOX KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Contact VALUENAME IndexTabsOn VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_AdditionalContactsIndex DROPDOWNLIST KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Contact VALUENAME IndexTabsScript ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Arabic VALUE NUMERIC 2 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Cyrillic VALUE NUMERIC 7 NAME !!L_Greek VALUE NUMERIC 15 NAME !!L_Hebrew VALUE NUMERIC 16 NAME !!L_Thai VALUE NUMERIC 28 NAME !!L_Vietnamese VALUE NUMERIC 30 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SetsthevalueinthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_Journaloptions POLICY !!L_DisablejournalingoftheseOutlookitems KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Outlook\Journaling" PART !!L_EmailMessage CHECKBOX KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Outlook\Journaling\E-mail Message" VALUENAME AutoJournaled VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 END PART PART !!L_Meetingcancellation CHECKBOX KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Outlook\Journaling\Meeting Cancellation" VALUENAME AutoJournaled VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 END PART PART !!L_Meetingrequest CHECKBOX KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Outlook\Journaling\Meeting Request" VALUENAME AutoJournaled VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 END PART PART !!L_Meetingresponse CHECKBOX KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Outlook\Journaling\Meeting Response" VALUENAME AutoJournaled VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 END PART PART !!L_Taskrequest CHECKBOX KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Outlook\Journaling\Task Request" VALUENAME AutoJournaled VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 END PART PART !!L_Taskresponse CHECKBOX KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Outlook\Journaling\Task Response" VALUENAME AutoJournaled VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_CheckedRemovesassociateditemsfromthelistAutomaticallyrecordt END POLICY POLICY !!L_Automaticallyjournaltheseitems KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Outlook\Journaling" PART !!L_EmailMessage CHECKBOX KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Outlook\Journaling\E-mail Message" VALUENAME Enabled VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 ACTIONLISTON KEYNAME Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Journal VALUENAME EnableJournal VALUE NUMERIC 1 END ACTIONLISTON END PART PART !!L_Meetingcancellation CHECKBOX KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Outlook\Journaling\Meeting Cancellation" VALUENAME Enabled VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 ACTIONLISTON KEYNAME Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Journal VALUENAME EnableJournal VALUE NUMERIC 1 END ACTIONLISTON END PART PART !!L_Meetingrequest CHECKBOX KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Outlook\Journaling\Meeting Request" VALUENAME Enabled VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 ACTIONLISTON KEYNAME Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Journal VALUENAME EnableJournal VALUE NUMERIC 1 END ACTIONLISTON END PART PART !!L_Meetingresponse CHECKBOX KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Outlook\Journaling\Meeting Response" VALUENAME Enabled VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 ACTIONLISTON KEYNAME Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Journal VALUENAME EnableJournal VALUE NUMERIC 1 END ACTIONLISTON END PART PART !!L_Taskrequest CHECKBOX KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Outlook\Journaling\Task Request" VALUENAME Enabled VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 ACTIONLISTON KEYNAME Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Journal VALUENAME EnableJournal VALUE NUMERIC 1 END ACTIONLISTON END PART PART !!L_Taskresponse CHECKBOX KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Outlook\Journaling\Task Response" VALUENAME Enabled VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 ACTIONLISTON KEYNAME Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Journal VALUENAME EnableJournal VALUE NUMERIC 1 END ACTIONLISTON END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUncheckstheassociateditemsinthelistAutomaticallyrecord END POLICY POLICY !!L_Journalentryoptions KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Journal PART !!L_Doubleclickingajournalentry DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME "Journal Open Assoc Item" ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Opensthejournalentry VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Openstheassociateditem VALUE NUMERIC 1 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED #if VERSION > 1 NOSORT #endif END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SetsthevalueinthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_Notesoptions POLICY !!L_Notesappearance KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Note PART !!L_Color DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME NoteColor ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Yellow VALUE NUMERIC 3 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Blue VALUE NUMERIC 0 NAME !!L_Green VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!L_Pink VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!L_White VALUE NUMERIC 4 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED #if VERSION > 1 NOSORT #endif END PART PART !!L_Size DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME NoteSize ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Medium VALUE NUMERIC 1 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Small VALUE NUMERIC 0 NAME !!L_Large VALUE NUMERIC 2 END ITEMLIST REQUIRED #if VERSION > 1 NOSORT #endif END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SetsthevaluesinthecorrespondingUIoptions END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_JunkEmail KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail POLICY !!L_JunkEmailprotectionlevel KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail PART !!L_Selectlevel DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME JunkMailProtection ITEMLIST NAME !!L_NoProtection VALUE NUMERIC 4294967295 NAME !!L_LowDefault VALUE NUMERIC 6 DEFAULT NAME !!L_High VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!L_TrustedListsOnly VALUE NUMERIC 2147483648 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SelectsamongthevaluesNoAutomaticFilteringLowHighandSafeLists END POLICY POLICY !!L_PermanentlydeleteJunkEmail KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail VALUENAME JunkMailPermDelete VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionPermanentlydeletesuspectedjunkemailin END POLICY POLICY !!L_TrustEmailfromContacts KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail VALUENAME JunkMailTrustContacts VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionAlsotrustemailfrommyContacts END POLICY POLICY !!L_AddpeopleIemailtotheSafeSendersList KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail VALUENAME JunkMailTrustOutgoingRecipients VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_AddpeopleIemailtotheSafeSendersListExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_JunkMailImportList KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail VALUENAME JunkMailImportLists VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 EXPLAIN !!L_CheckedAddpeopletowhomIsendemailtotheSafeSendersListUnchecke END POLICY POLICY !!L_OverwriteorAppendJunkMailImportList KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail VALUENAME JunkMailImportAppend VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 EXPLAIN !!L_CheckedOverwritestheJunkMailImportlistUncheckedAppendstheJun END POLICY POLICY !!L_SpecifypathtoSafeSenderslist KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail PART !!L_SpecifyfullpathandfilenametoSafeSenderslist EDITTEXT VALUENAME JunkMailSafeSendersFile END PART EXPLAIN !!L_Specifyatextfilecontainingalistofemailaddressestoappendtooro END POLICY POLICY !!L_SpecifypathtoSafeRecipientslist KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail PART !!L_SpecifyfullpathandfilenametoSafeRecipientslist EDITTEXT VALUENAME JunkMailSafeRecipientsFile END PART EXPLAIN !!L_Specifyatextfilecontainingalistofemailaddressestoappendtooro END POLICY POLICY !!L_SpecifypathtoBlockedSenderslist KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail PART !!L_SpecifyfullpathandfilenametoBlockedSenderslist EDITTEXT VALUENAME JunkMailBlockedSendersFile END PART EXPLAIN !!L_Specifyatextfilecontainingalistofemailaddressestoappendtooro END POLICY END CATEGORY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_MailSetup POLICY !!L_Mailaccountoptions KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail VALUENAME "Send Mail Immediately" VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_MailaccountoptionsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Dialupoptions KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail PART !!L_Warnbeforeswitchingdialupconnection CHECKBOX VALUENAME "Warn on Dialup" VALUEON NUMERIC 1 DEFCHECKED VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_Hangupwhenfinishedsendingreceivingorupdating CHECKBOX VALUENAME "Hangup after Spool" VALUEON NUMERIC 1 DEFCHECKED VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_AutomaticallydialduringabackgroundSendReceive CHECKBOX VALUENAME "Poll on DUN" VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUnchecksthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_MailFormat POLICY !!L_DisableSignatures KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\MailSettings VALUENAME DisableSignatures VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisableSignaturesExplain END POLICY CATEGORY !!L_InternetFormatting POLICY !!L_HTMLOptions KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail VALUENAME "Send Pictures With Document" VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_HTMLOptionsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_OutlookRichTextoptions KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail PART !!L_WhensendingOutlookRichTextmessagestoInternetrecipients1 TEXT END PART PART !!L_WhensendingOutlookRichTextmessagestoInternetrecipients2 DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME "Message RTF Format" ITEMLIST NAME !!L_ConverttoHTMLformat VALUE NUMERIC 0 NAME !!L_ConverttoPlainTextformat VALUE NUMERIC 1 DEFAULT NAME !!L_SendusingOutlookRichTextformat VALUE NUMERIC 2 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SetsthevalueinthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_Plaintextoptions KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail PART !!L_Automaticallywraptextatxcharacters NUMERIC KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\MailSettings VALUENAME PlainWrapLen SPIN 1 #if VERSION == 1 SPIN 0 #endif DEFAULT 76 MIN 30 MAX 132 END PART PART !!L_EncodeattachmentsinUUENCODEformatwhensending1 CHECKBOX VALUENAME "Message Plain Format MIME" VALUEON NUMERIC 0 DEFCHECKED ;reverse VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 END PART PART !!L_EncodeattachmentsinUUENCODEformatwhensending2 TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty TEXT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_PlaintextoptionsExplain END POLICY CATEGORY !!L_Messageformat POLICY !!L_Messageformateditor KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail PART !!L_UsethefollowingFormatEditorforemailmessages DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME EditorPreference ITEMLIST NAME !!L_HTML VALUE NUMERIC 131073 DEFAULT NAME !!L_RichText VALUE NUMERIC 196609 NAME !!L_PlainText VALUE NUMERIC 65537 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_MessageformateditorExplain END POLICY END CATEGORY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_InternationalOptions POLICY !!L_Englishmessageheadersandflags KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Preferences PART !!L_UseEnglishformessageheadersonrepliesorforwards CHECKBOX VALUENAME ENMessageHeaders VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_UseEnglishformessageflags CHECKBOX VALUENAME ENMessageFlags VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUnchecksthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_DisableInternationalizedDomainNamesIDNinOutlook KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\General VALUENAME DisableIDN VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisableInternationalizedDomainNamesIDNinOutlookExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Euroencodingforoutgoingmessages KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\MSHTML\International PART !!L_Whenpreferredencodingdoesnotsupporteuro1 TEXT END PART PART !!L_Whenpreferredencodingdoesnotsupporteuro2 DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Autodetect_IgnoreEuro ITEMLIST NAME !!L_sendmessagesasUTF8 VALUE NUMERIC 0 NAME !!L_ignoreeuro VALUE NUMERIC 1 DEFAULT END ITEMLIST END PART EXPLAIN !!L_Choosewhethertoignoretheeurocharacterwhenautodetectingtheenc END POLICY POLICY !!L_Autoselectencodingforoutgoingmessages KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\MSHTML\International VALUENAME Autodetect_CodePageOut VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUnchecksthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_Encodingforoutgoingmessages KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\MSHTML\International PART !!L_Usethisencodingforoutgoingmessages DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME Default_CodePageOut ITEMLIST NAME !!L_ArabicISO VALUE NUMERIC 28596 NAME !!L_ArabicWindows VALUE NUMERIC 1256 NAME !!L_BalticISO VALUE NUMERIC 28594 NAME !!L_BalticWindows VALUE NUMERIC 1257 NAME !!L_CentralEuropeanISO VALUE NUMERIC 28592 NAME !!L_CentralEuropeanWindows VALUE NUMERIC 1250 NAME !!L_ChineseSimplifiedGB18030 VALUE NUMERIC 54936 NAME !!L_ChineseSimplifiedGB2312 VALUE NUMERIC 936 NAME !!L_ChineseSimplifiedHZ VALUE NUMERIC 52936 NAME !!L_ChineseTraditionalBig5 VALUE NUMERIC 950 NAME !!L_CyrillicISO VALUE NUMERIC 28595 NAME !!L_CyrillicKOI8R VALUE NUMERIC 20866 NAME !!L_CyrillicKOI8U VALUE NUMERIC 21866 NAME !!L_CyrillicWindows VALUE NUMERIC 1251 NAME !!L_GreekISO VALUE NUMERIC 28597 NAME !!L_GreekWindows VALUE NUMERIC 1253 NAME !!L_HebrewISOLogical VALUE NUMERIC 38598 NAME !!L_HebrewWindows VALUE NUMERIC 1255 NAME !!L_JapaneseEUC VALUE NUMERIC 51932 NAME !!L_JapaneseJIS VALUE NUMERIC 50220 NAME !!L_JapaneseJISAllow1byteKana VALUE NUMERIC 50221 NAME !!L_JapaneseShiftJIS VALUE NUMERIC 932 NAME !!L_Korean VALUE NUMERIC 949 NAME !!L_KoreanEUC VALUE NUMERIC 51949 NAME !!L_Latin3ISO VALUE NUMERIC 28593 NAME !!L_Latin9ISO VALUE NUMERIC 28605 NAME !!L_ThaiWindows VALUE NUMERIC 874 NAME !!L_TurkishISO VALUE NUMERIC 28599 NAME !!L_TurkishWindows VALUE NUMERIC 1254 NAME !!L_UnicodeUTF7 VALUE NUMERIC 65000 NAME !!L_UnicodeUTF8 VALUE NUMERIC 65001 NAME !!L_USASCII VALUE NUMERIC 20127 NAME !!L_UserDefined VALUE NUMERIC 50000 NAME !!L_VietnameseWindows VALUE NUMERIC 1258 NAME !!L_WesternEuropeanISO VALUE NUMERIC 28591 DEFAULT NAME !!L_WesternEuropeanWindows VALUE NUMERIC 1252 END ITEMLIST END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SetsthevalueintheoptionPreferredencodingforoutgoingmessages END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_StationeryandFonts POLICY !!L_StationeryFonts KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\MailSettings PART !!L_Stationeryfontoptions DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME ThemeFont ITEMLIST NAME !!L_UsethefontspecifiedinStationery VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Useusersfontonrepliesandfwds VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!L_Alwaysuseusersfonts VALUE NUMERIC 2 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SelectsamongthevaluesUsethefontspecifiedinstationeryifspecif END POLICY END CATEGORY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_Spelling POLICY !!L_General KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Spelling PART !!L_Alwayscheckspellingbeforesending CHECKBOX VALUENAME Check VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_Ignoreoriginalmessagetextinreplyorforward CHECKBOX KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\MailSettings VALUENAME IgnoreReplySpelling VALUEON NUMERIC 1 DEFCHECKED VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_UseAutoCorrectinRichTextandplaintextmessages CHECKBOX VALUENAME UseAutoCorrect VALUEON NUMERIC 1 DEFCHECKED VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUnchecksthecorrespondingUIoptions END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_Other POLICY !!L_AllowSelectionFloaties KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\Toolbars\Outlook VALUENAME AllowSelectionFloaties VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_AllowSelectionFloatiesExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Disablereadingpane KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options VALUENAME DisableReadingPane VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisablereadingpaneExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_EmptyDeletedItemsFolder KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Preferences VALUENAME EmptyTrash VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_EmptyDeletedItemsFolderExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_MakeOutlookthedefaultprogramforEmailContactsandCalendar KEYNAME software\policies\microsoft\office\12.0\outlook\options\general VALUENAME "Check Default Client" VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUnchecksthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_ReadingPane KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Preferences PART !!L_Markmessagesasreadinreadingwindow CHECKBOX VALUENAME PreviewMarkMessage VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_Waitxxxsecondsbeforemarkingitemsasread NUMERIC VALUENAME PreviewWaitSeconds SPIN 1 #if VERSION == 1 SPIN 0 #endif DEFAULT 5 MIN 1 MAX 999 END PART PART !!L_Markitemasreadwhenselectionchanges CHECKBOX VALUENAME PreviewDontMarkUntilChange VALUEON NUMERIC 1 DEFCHECKED VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_Singlekeyreadingusingspacebar CHECKBOX KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\General VALUENAME SingleKeyReading VALUEON NUMERIC 1 DEFCHECKED VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionMarkitemsasreadwhenviewedintheReading END POLICY CATEGORY !!L_Advanced POLICY !!L_Disablefolderhomepagesforfoldersinnondefaultstores KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security VALUENAME NonDefaultStoreScript VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 EXPLAIN !!L_DisablefolderhomepagesforfoldersinnondefaultstoresExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_MinimizeOutlooktothesystemtray KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Preferences VALUENAME MintoTray VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUncheckstheOutlooksystemtrayiconoptionHideWhenMinimize END POLICY POLICY !!L_General KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Preferences VALUENAME WordSelect VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUnchecksthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_MoreOptions KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\General VALUENAME WarnDelete VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_MoreOptionsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Enablemailloggingtroubleshooting KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail VALUENAME EnableLogging VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUnchecksthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_MSGUnicodeformatwhendraggingtofilesystem KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\General VALUENAME MSGFormat VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_MSGUnicodeformatwhendraggingtofilesystemExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_DisableOutlookobjectmodelscripts KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security VALUENAME SharedFolderScript VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 EXPLAIN !!L_DisableOutlookobjectmodelscriptsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_DisableOutlookobjectmodelscriptsforpublicfolders KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security VALUENAME PublicFolderScript VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 EXPLAIN !!L_DisableOutlookobjectmodelscriptsforpublicfoldersExplain END POLICY CATEGORY !!L_ReminderOptions POLICY !!L_Reminders KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Reminders PART !!L_Displaythereminder CHECKBOX VALUENAME Type VALUEON NUMERIC 1 DEFCHECKED VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_Playremindersound CHECKBOX VALUENAME PlaySound VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 DEFCHECKED END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUnchecksthecorrespondingUIoptions END POLICY POLICY !!L_Morereminders KEYNAME AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\Office97\Office97-Reminder\.Current PART !!L_Pathandwavfiletoplayforreminder EDITTEXT VALUENAME "" DEFAULT "reminder.wav" END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SetsthepathandfilenametotheWAVfiletoplayforreminders END POLICY END CATEGORY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_AutoArchive KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Preferences POLICY !!L_DisableFileArchive KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Preferences VALUENAME DisableManualArchive VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisableFileArchiveExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_AutoArchiveSettings KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Preferences PART !!L_TurnonAutoArchive CHECKBOX VALUENAME DoAging VALUEON NUMERIC 1 DEFCHECKED VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_RunAutoArchiveeveryxdays NUMERIC VALUENAME EveryDays SPIN 1 #if VERSION == 1 SPIN 0 #endif DEFAULT 14 MIN 1 MAX 60 END PART PART !!L_PromptbeforeAutoArchiveruns CHECKBOX VALUENAME PromptForAging VALUEON NUMERIC 1 DEFCHECKED VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_Empty TEXT END PART PART !!L_DuringAutoArchive TEXT END PART PART !!L_Deleteexpireditemsemailfoldersonly CHECKBOX VALUENAME DeleteExpired VALUEON NUMERIC 1 DEFCHECKED VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_Archiveordeleteolditems CHECKBOX VALUENAME ArchiveOld VALUEON NUMERIC 1 DEFCHECKED VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_Showarchivefolderinfolderlist CHECKBOX VALUENAME ArchiveMount VALUEON NUMERIC 1 DEFCHECKED VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_Cleanoutitemsolderthan NUMERIC VALUENAME ArchivePeriod SPIN 1 #if VERSION == 1 SPIN 0 #endif DEFAULT 6 MIN 1 MAX 60 END PART PART !!L_Empty DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME ArchiveGranularity ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Months VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Weeks VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!L_Days VALUE NUMERIC 2 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART PART !!L_Permanentlydeleteolditems CHECKBOX VALUENAME ArchiveDelete VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_IfthispolicyisenabledthenalltheoptionsintheAutoArchivedialog END POLICY POLICY !!L_RetentionSettings KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Preferences PART !!L_TurnRetentionPoliciesOn CHECKBOX VALUENAME RetentionOn VALUEON NUMERIC 1 DEFCHECKED VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_Empty TEXT END PART PART !!L_Maximumnumberofdaystoretainitemsin TEXT END PART PART !!L_Inbox NUMERIC VALUENAME RetentionInbox SPIN 1 MIN 0 DEFAULT 30 END PART PART !!L_AllmailfoldersexcludingInbox NUMERIC VALUENAME RetentionMail SPIN 1 MIN 0 DEFAULT 30 END PART PART !!L_Calendaritemsinanyfolder NUMERIC VALUENAME RetentionCalendar SPIN 1 MIN 0 DEFAULT 30 END PART PART !!L_AllotherfoldersbeingAutoArchived NUMERIC VALUENAME RetentionOther SPIN 1 MIN 0 DEFAULT 30 END PART PART !!L_Foritemsnotbeingretained DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME RetentionDelete ITEMLIST NAME !!L_movetodeleteditemsfolder VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_permanentlydelete VALUE NUMERIC 1 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART PART !!L_URLwithcorporateretentionpolicyinformation EDITTEXT VALUENAME RetentionPath END PART EXPLAIN !!L_CheckedEnabletheretentionsettingsspecifiedinthispolicyIntheA END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_PersonNames POLICY !!L_Setmaximumlevelofonlinestatusonapersonname KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\IM PART !!L_Maximumlevelofonlinestatusthatcanbedisplayed DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME SetOnlineStatusLevel ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Donotallow VALUE NUMERIC 0 NAME !!L_AlloweverywhereexceptToandCCfield VALUE NUMERIC 1 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Alloweverywhere VALUE NUMERIC 2 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SetmaximumlevelofonlinestatusonapersonnameExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Displayonlinestatusonapersonname KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\IM PART !!L_Displayonlinepresence DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME EnablePresence ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Never VALUE NUMERIC 0 NAME !!L_EverywhereexceptToandCCfield VALUE NUMERIC 1 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Everywhere VALUE NUMERIC 2 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_DisplayonlinestatusonapersonnameExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_EnablethePersonNamesSmartTag KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\IM VALUENAME Enabled VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 EXPLAIN !!L_EnablethePersonNamesSmartTagExplain END POLICY END CATEGORY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_Righttoleft POLICY !!L_LayoutOptions KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Calendar PART !!L_Setlayoutdirection DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME "Calendar Direction" ITEMLIST NAME !!L_LefttoRight VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_RighttoLeft2 VALUE NUMERIC 1 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART PART !!L_Setglobaltextdirection DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME "Text Direction" ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Contextbased VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Lefttoright2 VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!L_Righttoleft VALUE NUMERIC 2 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SetsthevalueinthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_OutofOfficeAssistant POLICY !!L_PollingOOFWebsrvice KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\OOF PART !!L_Empty DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME OOFPollFrequency ITEMLIST NAME !!L_5minutes VALUE NUMERIC 300000 NAME !!L_10minutes VALUE NUMERIC 600000 NAME !!L_15minutesdefault VALUE NUMERIC 900000 DEFAULT NAME !!L_20minutes VALUE NUMERIC 1200000 NAME !!L_25minutes VALUE NUMERIC 1500000 NAME !!L_30minutes VALUE NUMERIC 1800000 NAME !!L_35minutes VALUE NUMERIC 2100000 NAME !!L_40minutes VALUE NUMERIC 2400000 NAME !!L_45minutes VALUE NUMERIC 2700000 NAME !!L_50minutes VALUE NUMERIC 3000000 NAME !!L_1hour VALUE NUMERIC 3600000 NAME !!L_2hours VALUE NUMERIC 7200000 NAME !!L_4hours VALUE NUMERIC 14400000 NAME !!L_8hours VALUE NUMERIC 28800000 NAME !!L_24hours VALUE NUMERIC 86400000 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_PollingOOFWebServiceExplain END POLICY END CATEGORY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_Security POLICY !!L_DisableRemberPassword KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security VALUENAME EnableRememberPwd VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 EXPLAIN !!L_DisableRemberPasswordExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Allowaccesstoemailattachments KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security PART !!L_Listoffileextensionstoallow EDITTEXT VALUENAME Level1Add END PART PART !!L_Empty TEXT END PART PART !!L_ExampleEXEREGCOM TEXT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_Specifyalistoffileextensionstoaddtothelistofattachmentsallow END POLICY POLICY !!L_AllowActiveXOneOffForms KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security PART !!L_SetswhichActiveXcontrolstoallow TEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME "AllowActiveXOneOffForms" ITEMLIST NAME !!L_LoadonlyOutlookControls VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_AllowsonlySafeControls VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!L_AllowsallActiveXControls VALUE NUMERIC 2 END ITEMLIST END PART EXPLAIN !!L_BydefaultthirdpartyActiveXcontrolsarenot END POLICY POLICY !!L_Promptusertochoosesecuritysettingsifdefaultsettingsfail KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security VALUENAME ForceDefaultProfile VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_Checktoprompttheusertochoosesecuritysettingsifdefaultsetting END POLICY POLICY !!L_Donotautomaticallysignreplies KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security VALUENAME NoSignOnReply VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUnchecksthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY CATEGORY !!L_Cryptography POLICY !!L_RequiredCertificateAuthority KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security PART !!L_X509issueDNthatrestrictschoiceofcertifyingauthorities EDITTEXT VALUENAME RequiredCA END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SetsthevalueforthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_Minimumencryptionsettings KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security PART !!L_Minimumkeysizeinbits NUMERIC VALUENAME MinEncKey SPIN 10 #if VERSION == 1 SPIN 0 #endif DEFAULT 40 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SetsthevalueforthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_SMIMEinteroperabilitywithexternalclients KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security PART !!L_BehaviorforhandlingSMIMEmessages DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME ExternalSMime ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Handleinternally VALUE NUMERIC 0 NAME !!L_Handleexternally VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!L_Handleifpossible VALUE NUMERIC 2 DEFAULT END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SetsthevalueforthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_OutlookRichTextinSMIMEmessages KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security VALUENAME "ForceTNEF" VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_OutlookRichTextinSMIMEmessagesExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_SMIMEpasswordsettings KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Cryptography\Defaults\Provider\Microsoft Exchange Cryptographic Provider v1.0" PART !!L_DefaultSMIMEpasswordtimeminutes NUMERIC VALUENAME DefPwdTime SPIN 10 #if VERSION == 1 SPIN 0 #endif DEFAULT 30 END PART PART !!L_MaximumSMIMEpasswordtimeminutes NUMERIC VALUENAME MaxPwdTime SPIN 10 #if VERSION == 1 SPIN 0 #endif DEFAULT 300 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SetsthevalueforthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_MessageFormats KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security PART !!L_Supportthefollowingmessageformats DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME MsgFormats ITEMLIST NAME !!L_SMIME VALUE NUMERIC 1 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Exchange VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!L_Fortezza VALUE NUMERIC 20 NAME !!L_SMIMEandExchange VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!L_SMIMEandFortezza VALUE NUMERIC 21 NAME !!L_ExchangeandFortezza VALUE NUMERIC 22 NAME !!L_SMIMEExchangeandFortezza VALUE NUMERIC 23 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SetsthevalueforthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_MessagewhenOutlookcannotfindthedigitalIDtodecodeamessage KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security PART !!L_Entererrormessagetextmax255characters EDITTEXT VALUENAME NeedEncryptionString END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SetsthevalueforthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_DisableContinuebuttononallEncryptionwarningdialogs KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security VALUENAME DisableContinueEncryption VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisableContinuebuttononallEncryptionwarningdialogsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_RuninFIPScompliantmode KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security VALUENAME FIPSMode VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_SetsthevalueforthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_Donotcheckemailaddressagainstaddressofcertificatesbeingusing KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security VALUENAME SupressNameChecks VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_SetsthevalueforthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_Encryptallemailmessages KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security VALUENAME AlwaysEncrypt VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_SetsthevalueforthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_Signallemailmessages KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security VALUENAME AlwaysSign VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_SetsthevalueforthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_Sendallsignedmessagesasclearsignedmessages KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security VALUENAME ClearSign VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_SetsthevalueforthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_RequestanSMIMEreceiptforallSMIMEsignedmessages KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security VALUENAME RequestSecureReceipt VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_SetsthevalueforthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_URLforSMIMEcertificates KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security PART !!L_EnterURL EDITTEXT VALUENAME EnrollPageURL END PART PART !!L_TheURLcancontain12and3whichwillbereplaced1 TEXT END PART PART !!L_TheURLcancontain12and3whichwillbereplaced2 TEXT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_TheURLcancontain12and3whichwillbereplacedbytheusersnameemail END POLICY POLICY !!L_EnsureallSMIMEsignedmessageshavealabel KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security VALUENAME ForceSecurityLabel VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_SetsthevalueforthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_DisablePublishtoGALbutton KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security VALUENAME PublishToGalDisabled VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisablePublishtoGALbuttonExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_SignatureWarning KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security PART !!L_SignatureWarning DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME WarnAboutInvalid ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Letuserdecideiftheywanttobewarned VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Alwayswarnaboutinvalidsignatures VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!L_Neverwarnaboutinvalidsignatures VALUE NUMERIC 2 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SetsthevalueforthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_SMIMEreceiptrequests KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security PART !!L_HandlemessageswithSMIMEreceiptrequestsinthefollowingmanner DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME RespondToReceiptRequests ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Openmessageifreceiptcantbesent VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Dontopenmessageifreceiptcantbesent VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!L_Alwayspromptbeforesendingreceipt VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!L_NeversendSMIMEreceipts VALUE NUMERIC 2 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SetsthevalueforthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_Fortezzacertificatepolicies KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security PART !!L_Enterlistofpoliciesthatcanbeinthepoliciesextension1 TEXT END PART PART !!L_Enterlistofpoliciesthatcanbeinthepoliciesextension2 EDITTEXT VALUENAME Fortezza_Policies END PART PART !!L_ThelistshouldbeseparatedbysemicolonsForExample1 TEXT END PART PART !!L_ThelistshouldbeseparatedbysemicolonsForExample2 TEXT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ThelistshouldbeseparatedbysemicolonsForExamplepolicy1policy2 END POLICY POLICY !!L_RequireSuiteBAlgorithmsforSMIMEoperations KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security VALUENAME SuiteBMode VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_RequireSuiteBAlgorithmsforSMIMEoperationsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_EnableCryptographyIcons KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security VALUENAME ConvertSMIMEBlobSignedIcons VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_SetsthevalueforthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY CATEGORY !!L_SignatureStatusDialog POLICY !!L_RetrievingCRLsCertificateRevocationLists KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security PART !!L_Empty DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME UseCRLChasing ITEMLIST NAME !!L_UsesystemDefault VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_WhenonlinealwaysretreivetheCRL VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!L_NeverretreivetheCRL VALUE NUMERIC 2 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_RetrievingCRLsCertificateRevocationListsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_MissingCRLs KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security PART !!L_IndicateamissingCRLasan DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME SigStatusNoCRL ITEMLIST NAME !!L_warning VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_error VALUE NUMERIC 1 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_MissingCRLsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Missingrootcertificates KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security PART !!L_Indicateamissingrootcertificateasan DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME SigStatusNoTrustDecision ITEMLIST NAME !!L_neithererrornorwarning VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_warning VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!L_error VALUE NUMERIC 2 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_MissingrootcertificatesExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Promotingerrorsaswarnings KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 VALUENAME PromoteErrorsAsWarnings EXPLAIN !!L_PromotingerrorsaswarningsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_AttachmentSecureTemporaryFolder KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security PART !!L_EntertheSecureFolderpath EDITTEXT VALUENAME "OutlookSecureTempFolder" END PART EXPLAIN !!L_AttachmentSecureTemporaryFolderExplain END POLICY END CATEGORY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_AutomaticPictureDownloadSettings POLICY !!L_Blockexternalcontent KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail VALUENAME BlockExtContent VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_BlockexternalcontentExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_PermitdownloadofcontentfromSafeSenderandRecipientlists KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail VALUENAME UnblockSpecificSenders VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_PermitdownloadofcontentfromSafeSenderandRecipientlistsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Permitdownloadofcontentfromsafezones KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail VALUENAME UnblockSafeZone VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_AllowDisallowdownloadingofexternalcontentifthemessageisfroma END POLICY POLICY !!L_BlockTrustedZones KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail VALUENAME TrustedZone VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 EXPLAIN !!L_BlockTrustedZonesExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_BlockInternet KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail VALUENAME Internet VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 EXPLAIN !!L_BlockInternetExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_BlockIntranet KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail VALUENAME Intranet VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 EXPLAIN !!L_BlockIntranetExplain END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_TrustCenter KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security POLICY !!L_Enablelinksinemailmessages KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail VALUENAME JunkMailEnableLinks VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_EnablelinksinemailmessagesExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Applymacrosecuritysettings KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security VALUENAME DontTrustInstalledFiles VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 EXPLAIN !!L_BydefaultOutlookdoesnotusethemacrosecurity END POLICY END CATEGORY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_ToolsAccounts CATEGORY !!L_Exchangesettings POLICY !!L_AutomaticallyconfigurerofilebasedonActive KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\AutoDiscover VALUENAME ZeroConfigExchange VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_AutomaticallyconfigurerofilebasedonActiveExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Synchronizingdatainsharedfolders KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Cached Mode" PART !!L_Empty NUMERIC VALUENAME SharedFolderAgeOutDays DEFAULT 45 MIN 0 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SynchronizingdatainsharedfoldersExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Disablechangingfolderpermissions KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Folders VALUENAME DisableEditPermissions VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisableeditingfolderpermissionsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_EnableExchangeOverInternetUserInterface KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\RPC PART !!L_ChooseUIStatewhenOScansupportfeature DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME EnableRPCTunnelingUI ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Hidden VALUE NUMERIC 0 NAME !!L_AllconfigUIenabled VALUE NUMERIC 1 DEFAULT NAME !!L_EnableonlyOnOffcontrolbutnotconfigUI VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!L_EnableconfigUIwhensettingsarepredeployed VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!L_DisablebutshowallconfigUI VALUE NUMERIC 4 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ConfiguresuserinterfaceoptionsrelatedtoRPCoverHTTPcommunicat END POLICY POLICY !!L_EnableRPCEncryption KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\RPC VALUENAME EnableRPCEncryption VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_EnableRPCEncryptionExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Exchangeviewinformation KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook PART !!L_PublishExchangeviewsinPublicFolders CHECKBOX VALUENAME ExchVwPub VALUEON NUMERIC 1 DEFCHECKED VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_PublishExchangeviewsinPersonalnonpublicFolders CHECKBOX VALUENAME ExchVwPsnl VALUEON NUMERIC 1 DEFCHECKED VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_CheckedOutlooksavesanolderversionofeachviewinlocationforuseb END POLICY POLICY !!L_Foldersizedisplay KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook VALUENAME ChkFldrSize VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_RetainsRemovestheFolderSizebuttonintheGeneraltabofthefolderP END POLICY POLICY !!L_OSTCreation KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\OST VALUENAME NoOST VALUEON NUMERIC 2 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_PreventsofflinefolderuseatstartupThisisequivalenttoclickingt END POLICY POLICY !!L_PersonaldistributionlistsExchangeonly KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail VALUENAME ExpandPDLUsingCache VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 EXPLAIN !!L_PersonaldistributionlistsExchangeonlyExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_ExchangeUnicodeModePreferANSI KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\EMSP VALUENAME PreferANSI VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 EXPLAIN !!L_CheckedDonotuseANSImodeifofferedbyExchangeServerAlwaysreceiv END POLICY POLICY !!L_ExchangeUnicodeModeIgnoreArchiveFormat KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\EMSP VALUENAME IgnoreArchiveFormat VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_CheckedOutlookignorestheformatoftheusersdefaultarchivefilewh END POLICY POLICY !!L_ExchangeUnicodeModeIgnoreOSTFormat KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\EMSP PART !!L_ChoosewhetherexistingOSTformatdeterminesmailboxmode DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME IgnoreOSTFormat ITEMLIST NAME !!L_OSTFormatdeterminesmode VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_CreatenewOSTifformatdoesntmatchmode VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!L_PrompttocreatenewOSTifformatdoesntmatchmode VALUE NUMERIC 2 END ITEMLIST END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SpecifieswhethertousetheformatoftheusersOSTfiletodeterminewh END POLICY POLICY !!L_CachedExchangelowbandwidththreshold KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\RPC PART !!L_Enterthebitratekbps128k128thresholdtodetectlowbandwidth1 TEXT END PART PART !!L_Enterthebitratekbps128k128thresholdtodetectlowbandwidth2 NUMERIC VALUENAME SlowBitRate MAX 1000000 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SpecifiesthebitratethreshholdvalueIfthebitrateoftheactivenet END POLICY POLICY !!L_AuthenticationwithExchangeServer KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security" PART !!L_SelecttheauthenticationwithExchangeserver DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME AuthenticationService ITEMLIST NAME !!L_KerberosNTLMPasswordAuthentication VALUE NUMERIC 9 DEFAULT NAME !!L_KerberosPasswordAuthentication VALUE NUMERIC 16 NAME !!L_NTLMPasswordAuthentication VALUE NUMERIC 10 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SelecttheauthenticationwithExchangeserver END POLICY POLICY !!L_UselegacyOutlookauthenticationdialogs KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\RPC" VALUENAME DisableCredUI VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_UselegacyOutlookauthenticationdialogsExplain END POLICY CATEGORY !!L_OfflineAddressBook POLICY !!L_OfflineAddressBookEnableSendReceiveGroupDownload KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Exchange\Exchange Provider" VALUENAME "Allow SRS Full OAB Download" VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_OfflineAddressBookEnableSendReceiveGroupDownloadExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_OfflineAddressBookLimitnumberoffullOABdownloads KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Exchange\Exchange Provider" PART !!L_Allowxxfulldownloadsper13hrperiod NUMERIC VALUENAME "Allow SRS CE Full OAB Download" DEFAULT 1 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_Specifiesthenumberoffulldownloadsoftheofflineaddressbookallo END POLICY POLICY !!L_OfflineAddressBookLimitnumberofincrementalOABdownloads KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Exchange\Exchange Provider" PART !!L_AllowxxincrementalOABdownloadsper13hrperiod NUMERIC VALUENAME "Limit SRS Incremental Download" END PART EXPLAIN !!L_Specifiesthenumberofincrementaldownloadsoftheofflineaddressb END POLICY POLICY !!L_OfflineAddressBookLimitmanualOABdownloads KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Exchange\Exchange Provider" PART !!L_AllowxxmanualOABdownloadsper13hrperiod NUMERIC VALUENAME "Limit Manual OAB Download" END PART EXPLAIN !!L_Specifiesthenumberofmanualdownloadsoftheofflineaddressbookal END POLICY POLICY !!L_OfflineAddressBookPromptbeforeDownloadingFullOAB KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Exchange\Exchange Provider" VALUENAME "Allow Full OAB Prompt" VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_Specifiesthattheuserisaskedforpermissionbeforeinitiatingaful END POLICY POLICY !!L_UseonlyOABv4 KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Exchange\Exchange Provider" VALUENAME "OAB v4 Only" VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_UseonlyOABv4Explain END POLICY POLICY !!L_OfflineAddressBookexactaliasmatching KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Exchange\Exchange Provider" VALUENAME "OAB Exact Alias Match" VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_OfflineAddressBookexactaliasmatchingExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_MaximumwaittimeforOfflineAddessBookdownloads KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Exchange\Exchange Provider" PART !!L_Numberofhours NUMERIC VALUENAME "Max Full OAB Download Wait" MIN 1 MAX 72 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_MaximumwaittimeforOfflineAddessBookdownloadsExplain END POLICY END CATEGORY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_CachedExchangeMode POLICY !!L_ConfigureCachedExchangeMode KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Cached Mode" VALUENAME Enable VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_ConfigureCachedExchangeModeExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_InCachedExchangemakeSendReceiveF9nulloperation KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Cached Mode" VALUENAME NoManualOnlineSync VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_InCachedExchangemakeSendReceiveF9nulloperationExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Entersecondstowaittouploadchangestoserver KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Cached Mode" PART !!L_EntersecondstowaitbeforeuploadDefault15sec NUMERIC VALUENAME Upload SPIN 1 #if VERSION == 1 SPIN 0 #endif DEFAULT 15 MIN 0 MAX 86400 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SpecifiesnumberofsecondstowaitbeforeuploadingchangestotheExc END POLICY POLICY !!L_Entersecondstowaittodownloadchangesfromserver KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Cached Mode" PART !!L_EntersecondstowaitbeforedownloadDefault30sec NUMERIC VALUENAME Download SPIN 1 #if VERSION == 1 SPIN 0 #endif DEFAULT 30 MIN 0 MAX 86400 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_Specifiesnumberofsecondstowaitbeforedownloadingchangesfromth END POLICY POLICY !!L_Entermaximumsecondstowaittosyncchanges KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Cached Mode" PART !!L_EntersecondstowaitbeforesyncDefault60sec NUMERIC VALUENAME Maximum SPIN 1 #if VERSION == 1 SPIN 0 #endif DEFAULT 60 MIN 0 MAX 86400 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_Specifiesmaximumnumberofsecondstowaitbeforesynchronizingchan END POLICY POLICY !!L_CachedExchangeModeFileCachedExchangeMode KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Cached Mode" PART !!L_SelectCachedExchangeModefornewprofiles DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME CachedExchangeMode ITEMLIST NAME !!L_DownloadHeaders VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!L_DownloadFullItems VALUE NUMERIC 2 DEFAULT NAME !!L_DownloadHeadersandthenFullItems VALUE NUMERIC 3 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SpecifiesthedefaultCachedExchangeModefornewprofilesanddisabl END POLICY POLICY !!L_DisallowDownloadFullItemsFileCachedExchangeMode KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Cached Mode" VALUENAME NoFullItems VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisablesEnablestheoptionDownloadFullItemsintheCachedExchange END POLICY POLICY !!L_DisallowDownloadHeadersthenFullItemsFileCachedExchangeMode KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Cached Mode" VALUENAME NoDrizzle VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisablesEnablestheoptionDownloadHeadersandthenFullItemsinthe END POLICY POLICY !!L_DisallowDownloadHeadersFileCachedExchangeMode KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Cached Mode" VALUENAME NoHeaders VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisablesEnablestheoptionDownloadHeadersintheCachedExchangeMo END POLICY POLICY !!L_DisallowOnSlowConnectionsOnlyDownloadHeadersFileCachedExchan KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Cached Mode" VALUENAME NoSlowHeaders VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisablesEnablestheoptionOnSlowConnectionsDownloadOnlyHeaders END POLICY POLICY !!L_DownloadPublicFolderFavorites KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Cached Mode" VALUENAME SyncPFFav VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_CheckedCheckstheDownloadPublicFolderFavoritesoptionintheAdva END POLICY POLICY !!L_Downloadshardnonmailfolders KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Cached Mode" VALUENAME DownloadSharedFolders VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DownloadshardnonmailfoldersExplain END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_RSSSubscriptions POLICY !!L_SynchronizeOutlookRSSFeedswithCommonFeedList KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\RSS VALUENAME SyncToSysCFL VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 EXPLAIN !!L_SynchronizeOutlookRSSFeedswithCommonFeedListExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_RunRulesonRSSItems KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\RSS VALUENAME EnableRulesOnAllRss VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_RunRulesonRSSItemsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_DisableRoamingofRSSSubscriptions KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\RSS VALUENAME DisableRoaming VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisableRoamingofRSSSubscriptionsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_TurnoffRSSfeature KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\RSS VALUENAME Disable VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_TurnoffRSSfeatureExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Automaticallydownloadenclosures KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\RSS VALUENAME EnableEnclosures VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_AutomaticallydownloadenclosuresExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Overridepublishedsyncinterval KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\RSS VALUENAME IgnoreTTL VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_OverridepublishedsyncintervalExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Downloadfulltextofarticles KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\RSS VALUENAME EnableFullTextHTML VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DownloadfulltextofarticlesExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_DefaultRSSfeeds KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Accounts PART !!L_DefaultRSSSubscriptionsPart LISTBOX EXPLICITVALUE END PART EXPLAIN !!L_DefaultRSSSubscriptionsExplain END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_IMAP POLICY !!L_Turnonpurgewhenswitchingfolders KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail VALUENAME EnablePurgeOnSwitch VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_TurnonpurgewhenswitchingfoldersExplain END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_WebCalSubscriptions POLICY !!L_Overridepublishedsyncinteral KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\WebCal VALUENAME IgnoreTTL VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_OverridepublishedsyncinteralebCalExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_DisableroamingofInternetCalendars KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\WebCal VALUENAME DisableRoaming VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisableroamingofInternetCalendarsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_AutomaticallydownloadenclosuresWebCal KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\WebCal VALUENAME EnableAttachments VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_AutomaticallydownloadenclosuresWebCalExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_DisableWebCalIntegration KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\WebCal VALUENAME Disable VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisableWebCalIntegrationExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_DefaultWebCalsubscriptions KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Accounts PART !!L_Empty LISTBOX EXPLICITVALUE END PART EXPLAIN !!L_DefaultWebCalsubscriptionsExplain END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_SharePointIntegration POLICY !!L_Modifynumberofchangeditemsincluded KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Preferences PART !!L_Empty NUMERIC VALUENAME SharePointPageSize DEFAULT 250 MIN 15 max 1000 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ModifynumberofchangeditemsincludedExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_DefaultSharePointlists KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Accounts PART !!L_Empty LISTBOX EXPLICITVALUE END PART EXPLAIN !!L_DefaultSharePointlistsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_DefinecustomlabelforSharePointstore KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\Common\Offline\Options PART !!L_DefinecustomlabelforSharePointstorePart EDITTEXT VALUENAME "Name" END PART EXPLAIN !!L_DefinecustomlabelforSharePointstoreExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_DisableSharepointintegrationinOutlook KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\WSS VALUENAME Disable VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisableEnableaccesstoWindowsSharePointServiceswithOutlook END POLICY POLICY !!L_Overridepublishedsyncinteral KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\WSS VALUENAME IgnoreTTL VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_OverridepublishedsyncinteralExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Sharepointfoldersyncinterval KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Preferences PART !!L_SelectintervaltosyncSharepointfoldersminutes NUMERIC VALUENAME STSSyncInterval SPIN 1 DEFAULT 20 MIN 0 MAX 1440 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_DefinestheintervalinminutesinwhichOutlookautomaticallyupdate END POLICY POLICY !!L_DisableRoamingofSharePointlists KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\WSS VALUENAME DisableRoaming VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisableRoamingofSharePointlistsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_LogSharePointsyncRequestsandResponses KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail VALUENAME EnableWSSSyncLogging VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_LogSharePointsyncRequestsandResponsesExplain END POLICY END CATEGORY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_Customizableerrormessages POLICY !!L_Listoferrormessagestocustomize KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\CustomizableAlerts PART !!L_Listoferrormessagestocustomize LISTBOX EXPLICITVALUE END PART PART !!L_EntererrorIDforValueNameandcustombuttontextforValue TEXT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_Definesalistofcustomerrormessagestoactivate END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_Disableitemsinuserinterface POLICY !!L_Disableshortcutkeys KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\DisabledShortcutKeysList PART !!L_Enterakeyandmodifiertodisable LISTBOX VALUEPREFIX KeyMod END PART EXPLAIN !!L_Specifythevirtualkeycodeandmodifierfortheshortcutkeytodisabl END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_OutlookTodaysettings POLICY !!L_OutlookTodayavailability KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Today VALUENAME Disable VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 EXPLAIN !!L_CheckedDisplaysthecustomizableOutlookTodaypageUncheckedDispl END POLICY POLICY !!L_URLforcustomOutlookToday KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Today PART !!L_EntertheURLofOutlookTodayswebpagemax129chars EDITTEXT VALUENAME "Url" END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SpecifiestheURLofacustomwebpagetobedisplayedinplaceofOutlook END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_FolderHomePagesforOutlookspecialfolders POLICY !!L_RSSFolderHomePage KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Webview\RSS PART !!L_Showassociatedwebpage CHECKBOX VALUENAME Show VALUEON "yes" VALUEOFF "no" END PART PART !!L_URLaddressofassociatedwebpage EDITTEXT VALUENAME Url END PART PART !!L_TurnoffInternetExplorersecuritychecks CHECKBOX VALUENAME Security VALUEON "yes" VALUEOFF "no" END PART EXPLAIN !!L_RSSFolderHomePageExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_InboxFolderHomePage KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Webview\Inbox PART !!L_Showassociatedwebpage CHECKBOX VALUENAME Show VALUEON "yes" VALUEOFF "no" END PART PART !!L_URLaddressofassociatedwebpage EDITTEXT VALUENAME Url END PART PART !!L_TurnoffInternetExplorersecuritychecksforthiswebpage CHECKBOX VALUENAME Security VALUEON "yes" VALUEOFF "no" END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionShowhomepagebydefaultforthisfolderint END POLICY POLICY !!L_DisableFolderHomePages KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Webview VALUENAME Disable VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisableFolderHomePagesExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_CalendarFolderHome KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Webview\Calendar PART !!L_Showassociatedwebpage CHECKBOX VALUENAME Show VALUEON "yes" VALUEOFF "no" END PART PART !!L_URLaddressofassociatedwebpage EDITTEXT VALUENAME Url END PART PART !!L_TurnoffInternetExplorersecuritychecksforthiswebpage CHECKBOX VALUENAME Security VALUEON "yes" VALUEOFF "no" END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionShowhomepagebydefaultforthisfolderint END POLICY POLICY !!L_ContactsFolderHomePage KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Webview\Contacts PART !!L_Showassociatedwebpage CHECKBOX VALUENAME Show VALUEON "yes" VALUEOFF "no" END PART PART !!L_URLaddressofassociatedwebpage EDITTEXT VALUENAME Url END PART PART !!L_TurnoffInternetExplorersecuritychecksforthiswebpage CHECKBOX VALUENAME Security VALUEON "yes" VALUEOFF "no" END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionShowhomepagebydefaultforthisfolderint END POLICY POLICY !!L_DeletedItemsFolderHomePage KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Webview\Deleted Items" PART !!L_Showassociatedwebpage CHECKBOX VALUENAME Show VALUEON "yes" VALUEOFF "no" END PART PART !!L_URLaddressofassociatedwebpage EDITTEXT VALUENAME Url END PART PART !!L_TurnoffInternetExplorersecuritychecksforthiswebpage CHECKBOX VALUENAME Security VALUEON "yes" VALUEOFF "no" END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionShowhomepagebydefaultforthisfolderint END POLICY POLICY !!L_DraftsFolderHomePage KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Webview\Drafts PART !!L_Showassociatedwebpage CHECKBOX VALUENAME Show VALUEON "yes" VALUEOFF "no" END PART PART !!L_URLaddressofassociatedwebpage EDITTEXT VALUENAME Url END PART PART !!L_TurnoffInternetExplorersecuritychecksforthiswebpage CHECKBOX VALUENAME Security VALUEON "yes" VALUEOFF "no" END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionShowhomepagebydefaultforthisfolderint END POLICY POLICY !!L_JournalFolderHomePage KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Webview\Journal PART !!L_Showassociatedwebpage CHECKBOX VALUENAME Show VALUEON "yes" VALUEOFF "no" END PART PART !!L_URLaddressofassociatedwebpage EDITTEXT VALUENAME Url END PART PART !!L_TurnoffInternetExplorersecuritychecksforthiswebpage CHECKBOX VALUENAME Security VALUEON "yes" VALUEOFF "no" END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionShowhomepagebydefaultforthisfolderint END POLICY POLICY !!L_NotesFolderHomePage KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Webview\Notes PART !!L_Showassociatedwebpage CHECKBOX VALUENAME Show VALUEON "yes" VALUEOFF "no" END PART PART !!L_URLaddressofassociatedwebpage EDITTEXT VALUENAME Url END PART PART !!L_TurnoffInternetExplorersecuritychecksforthiswebpage CHECKBOX VALUENAME Security VALUEON "yes" VALUEOFF "no" END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionShowhomepagebydefaultforthisfolderint END POLICY POLICY !!L_OutboxFolderHomePage KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Webview\Outbox PART !!L_Showassociatedwebpage CHECKBOX VALUENAME Show VALUEON "yes" VALUEOFF "no" END PART PART !!L_URLaddressofassociatedwebpage EDITTEXT VALUENAME Url END PART PART !!L_TurnoffInternetExplorersecuritychecksforthiswebpage CHECKBOX VALUENAME Security VALUEON "yes" VALUEOFF "no" END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionShowhomepagebydefaultforthisfolderint END POLICY POLICY !!L_SentItemsFolderHomePage KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Webview\Sent Mail" PART !!L_Showassociatedwebpage CHECKBOX VALUENAME Show VALUEON "yes" VALUEOFF "no" END PART PART !!L_URLaddressofassociatedwebpage EDITTEXT VALUENAME Url END PART PART !!L_TurnoffInternetExplorersecuritychecksforthiswebpage CHECKBOX VALUENAME Security VALUEON "yes" VALUEOFF "no" END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionShowhomepagebydefaultforthisfolderint END POLICY POLICY !!L_TasksFolderHomePage KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Webview\Tasks PART !!L_Showassociatedwebpage CHECKBOX VALUENAME Show VALUEON "yes" VALUEOFF "no" END PART PART !!L_URLaddressofassociatedwebpage EDITTEXT VALUENAME Url END PART PART !!L_TurnoffInternetExplorersecuritychecksforthiswebpage CHECKBOX VALUENAME Security VALUEON "yes" VALUEOFF "no" END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionShowhomepagebydefaultforthisfolderint END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_SearchFolders POLICY !!L_Keepsearchfoldersoffline KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\General PART !!L_Specifydaystokeepfoldersaliveinofflineorcachedmode NUMERIC VALUENAME SearchOfflineKeepAliveDays SPIN 1 DEFAULT 60 MIN 0 MAX 999 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SpecifiesthenumberofdaystokeepaSearchFolderactivewhenrunning END POLICY POLICY !!L_KeepsearchfoldersinExchangeonline KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\General PART !!L_SpecifydaystokeepfoldersaliveinExchangeonlinemode NUMERIC VALUENAME SearchOnlineKeepAliveDays SPIN 1 DEFAULT 60 MIN 0 MAX 1000 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SpecifiesthenumberofdaystokeepaSearchFolderactivewhenrunning END POLICY POLICY !!L_Defaultsearchfoldersatstartup KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Setup VALUENAME SearchNoCreateDefaults VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DefaultsearchfoldersatstartupExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_MaximumNumberofOnlineSearchFolderspermailbox KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\General PART !!L_SpecifymaximumnumberofSearchFolders1 TEXT END PART PART !!L_SpecifymaximumnumberofSearchFolders2 NUMERIC VALUENAME SearchMaxNumberOnline SPIN 1 DEFAULT 999 MIN 0 MAX 999 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SpecifiesthemaximumnumberofSearchFoldersthatrunontheExchange END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_MeetingWorkspace POLICY !!L_DisableMeetingWorkspacebutton KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Meetings\Profile VALUENAME EntryUI VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisablesEnablestheMeetingWorkspacebuttonontheMeetingRequestf END POLICY POLICY !!L_Disableuserentriestoserverlist KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Meetings\Profile PART !!L_Checktodisableusersfromaddingentriestoserverlist DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME ServerUI ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Publishdefaultallowothers VALUE NUMERIC 1 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Publishdefaultdisallowothers VALUE NUMERIC 2 END ITEMLIST END PART EXPLAIN !!L_PublishdefaultallowothersUserscanselecttheoptionOtherintheSe END POLICY POLICY !!L_DefaultserversanddataforMeetingWorkspaces KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Meetings\Profile PART !!L_Default EDITTEXT VALUENAME MRUInternal END PART PART !!L_Thispolicypopulatesthedefaultserversandserverdata1 TEXT END PART PART !!L_Thispolicypopulatesthedefaultserversandserverdata2 TEXT END PART PART !!L_Thispolicypopulatesthedefaultserversandserverdata3 TEXT END PART PART !!L_Thispolicypopulatesthedefaultserversandserverdata4 TEXT END PART PART !!L_Thispolicypopulatesthedefaultserversandserverdata5 TEXT END PART PART !!L_Thispolicypopulatesthedefaultserversandserverdata6 TEXT END PART PART !!L_Thispolicypopulatesthedefaultserversandserverdata7 TEXT END PART PART !!L_Thispolicypopulatesthedefaultserversandserverdata8 TEXT END PART PART !!L_Thispolicypopulatesthedefaultserversandserverdata9 TEXT END PART PART !!L_Thispolicypopulatesthedefaultserversandserverdata10 TEXT END PART PART !!L_Thispolicypopulatesthedefaultserversandserverdata11 TEXT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_DefinesthedefaultserversandserverdataforMeetingWorkspacesThi END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_OutlookSystemTrayIcon POLICY !!L_ShowNetworkWarnings KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Display Types\Balloons" VALUENAME NetWarn VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUnchecksthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_ShowExchangeServerMessages KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Display Types\Balloons" VALUENAME Exchange VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUnchecksthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_ShowNetworkConnectivityChanges KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Display Types\Balloons" VALUENAME NetConn VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUnchecksthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_TimebeforenotifyingofpendingRPCviaballoon KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Display Types" PART !!L_Timetowaitifahighbandwidthconnectionisdetected DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME TimetoShowRPCMessageHighBandwidth ITEMLIST NAME !!L_15seconds VALUE NUMERIC 15000 NAME !!L_30seconds VALUE NUMERIC 30000 DEFAULT NAME !!L_1minute VALUE NUMERIC 60000 NAME !!L_2minutes VALUE NUMERIC 120000 NAME !!L_5minutes VALUE NUMERIC 300000 NAME !!L_10minutes VALUE NUMERIC 600000 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART PART !!L_Timetowaitifalowbandwidthconnectionisdetected DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME TimetoShowRPCMessageLowBandwidth ITEMLIST NAME !!L_15seconds VALUE NUMERIC 15000 NAME !!L_30seconds VALUE NUMERIC 30000 NAME !!L_1minute VALUE NUMERIC 60000 NAME !!L_2minutes VALUE NUMERIC 120000 DEFAULT NAME !!L_5minutes VALUE NUMERIC 300000 NAME !!L_10minutes VALUE NUMERIC 600000 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_Specifiestheamountoftimetodelaybeforedisplayinganotification END POLICY POLICY !!L_TimebeforenotifyingofpendingRPCvianotificationstrayicon KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Display Types" PART !!L_Timetowaitifahighbandwidthconnectionisdetected DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME TimeToUpdateTrayIconHighBandwidth ITEMLIST NAME !!L_3seconds VALUE NUMERIC 3000 DEFAULT NAME !!L_5seconds VALUE NUMERIC 5000 NAME !!L_10seconds VALUE NUMERIC 10000 NAME !!L_15seconds VALUE NUMERIC 15000 NAME !!L_30seconds VALUE NUMERIC 30000 NAME !!L_1minute VALUE NUMERIC 60000 NAME !!L_2minutes VALUE NUMERIC 120000 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART PART !!L_Timetowaitifalowbandwidthconnectionisdetected DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME TimeToUpdateTrayIconLowBandwidth ITEMLIST NAME !!L_3seconds VALUE NUMERIC 3000 NAME !!L_5seconds VALUE NUMERIC 5000 NAME !!L_10seconds VALUE NUMERIC 10000 DEFAULT NAME !!L_15seconds VALUE NUMERIC 15000 NAME !!L_30seconds VALUE NUMERIC 30000 NAME !!L_1minute VALUE NUMERIC 60000 NAME !!L_2minutes VALUE NUMERIC 120000 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_Specifiestheamountoftimetodelaybeforedisplayinganotification END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_InfoPathIntegration POLICY !!L_DisableInfoPathpropertiespromotioninOutlook KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\InfoPath VALUENAME DisableInfoPathPropertyPromotion VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisableInfoPathpropertiespromotioninOutlookExplain END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_MIMItoMAPIConversion POLICY !!L_Changethelimitforthenumberof KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail PART !!L_Empty NUMERIC VALUENAME EmbeddedMessageLimit DEFAULT 50 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ChangethelimitforthenumberofExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_ChangethelimitFriendlyName KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail PART !!L_Empty NUMERIC VALUENAME FriendlyNameLimit DEFAULT 1000 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ChangethelimitFriendlyNameExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Changelimitrecipients KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail PART !!L_Empty NUMERIC VALUENAME MaxNumRecipients DEFAULT 12288 MAX 99999 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ChangelimitrecipientsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_ChangethelimitMIMEheaders KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail PART !!L_Empty NUMERIC VALUENAME MIMEHeaders DEFAULT 20000 MAX 99999 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ChangethelimitMIMEheadersExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_ChangelimitMIMEbody KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail PART !!L_Empty NUMERIC VALUENAME MIMEBodies DEFAULT 250 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ChangelimitMIMEbodyExplain END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_FormRegionSettings POLICY !!L_Disableformregions KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Addins PART !!L_DisableformregionsPart DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME DisableFormRegions ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Allformregionsareallowedtorun VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_OnlyformregionsregisteredinHKLM VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!L_Noformresgions VALUE NUMERIC 2 END ITEMLIST END PART EXPLAIN !!L_DisableformregionsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Lockedformregions KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Addins\LockedFormRegions PART !!L_Empty LISTBOX EXPLICITVALUE END PART EXPLAIN !!L_LockedformregionsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_FormRegions KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Addins PART !!L_Empty DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME ExclusiveFormRegions ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Allformregionsarealloed VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Disallowadjoiningformregions VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!L_Disallowreplacereplaceallandseparate VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!L_Onlyadjoiningformregionsareallowed VALUE NUMERIC 3 NAME !!L_Onlyreplacereplaceallandseparate VALUE NUMERIC 4 NAME !!L_Allformregionscustomizationsdisabled VALUE NUMERIC 5 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_FormRegionsExplain END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_Miscellaneous POLICY !!L_PABMigration KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Setup VALUENAME ImportPAB VALUEON "Yes" VALUEOFF "No" EXPLAIN !!L_PABMigrationExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_OnlyshowAutoAcountSetuponfirstboot KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options VALUENAME ShowServicesOnFirstRun VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_OnlyshowAutoAcountSetuponfirstbootExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Disabledistributionlistexpansion KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail VALUENAME DisableDLExpansion VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisabledistributionlistexpansionExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_DisableOutlookAddressBook KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook VALUENAME DisableOutlookAB VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisableOutlookAddressBookExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_AllowCryptoAutosave KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\MailSettings VALUENAME AllowAutoSaveCryptoMail VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_AllowCryptoAutosaveExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_DoNotMigratePublicFoldershortcutsintoPublicFolderFavorites KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\Setup VALUENAME MigratePublicFolderShortcuts VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 EXPLAIN !!L_DoNotMigratePublicFoldershortcutsintoPublicFolderFavoritesExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_ManagingCategoriesduringe_mailexchanges KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Preferences PART !!L_AcceptCategoriesassignedtoincomingmailbythesender CHECKBOX VALUENAME AcceptCategories VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_Whenreplyingtoandforwardingmailincludepersonalcategories CHECKBOX VALUENAME SendPersonalCategories VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ManagingCategoriesduringe_mailexchangesExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Addnewcategories KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Preferences PART !!L_Enternewcategoriessemicolondelimited EDITTEXT VALUENAME NewCategories END PART EXPLAIN !!L_Addnewcategoriesexplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_PreventMAPIservicesfrombeingadded KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options PART !!L_PreventMAPIservicesfrombeingaddedPart EDITTEXT VALUENAME DisableCreateServices END PART EXPLAIN !!L_PreventMAPIservicesfrombeingaddedExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_WorkflowTasksinOutlook KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\Common\Workflow VALUENAME DisableTaskEdit VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_WorkflowTasksinOutlookExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_DisableVLVBrowsingonLDAPservers KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\LDAP VALUENAME DisableVLVBrowsing VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_CheckedOutlookdoesnotusetheVirtualListViewsLDAPextensionwhen END POLICY POLICY !!L_DonotdownloadpermissionforemailduringofflineExchangefoldersy KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\Drm VALUENAME DoNotAcquireDRMLicenseOnSync VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_CheckedDoesnotdownloadlicenseinformationformessagesintolocal END POLICY POLICY !!L_AutorepairofMAPI32DLL KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\ PART !!L_OutlookrequiresthecorrectversionofMAPI32DLL1 TEXT END PART PART !!L_OutlookrequiresthecorrectversionofMAPI32DLL2 TEXT END PART PART !!L_OutlookrequiresthecorrectversionofMAPI32DLL3 TEXT END PART PART !!L_OutlookrequiresthecorrectversionofMAPI32DLL4 TEXT END PART PART !!L_OutlookrequiresthecorrectversionofMAPI32DLL5 TEXT END PART PART !!L_ChooseaFIXMAPIEXEoption DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME FixMapi ITEMLIST NAME !!L_AskuserbeforerunningFIXMAPIEXE VALUE NUMERIC 5 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Donotaskautomaticallyrepair VALUE NUMERIC 6 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SpecifieswhethertoprompttheuserbeforeautomaticallyrunningFIX END POLICY POLICY !!L_Preventusersfromaddingemailaccounttypes KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options PART !!L_PreventusersfromaddingHTTPemailaccounts CHECKBOX VALUENAME DisableHTTP VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_PreventusersfromaddingExchangeemailaccounts CHECKBOX VALUENAME DisableExchange VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_PreventusersfromaddingPOP3emailaccounts CHECKBOX VALUENAME DisablePOP3 VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_PreventusersfromaddingIMAPemailaccounts CHECKBOX VALUENAME DisableIMAP VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART PART !!L_Preventusersfromaddingothertypesofemailaccounts CHECKBOX VALUENAME DisableOtherTypes VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_DisablesEnablestheoptionforaddingemailaccountoftheassocitedt END POLICY POLICY !!L_DisableWindowsFriendlyLogonMailQuery KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook VALUENAME DontUpdateFriendlyLogon VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisableWindowsFriendlyLogonMailQueryExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_DisableDualFontSupport KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Preferences VALUENAME DontUseDualFont VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_DisablesEnablesDualFontsupportintheOutlookmessagetexteditor END POLICY POLICY !!L_AutomaticallyshowtheOutlookAttachmentpanewhenaddingattachmen KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\MailSettings" VALUENAME "SharingOptionsCount" VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_CheckedDisplaystheOutlookAttachmentPaneautomaticallywhentheu END POLICY POLICY !!L_SendimmediatelywhenOffline KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Preferences VALUENAME SendImmediatelyOffline VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_CheckedIftheoptionSendimmediatelywhenconnectedischeckedinthe END POLICY POLICY !!L_AllowThirdPartyTransportstosendimmediatelywhenOffline KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Preferences VALUENAME PollTransportOffline VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_CheckedIfacustomMAPItransportisinstalledOutlookpollsthetrans END POLICY POLICY !!L_LoadTransportsimmediatelyafterstartup KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Preferences VALUENAME LoadTransportProviders VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_CheckedLoadallcustomMAPItransportsimmediatelywhenOutlookstar END POLICY POLICY !!L_DatePickerCalendarbehavior KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Calendar VALUENAME CalendarTaskpadOn VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_CheckedSelectstheTaskPadcommandintheToolsmenutodisplaytheTas END POLICY POLICY !!L_DisableShowInGroupsandnewstylearrangementsonoldviews KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Setup VALUENAME AutoArrangeViews VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 EXPLAIN !!L_CheckedOutlookdoesnotalterexistingfolderviewsthefirsttimeitr END POLICY CATEGORY !!L_PSTSettings POLICY !!L_Preventusersfromaddingpsts KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\12.0\Outlook PART !!L_Empty DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME DisablePST ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Defaultpstscanbeadded VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_Nopstscanbeadded VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!L_onlysharingexclusivepstscanbeadded VALUE NUMERIC 2 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_PreventusersfromaddingpstsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Preventusersfromaddingnewcontentto KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\PST VALUENAME PSTDisableGrow VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_PreventusersfromaddingnewcontenttoExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_DefaultlocationforPSTfiles KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook PART !!L_DefaultlocationforPSTfiles EDITTEXT VALUENAME ForcePSTPath EXPANDABLETEXT END PART PART !!L_Empty TEXT END PART PART !!L_EnvironmentvariablessuchasUSERPROFILEcanbeused1 TEXT END PART PART !!L_EnvironmentvariablessuchasUSERPROFILEcanbeused2 TEXT END PART PART !!L_EnvironmentvariablessuchasUSERPROFILEcanbeused3 TEXT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_DefaultlocationforPSTfilesExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_DefaultlocationforOSTfiles KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook PART !!L_DefaultlocationforOSTfilesPart EDITTEXT VALUENAME ForceOSTPath EXPANDABLETEXT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_DefaultlocationforOSTfilesExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_PreferredPSTModeUnicodeANSI KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook PART !!L_ChooseadefaultformatfornewPSTs DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME NewPSTFormat ITEMLIST NAME !!L_PreferUnicodePST VALUE NUMERIC 0 DEFAULT NAME !!L_PreferANSIPST VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!L_EnforceUnicodePST VALUE NUMERIC 2 NAME !!L_EnforceANSIPST VALUE NUMERIC 3 END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SpecifieswhethernewPSTfilescreatedbytheuseraretobeinUnicodeo END POLICY POLICY !!L_Permanentlyremovealldeleteditems KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\PST VALUENAME PSTNullFreeOnClose VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_PermanentlyremovealldeleteditemsExplain END POLICY END CATEGORY END CATEGORY END CATEGORY [Strings] L_AllowSelectionFloaties="Show Mini Toolbar on selection" L_TrustCenter="Trust Center" L_Purple="Purple" L_Navy="Navy" L_Aqua="Aqua" L_Black="Black" L_Blue="Blue" L_Fuchsia="Fuchsia" L_Gray="Gray" L_Green="Green" L_Lime="Lime" L_Maroon="Maroon" L_Olive="Olive" L_Red="Red" L_Silver="Silver" L_Teal="Teal" L_White="White" L_Yellow="Yellow" L_Arabic="Arabic" L_Greek="Greek" L_Hebrew="Hebrew" L_Korean="Korean" L_Thai="Thai" L_Vietnamese="Vietnamese" L_Empty=" " L_ChecksUnchecksthecorrespondingUIoption="Checks/Unchecks the corresponding UI option." L_Customizableerrormessages="Customizable Error Messages" L_Disableitemsinuserinterface="Disable items in user interface" L_Disableshortcutkeys="Disable shortcut keys" L_Enterakeyandmodifiertodisable="Enter a key and modifier to disable" L_EntererrorIDforValueNameandcustombuttontextforValue="Enter error ID for Value Name and custom button text for Value" L_General="General" L_High="High" L_LefttoRight="Left to Right" L_Lefttoright2="Left to right" L_Listoferrormessagestocustomize="List of error messages to customize" L_Low="Low" L_Medium="Medium" L_Miscellaneous="Miscellaneous" L_Righttoleft="Right-to-left" L_RighttoLeft2="Right to Left" L_Security="Security" L_ToolsOptions="Tools | Options..." L_DisableFileArchive="Disable File|Archive" L_DisableFileArchiveExplain="This setting allows you to disable File|Archive and prevent users from manually archiving items in their mailbox. You might want to set this if you have deployed other messaging records management policies in order to avoid conflicts. You should also consider disabling AutoArchive in the setting named AutoArchive Settings." L_Pink="Pink" L_Disablestheshortcutkey="Disables the shortcut key." L_Never="Never" L_Specifythevirtualkeycodeandmodifierfortheshortcutkeytodisabl="Specify the virtual key code and modifier for the shortcut key to disable." L_SynchronizeOutlookRSSFeedswithCommonFeedList="Synchronize Outlook RSS Feeds with Common Feed List" L_SynchronizeOutlookRSSFeedswithCommonFeedListExplain="By default, Outlook does not automatically subscribe to RSS feeds that have been added to the Common Feed List - for example, feeds that are added to Internet Explorer. You can change this behavior so that Outlook automatically subscribes to RSS Feeds added in Windows Internet Explorer, and Outlook RSS Feeds are synced to the Common Feed List so they are available in IE. Be aware that third-party applications besides IE can add feeds to the Common Feed List and if you enable this setting, those feeds are automatically subscribed to by Outlook." L_ShowContactslinkingcontrolsonallFormsExplain="By default, Tasks, Appointments, Journal Entries, and Contacts hide the controls in the Outlook user interface used for linking related contacts. When you enable this setting, the linking controls appear in Outlook. You might choose to enable this setting if your users rely on contact linking - for example, to track partners who attend appointments together or to track ways in which contacts are related to each other." L_ShowContactslinkingcontrolsonallForms="Show Contacts linking controls on all Forms" L_ChineseSimplifiedGB18030="Chinese Simplified (GB18030)" L_AllowsallActiveXControls="Allows all ActiveX Controls" L_LoadonlyOutlookControls="Load only Outlook Controls" L_AllowsonlySafeControls="Allows only Safe Controls" L_TrustedListsOnly="Trusted Lists Only" L_AttachmentSecureTemporaryFolderExplain="Outlook creates a temporary files folder in the user's Temporary Internet Files folder and by default, Outlook generates a name for this folder. You can specify a folder path for this Secure Temporary Files Folder by using this setting. However, specifying a folder instead of letting Outlook generate a randomly named folder in under the Temporary Internet Files folder means that all users have temporary Outlook files in the same predictable location, which is not as secure. If you require the ability to use a specific folder, we recommend that you use a local directory (to reduce the possibility of reduced performance); that you place the folder under the Temporary Internet Files folder (to benefit from the enhanced security on that folder), and that the folder name is unique and difficult to guess." L_OfflineAddressBook="Offline Address Book" L_ChangelimitMIMEbody="Change the limit for the number of MIME body parts" L_ChangelimitMIMEbodyExplain="By default, the limit is 250 for the number of MIME body parts when an e-mail message is converted from MIME to MAPI. The number can be set to any positive integer. This helps prevent scenarios in which Outlook hangs while attempting conversion." L_ChangethelimitMIMEheaders="Change the limit for the number of MIME headers" L_ChangethelimitMIMEheadersExplain="By default, the limit is 20000 for the number of MIME headers when an e-mail message is converted from MIME to MAPI. The number can be set to any positive integer. This helps prevent scenarios in which Outlook hangs while attempting conversion." L_Changelimitrecipients="Change the limit for the number of recipients" L_ChangelimitrecipientsExplain="By default, the limit is 12288 recipients included for an e-mail message when the message is converted from MIME to MAPI. The number can be set to any positive integer. This helps prevent scenarios in which Outlook hangs while attempting conversion." L_ChangethelimitFriendlyName="Change the limit for the number of characters in Friendly Name" L_ChangethelimitFriendlyNameExplain="By default, the limit is 1000 characters for Friendly Name when an e-mail message is converted from MIME to MAPI. The number can be set to any positive integer. This helps prevent scenarios in which Outlook hangs while attempting conversion." L_Changethelimitforthenumberof="Change the limit for the number of nested embedded messages" L_ChangethelimitforthenumberofExplain="By default, the limit is 50 embedded messages when an e-mail message is converted from MIME to MAPI. The number can be set to any positive integer. This helps prevent scenarios in which Outlook hangs while attempting conversion." L_MIMItoMAPIConversion="MIME to MAPI Conversion" L_BydefaultthirdpartyActiveXcontrolsarenot="By default, third-party ActiveX controls are not allowed to run in one-off forms in Outlook. You can change this behavior so that Safe Controls (Microsoft Forms 2.0 controls and the Outlook Recipient and Body controls) are allowed in one-off forms, or so that all ActiveX controls are allowed to run." L_Applymacrosecuritysettings="Apply macro security settings to macros, add-ins, and SmartTags" L_BydefaultOutlookdoesnotusethemacrosecurity="By default, Outlook does not use the macro security settings to determine whether to run macros, installed COM add-ins, and SmartTags. You can change this behavior so that Outlook decides whether to run these based on the security level only." L_RetrievingCRLsCertificateRevocationListsExplain="When a certificate includes a URL from which you can download a Certificate Revocation List (CRL), by default, Outlook will retrieve the CRL from the provided URL whenever the user is online. You can change this behavior so that Outlook follows the computer configuration default to determine whether to retrieve the CRL from the URL provided, or so that Outlook will never retrieve the CRL from the provided URL." L_OptionsExplain="You can use these settings to specify how tracking options work for Outlook e-mail messages." L_MessagehandlingExplain="You can use this setting to specify various options for how e-mail messages are handled." L_PreventusersfromaddingpstsExplain="By default, users can add PSTs to their Outlook profiles and can use Sharing-Exclusive PSTs for storing SharePoint Lists and Internet Calendars. You can use this setting to limit users' ability to store mail in a decentralized fashion. You can block the use of PSTs completely, but be aware that blocking all PSTs disables Outlook features such as SharePoint Lists and Internet Calendar.\n\nIf instead you allow only Sharing-Exclusive PSTs to be added to user profiles, PST usage is still limited but the Outlook features that rely on special PSTs are not disabled. The setting that allows Sharing-Exclusive PSTs to be added blocks users from creating new folders in the Sharing-Exclusive PST; copying existing mail folders from their default store to the PST; and copying individual mail items to the root of the PST." L_Preventusersfromaddingpsts="Prevent users from adding PSTs to Outlook profiles and/or prevent using Sharing-Exclusive PSTs" L_Defaultpstscanbeadded="(default) PSTs can be added" L_Nopstscanbeadded="No PSTs can be added" L_onlysharingexclusivepstscanbeadded="Only Sharing-Exclusive PSTs can be added" L_15minutesdefault="15 minutes (default)" L_20minutes="20 minutes" L_25minutes="25 minutes" L_30minutes="30 minutes" L_35minutes="35 minutes" L_40minutes="40 minutes" L_45minutes="45 minutes" L_50minutes="50 minutes" L_1hour="1 hour" L_2hours="2 hours" L_4hours="4 hours" L_8hours="8 hours" L_24hours="24 hours" L_PollingOOFWebsrvice="Polling OOF Web service" L_ModifynumberofchangeditemsincludedExplain="By default, the number of changes an Outlook client downloads from a SharePoint server in a single web service request or ''page'' is 250 changed items. If SharePoint servers have reduced capacity or are overwhelmed by the size of requests coming from Outlook clients, you can change this setting to specify a different number of items to download for a SharePoint page.\N\NYou should test changes in this setting to determine the impact in your specific environment. A page size below 15 or above 1000 is not recommended." L_Modifynumberofchangeditemsincluded="Modify number of changed items included in SharePoint client page download" L_AllowSelectionFloatiesExplain="Disabling this policy setting will result in Mini Toolbar not being displayed on text selection. By default, Mini Toolbar on selection is enabled and its visibility can be changed via a setting in the Editor Options dialog box." L_AutomaticallyconfigurerofilebasedonActiveExplain="By default, if a user is joined to a domain in an Active Directory environment and does not have an e-mail account configured, Outlook populates the e-mail address field of the New Account Wizard with the primary SMTP address of the user currently logged on to Active Directory . The user can change the address and configure a different account, or click Next to configure the populated settings. By enabling this setting, you can change this behavior so that the user does not have the option to configure a different account. The account is automatically configured using their primary SMTP address without showing the New Account Wizard." L_AutomaticallyconfigurerofilebasedonActive="Automatically configure profile based on Active Directory Primary SMTP address" L_SynchronizingdatainsharedfoldersExplain="This setting controls the number of days that elapses without a user accessing an Outlook folder before Outlook stops synchronizing the folder with Exchange. For example, say this option is set to 45. User A opens User B's calendar in Outlook, and then does not click on it again for 45 days. Outlook stops synchronizing the data with Exchange and the calendar is no longer up-to-date. The local copy of the data is removed from the OST file. If User A then clicks on the User B calendar 90 days later, Outlook synchronizes the calendar data and starts the clock again for 45 days." L_Synchronizingdatainsharedfolders="Synchronizing data in shared folders" L_DownloadshardnonmailfoldersExplain="By default, most shared folders that users access in other mailboxes are automatically downloaded and cached in the users' local OST files when Cached Exchange Mode is enabled. Only shared Mail folders are not cached. You can use this setting to change this behavior so that non-mail folders are not downloaded automatically." L_Downloadshardnonmailfolders="Download shared non-mail folders" L_PublishintervalExplain="By default, Outlook does not publish calendars to Office Online more often then the publish interval set by Office Online. This setting allows users to publish calendars more often than the Office Online interval specifies." L_Publishinterval="Publish interval" L_RestrictuploadmethodExplain="By default, users can choose to upload their calendars only once, or to permit Outlook to automatically publish updated versions. This setting disallows the automatic upload option." L_Restrictuploadmethod="Restrict upload method" L_AccesstopublishedcalendarsExplain="By default, users can select who can access their published calendars on Office Online. This setting requires calendars to have restricted access: only users who are invited to do so (by the user who published the calendar) can view the calendar. This setting also disallows users from publishing their calendars to third-party DAV servers." L_Accesstopublishedcalendars="Access to published calendars" L_IncludeappointmentsonlywithinworkinghoursExplain="By default, all appointments in a calendar are published. This setting allows users to publish only apointments within the users' working hours." L_Includeappointmentsonlywithinworkinghours="Include appointments only within working hours" L_Disablesfulldetailsandlimiteddetails="Disables 'Full details' and 'Limited details'" L_DisablesFulldetails="Disables 'Full details'" L_Alloptionsareavailable="All options are available" L_RestrictlevelofcalendardetailsExplain="By default, when using the Microsoft Office Online Sharing Service, users can choose the level of details that are published with a calendar. The options are: Availability only, Limited details, and Full details. This setting allows you to disable some of those options in order to manage how much detail users can publish." L_Restrictlevelofcalendardetails="Restrict level of calendar details users can publish" L_PathtoDAVserverExplain="This setting allows you to define the path to a DAV server that should be used when users publish their calendars via DAV." L_PathtoDAVserver="Path to DAV server" L_PreventpublishingtoaDAVserverExplain="This setting allows you to prevent users from publishing their calendars to a DAV server." L_PreventpublishingtoaDAVserver="Prevent publishing to a DAV server" L_PreventpublishingtoOfficeOnlineExplain="This setting allows you to prevent users from publishing their calendars to Office Online." L_PreventpublishingtoOfficeOnline="Prevent publishing to Office Online" L_MicrosoftOfficeOnlineSharing="Microsoft Office Online Sharing Service" L_DisableresponsebuttonsoninformationalmeetingsExplain="By default, response buttons (Accept, Tentative, and Decline) are present on informational meeting requests and updates. Informational meeting updates occur when properties other than the time are changed by the meeting organizer. Informational meeting requests and updates are also used by managers when they have established a new delegate relationship. This setting allows you to disable the reponse buttons for these types of meeting requests and updates." L_Disableresponsebuttonsoninformationalmeetings="Do not include response buttons on informational meetings" L_OverridepublishedsyncinteralebCalExplain="By default, Outlook follows the sync interval specified by the Internet Calendar publisher and Internet Calendar subscriptions will not be sync'd more often than allowed by the Internet Calendar publisher. This setting allows you to prevent users from overriding the sync interval published by Internet Calendar publishers." L_Allformregionscustomizationsdisabled="All form region customizations are disabled" L_Onlyreplacereplaceallandseparate="Only replace, replace all, and separate" L_Onlyadjoiningformregionsareallowed="Only adjoining form regions are allowed" L_Disallowreplacereplaceallandseparate="Disallow replace, replace all, and separate" L_Disallowadjoiningformregions="Disallow adjoining form regions" L_Allformregionsarealloed="All form regions are allowed" L_FormRegionsExplain="By default, all form regions are allowed for all message classes. By using this setting, you can configure the behavior of form regions for individual message classes to specify which customizations are loaded. These customization restrictions do not propagate to form sub-types." L_FormRegions="Form Regions" L_TurnoffInternetExplorersecuritychecks="Turn off Windows Internet Explorer security checks for this web page" L_RSSFolderHomePage="RSS Folder Home Page" L_RSSFolderHomePageExplain="By default, the RSS folder home page is a site on Office Online. This setting allows you to define a custom home page for the RSS folder." L_Disableautomaticupdatestoappointments="Do not remind users to update calendars when Windows time zone definition updated" L_DisableautomaticupdatestoappointmentsExplain="By default, Outlook prompts users to fix their appointments, meetings, and reminders when the Windows time zone definition for their time zone is changed. This setting allows you to prevent Outlook from automatically prompting the user when the time zone is updated by Windows Update." L_PABMigrationExplain="The Personal Address Book (PAB) is not supported in Microsoft Office Outlook 2007. By default, users are prompted when Outlook first starts to migrate the PAB contents into a Contacts folder they choose. This setting allows you to change migration behavior so that users are not prompted.\n\nYou can choose to: 1) migrate users' PAB contents automatically to the Contacts folder (the default Outlook Address Book) when Outlook first starts (silent migration) and remove the PAB from users' profiles\n2) just remove the PAB from users' profiles. Removing the PAB from profiles does not delete the PAB files; they can be imported later using Import and Export on the File menu." L_PABMigration="PAB Migration" L_Disabletasklist="Disable task list" L_DisabletasklistExplain="By default, the task list appears below appointments in the To-Do Bar. Enabling this setting removes the task list from the To-Do Bar." L_DisableroamingofInternetCalendars="Disable roaming of Internet Calendars" L_DisableroamingofInternetCalendarsExplain="By default, Internet Calendars are available on each client that the users use to connect to their Microsoft Exchange Server mailboxes. This setting allows you to disable roaming Internet Calendars. When roaming is disabled, Internet Calendars are available only on the client that originally linked them." L_PreventusersfromaddingnewcontenttoExplain="This setting prevents users from adding any new content to PST files linked to their profiles." L_Preventusersfromaddingnewcontentto="Prevent users from adding new content to existing PST files" L_OnlyshowAutoAcountSetuponfirstbootExplain="When users start Outlook for the first time, a configuration wizard runs to configure an e-mail account. By default, users are prompted to enter a name, e-mail address, and password, and Outlook uses this information to automatically configure an e-mail account for them. If you clear the check box for this setting, the configuration wizard displays an option to allow users to choose the MAPI service type used in creating the account.\n\nNote: the default value for this option is cleared when the Windows user locale is set to Chinese (PRC), Chinese (Taiwan), Chinese (Hong Kong), or Korean. This facilitates adding the Outlook Mobile Service, used for sending and receiving SMS/OMS messages on cellular phones." L_OnlyshowAutoAcountSetuponfirstboot="Only show Auto Account Setup on first boot" L_FormRegionSettings="Form Region Settings" L_ChecksUncheckstheOutlooksystemtrayiconoptionHideWhenMinimize="Checks/Unchecks the Outlook system tray icon option ''Hide When Minimized''." L_LockedformregionsExplain="Enter the form region name for Value name and the number one (1) for Value data. By default, form regions are not expanded. This setting allows you to configure form regions to be always expanded. This ensures that users see the whole form region and cannot collapse it. To configure a form region to be always expanded, specify the form region name as the Value name and the Value data as ''1'' (without quotes)." L_Lockedformregions="Locked form regions" L_Noformresgions="No form regions are allowed to run" L_OnlyformregionsregisteredinHKLM="Allow only those registered in HKLM" L_Allformregionsareallowedtorun="All form regions are allowed to run" L_DisableformregionsPart="Configure form regions permissions:" L_DisableformregionsExplain="By default, all form region customizations are permitted to run in Outlook. By using this setting, you can disable all form region customizations, or specify that form regions must be registered on a per-computer basis, rather than a per-user basis." L_Disableformregions="Configure form regions permissions" L_EnablelinksinemailmessagesExplain="By default, all links are disabled in e-mail messages to help prevent phishing." L_Enablelinksinemailmessages="Enable links in e-mail messages" L_DefaultlocationforOSTfilesPart="Default location for OST files" L_DefaultlocationforOSTfilesExplain="By default, OST and PST files are located in: %userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook. The setting ''Default location for PST and OST files'' can specify a new location for both PST and OST files. You can use this setting to specify a different folder location for OST files. This setting overrides both the default location and the ''Default location for PST files'' location to specify a location for OST files." L_DefaultlocationforOSTfiles="Default location for OST files" L_UseonlyOABv4Explain="This setting ensures that Outlook will only download OAB v4 from the server. Note that this registry key is not applicable to ANSI mode, which can only use OAB v2." L_UseonlyOABv4="Use only OAB v4" L_DisablefolderhomepagesforfoldersinnondefaultstoresExplain="By default, creating folder home pages for folders in non-default stores is blocked; you cannot define a folder home page for a folder that is in a non-default store. This setting allows you to unblock folder home pages for folders in non-default stores. Note that other settings might still prevent folder home pages from functioning." L_Disablefolderhomepagesforfoldersinnondefaultstores="Do not allow folders in non-default stores to be set as folder home pages" L_DisabledistributionlistexpansionExplain="By default, users can expand distribution lists in e-mail message fields (To, CC, BCC) to display all the users in the distribution list. By enabling this setting, you can change this behavior so users cannot expand distribution lists." L_Disabledistributionlistexpansion="Do not expand distribution lists" L_DefinecustomlabelforSharePointstorePart="Enter custom label for SharePoint store:" L_DefinecustomlabelforSharePointstoreExplain="You can use this setting to define a custom label for the SharePoint Lists PST and most other places where the term ''SharePoint'' is used in Outlook. (Setting this value replaces the word ''SharePoint'' in Outlook strings with the value you specify.) A custom label might be particularly useful when deploying a third-party server that supports the same Windows SharePoint Services Web services Outlook uses for synchronization." L_DefinecustomlabelforSharePointstore="Define custom label for SharePoint store" L_AllowCryptoAutosaveExplain="By default, Outlook does not automatically save copies of unsent e-mail messages that are encrypted. You can enable this setting so that Outlook autosaves unsent encrypted e-mail messages to the user's Drafts folder." L_AllowCryptoAutosave="Extend Outlook Autosave to include encrypted e-mail messages" L_DisableinstallationpromptsExplain="Using the new search functionality in Outlook 2007 requires a specific Windows system component (Windows Desktop Search 3.0). By default, when this system component isn't present, users are prompted with a dialog box when Outlook starts that explains how to download the system component to install on their computers. In addition, other links are provided by default in Outlook to allow users to download the system component.\n\nThis setting allows you to prevent the dialog box from being displayed when the system component is not present on the user's computer and removes the other links provided in Outlook to allow users to download the system component.\n\nRegardless of whether this setting is enabled, if the required Windows system component is not available, the Query Builder pane in Outlook is disabled." L_Disableinstallationprompts="Prevent installation prompts when Windows Desktop Search component is not present" L_AutomaticallydownloadenclosuresWebCalExplain="By default, enclosures on Internet Calendar appointments are not downloaded. This setting allows you to enable automatic downloading of enclosures on Internet Calendar appointments." L_AutomaticallydownloadenclosuresWebCal="Automatically download attachments" L_Numberofhours="Number of hours:" L_MaximumwaittimeforOfflineAddessBookdownloadsExplain="This setting allows admins to disperse full OAB download requests to randomly start between 1 Hr to several hours (which can span multiple days). If the policy is set and a full OAB download is required (e.g. due to a new PDN on the server), Outlook will perform full OAB download in a random time between 1 Hr to the setting that the admin specified. When the policy is not set, then Outlook clients will continue to download the OAB files as they do today. Also note that the policy will only work for the case when Outlook already has a usable OAB. If Outlook does not have a usable OAB (e.g. new cached mode deployment), then it will ignore the policy for the download (i.e. follow same behavior as today)." L_MaximumwaittimeforOfflineAddessBookdownloads="Maximum wait time for Offline Address Book downloads" L_DisablespecialmeetingalertsExplain="By default, users are warned whenever they encounter the following scenarios: 1) they try to change the time on a meeting organized by someone else by dragging the meeting to another timeslot on the calendar or 2) they try to add a resource attendee to a meeting and have previously edited the location field. This setting allows you to disable these alerts." L_Disablespecialmeetingalerts="Do not show special meeting alert messages" L_DisableextendedAutoSaveExplain="By default, Outlook saves copies of calendar items, contacts, and tasks that are opened and have not been saved by the user, in addition to autosaving unsent e-mail messages. Items are autosaved to the user's Drafts folder. You can disable this feature so that Outlook autosaves only unsent e-mail messages." L_DisableextendedAutoSave="Extend Outlook Autosave to include calendar, contact items, and tasks" L_PollingOOFWebServiceExplain="By default, the Out Of Office (OOF) Web service is polled every 15 minutes (900000 milliseconds). This setting allows you to set the maximum number of milliseconds that elapse before Outlook polls the OOF Web service for OOF status." L_OutofOfficeAssistant="Out of Office Assistant" L_ConfigureCachedExchangeModeExplain="By default, Cached Exchange mode is enabled for all new Outlook profiles. This setting allows you to disable Cached Exchange mode for all new profiles. If this option is set in Group Policy, then Cached Exchange mode is disabled for all current Outlook profiles as well." L_ConfigureCachedExchangeMode="Do not use Cached Exchange Mode for all new Outlook profiles" L_DisableeditingfolderpermissionsExplain="By default, users can change permissions on folders using the Permssions tab on the Properties dialog box for the folder or by sending a sharing message. This setting prevents users from changing permissions on folders by disabling options on the Permissions tab. Applying this setting does not affect existing permissions." L_Disablechangingfolderpermissions="Do not allow users to change permissions on folders" L_DisableOutlookobjectmodelscriptsforpublicfoldersExplain="Do not allow scripts included in custom forms or folder home pages for public folders to execute." L_DisableOutlookobjectmodelscriptsforpublicfolders="Do not allow Outlook object model scripts to run for public folders" L_DisableRemberPasswordExplain="Use this option to hide your user's ability to cache passwords locally in the computer's registry. When configured, this policy will hide the ''Remember Password'' checkbox and not allow users to have Outlook remember their password." L_DisableRemberPassword="Disable Remember Password" L_OverridepublishedsyncinteralExplain="By default, Outlook follows the sync interval specified by the SharePoint list publisher and SharePoint list will not be sync'd more often than allowed by the SharePoint list publisher. This setting allows you to prevent users from overriding the sync interval published by SharePoint list." L_Overridepublishedsyncinteral="Override published sync interval" L_DisableOutlookobjectmodelscriptsExplain="Do not allow scripts included in custom forms or folder home pages for shared folders to execute, and do not display folder home pages for shared folders.\nA shared folder is any folder that exists in another user’s mail box, such as when viewing another user's shared Contacts or Calendar folder." L_DisableOutlookobjectmodelscripts="Do not allow Outlook object model scripts to run for shared folders" L_DisablereadingpaneExplain="By default, the Reading Pane is enabled only in the mail module and located on the right hand side of the window. This setting allows you to disable the reading pane." L_Disablereadingpane="Do not display the reading pane" L_DefaultWebCalsubscriptionsExplain="By default, users will not have any default Internet Calendar subscriptions. This setting will allow you to deploy Internet Calendar subscriptions. The URLs listed here will be read and the corresponding Internet Calendar subscriptions will be added to each of the user’s profiles. The name you specify here will not be used as the name of the Internet Calendar subscription." L_DefaultWebCalsubscriptions="Default Internet Calendar subscriptions" L_HitHighlightingcolorExplain="By default, search matches are highlighted in yellow. This setting allows you to change the color used for highlighting matches in search results." L_BackgroundColorcolon="Background Color:" L_HitHighlightingcolor="Change color used to highlight search matches" L_DefaultSharePointlistsExplain="By default, users will not have any default SharePoint lists. This setting allows you to deploy SharePoint lists. The list of URLs provided is read when Outlook starts up, and the corresponding SharePoint lists are added to each of the user’s profiles. The name you specify here will not be used as the name of the SharePoint list." L_DefaultSharePointlists="Default SharePoint lists" L_NumberofDataNaigators="Number of Date Navigators" L_ToDoBarDateNavigatorsExplain="By default, there is a single Date Navigator shown in the To-Do Bar. With this setting, you can choose the number of Date Navigators shown in the To-Do Bar. The minimum number of Date Navigators that can be shown is 0 and the maximum is 9." L_ToDoBarDateNavigators="To-Do Bar Date Navigators" L_Numberofappointments="Number of appointments" L_ToDoBarAppointmentsExplain="By default, there are 3 appointments shown. With this setting you can control the number of appointments that appear in the To-do bar. The minimum number of appointments that can be shown is 0 and the maximum is 25." L_ToDoBarAppointments="To-Do Bar Appointments" L_TaskOptions="Task Options" L_DisableToDoBarExplain="By default, the To-Do Bar is always visible. Enable this setting to not display the To-Do Bar." L_DisableToDoBar="Do not display the To-Do Bar" L_TurnoffSendandTrackExplain="By default, users can flag an e-mail that they send to help them remember to follow up on it later. The flag is not sent to the recipient. By enabling this setting, this feature is turned off." L_TurnoffSendandTrack="Turn off Send and Track feature" L_DisablemeetingregenerationExplain="By default, when a user accepts or tentatively accepts a meeting, Outlook creates a duplicate copy of the meeting with the new response status and a new entry ID. Outlook then deletes the old version of the meeting from the calendar. This setting allows you to roll back to the legacy behavior and prevent meeting regeneration." L_Disablemeetingregeneration="Do not regenerate meetings" L_EnableRPCEncryptionExplain="By default, RPC encryption is not used. This setting allows you to override the corresponding per-profile setting." L_EnableRPCEncryption="Enable RPC encryption" L_DisablehithighlightingExplain="By default, hit highlights are included in search results. Enable this setting to turn off search hit highlighting." L_Disablehithighlighting="Do not display hit highlights in search results" L_DisableemailpostmarkExplain="By default, e-mail messages in Outlook can be ''postmarked.'' E-mail postmarking is a feature that helps junk e-mail filtering software to distinguish regular e-mail from junk e-mail. Enable this setting to prevent e-mail postmark creation and processing in Outlook." L_Disableemailpostmark="Do not allow e-mail postmark functionality" L_DisableClicktoAddExplain="By default, the ‘Click to Add’ UI appears when a user mouses over any of the following areas in the calendar: 1) an unoccupied space of at least one row in the scheduling area in day/week view 2) the bottom of the events area in day/week view and 3) the bottom of a day in the month view. This setting allows you to disable the ‘Click to Add’ feature in the Calendar." L_DisableClicktoAdd="Do not provide Click to Add feature in calendar" L_PlainText="Plain Text" L_RichText="Rich Text" L_HTML="HTML" L_DisableRoamingofRSSSubscriptions="Do not roam users' RSS feeds" L_DisableRoamingofRSSSubscriptionsExplain="By default, links to RSS feeds roam from client to client via Exchange. This setting allows you to disable roaming of users’ links to RSS feeds. If you disable roaming, RSS feeds will only be available on the client computer where the user originally linked to the subscription." L_DisableRoamingofSharePointlists="Do not roam users' SharePoint lists" L_DisableRoamingofSharePointlistsExplain="By default, links to SharePoint lists are available on each client that the users use to connect to their Microsoft Exchange Server mailboxes. This setting allows you to disable roaming links to SharePoint lists. When roaming is disabled, SharePoint lists are available only on the client that originally linked them." L_DefaultRSSfeeds="Default RSS Feeds" L_DefaultRSSSubscriptionsExplain="By default, users do not have RSS Feeds. This setting allows you to deploy RSS Feeds by providing a list of URLs that point to content that is syndicated through RSS. Outlook reads the list when it starts, and the corresponding RSS Feeds are added to each of the user’s profiles. The name specified here is not used as the name of the RSS Feed shown to the user; it is simply for your reference. Provide the URLs in the format: feed://, where 'feed://' replaces 'http://'. This ensures that the URL is parsed as an RSS XML file in Outlook." L_DefaultRSSSubscriptionsPart="List of default RSS Feeds" L_DoNotMigratePublicFoldershortcutsintoPublicFolderFavorites="Do not migrate Public Folder shortcuts into Public Folder Favorites" L_DoNotMigratePublicFoldershortcutsintoPublicFolderFavoritesExplain="By default, shortcuts to Public Folders are migrated to Public Folder Favorites. This setting allows you to prevent this from happening." L_IMAP="IMAP" L_TurnonpurgewhenswitchingfoldersExplain="When “purge on switch” is enabled, IMAP e-mail messages marked for deletion in the current folder will be permanently removed from the server when the user switches to another folder. This setting will allow you to enable the IMAP “purge on switch” feature." L_Turnonpurgewhenswitchingfolders="Turn on purge when switching folders" L_TurnoffRSSfeatureExplain="Turn off the RSS aggregation feature in Outlook. By default, this feature is turned on." L_TurnoffRSSfeature="Turn off RSS feature" L_DisableAttachmentPreviewingExplain="By default, attachments can be previewed in Outlook. Attachment Previewing allows users to preview specific document types inside Outlook. Enable this setting to require users to launch a separate application to view attachments." L_DisableAttachmentPreviewing="Do not allow attachment previewing in Outlook" L_NoProtection="No Protection" L_LowDefault="Low (Default)" L_EntertheSecureFolderpath="Enter the Secure Folder path" L_SetswhichActiveXcontrolstoallow="Sets which ActiveX controls to allow." L_PermanentlyremovealldeleteditemsExplain="By default, a small percentage of deleted data is not overwritten in Outlook PST and OST files. By enabling this setting, all deleted data in PST and OST files is overwritten when users exit Outlook." L_Permanentlyremovealldeleteditems="Permanently remove all deleted content from PST and OST files" L_AttachmentSecureTemporaryFolder="Attachment Secure Temporary Folder" L_AllowActiveXOneOffForms="Allow Active X One Off Forms" L_AddpeopleIemailtotheSafeSendersList="Add e-mail recipients to users' Safe Senders Lists" L_AddpeopleIemailtotheSafeSendersListExplain="By default, people that users send e-mail to are not added to the user's Safe Senders List. You can change this behavior by enabling this setting, so that all e-mail recipients are automatically added to users' Safe Senders Lists." L_TurnoffwordwheelExplain="By default, Instant search functionality is available when searching. Enable this setting to turn off Instant search for search." L_Turnoffwordwheel="Do not include Instant search functionality for searches" L_EnablemarkingofcommentsExplain="By default, comments made in e-mail when replying or forwarding aren't marked in any way. This setting allows you to enable the marking of comments." L_Enablemarkingofcomments="Enable marking of comments" L_Whenreplyingtoandforwardingmailincludepersonalcategories="When replying to and forwarding mail, include personal categories" L_AcceptCategoriesassignedtoincomingmailbythesender="Accept Categories assigned to incoming mail by the sender" L_ManagingCategoriesduringe_mailexchangesExplain="By default, categories on incoming e-mail are removed, and categories are removed when replying to or forwarding an e-mail. This setting allows you to control how categories are shared as users exchange e-mail messages. You can specify that categories are not removed for users' incoming e-mail. You can also specify that e-mail messages that users reply to or forward retain the categories on the original message." L_ManagingCategoriesduringe_mailexchanges="Managing Categories during e-mail exchanges" L_DisableInfoPathpropertiespromotioninOutlookExplain="By default, InfoPath property promotion is enabled. This setting allows you to disable the ability to promote InfoPath forms properties into Outlook properties. This feature allows InfoPath forms to promote properties from the underlying data into named properties in Outlook. These properties are displayed in views on folders, and users can group, filter, and sort by them." L_DisableInfoPathpropertiespromotioninOutlook="Do not promote InfoPath forms properties into Outlook properties" L_InfoPathIntegration="InfoPath Integration" L_SearchOptions="Search Options" L_LocationofitemsdeletedbydelegatesExplain="By default, items deleted by a delegate are stored in the delegate’s Deleted Items Folder instead of the owner’s Deleted Items Folder. Enable this setting to change this behavior and store deleted items in the owner's Deleted Items Folder." L_Locationofitemsdeletedbydelegates="Store deleted items in owner's mailbox instead of delegate's mailbox" L_Delegates="Delegates" L_DownloadfulltextofarticlesExplain="By default, the full-text articles are not downloaded. This setting allows you to control whether Outlook automatically downloads the full text of RSS posts as HTML attachments on the posts." L_Downloadfulltextofarticles="Download full text of articles as HTML attachments" L_OverridepublishedsyncintervalExplain="By default, Outlook follows the sync interval specified by the RSS publisher and RSS feeds will not be sync'd more often than allowed by the RSS publisher. This setting allows you to prevent users from overriding the sync interval published by RSSl publishers." L_Overridepublishedsyncinterval="Override published sync interval" L_AutomaticallydownloadenclosuresExplain="By default, enclosures on RSS posts are not downloaded. This setting allows you to control whether Outlook automatically downloads enclosures on RSS posts." L_Automaticallydownloadenclosures="Automatically download enclosures" L_DisableWebCalIntegrationExplain="By default, Internet Calendar is enabled. This setting disables all Internet Calendar functionality in Outlook. Internet Calendar allows users to easily download and subscribe to published iCal calendars online using the Internet Calendar:// protocol." L_DisableWebCalIntegration="Do not include Internet Calendar integration in Outlook" L_WebCalSubscriptions="Internet Calendar Subscriptions" L_Everywhere="Everywhere" L_EverywhereexceptToandCCfield="Everywhere except To and CC field" L_Displayonlinepresence="Display online presence: " L_DisplayonlinestatusonapersonnameExplain="By default, presence information is displayed everywhere except in the To and CC fields. This setting allows you to select specific the level of presence information to be displayed." L_Displayonlinestatusonapersonname="Display online status on a person name" L_Alloweverywhere="Allow everywhere" L_AlloweverywhereexceptToandCCfield="Allow everywhere except To and CC field" L_Donotallow="Do not allow" L_Maximumlevelofonlinestatusthatcanbedisplayed="Maximum level of online status that can be displayed:" L_SetmaximumlevelofonlinestatusonapersonnameExplain="By default, presence information is displayed everywhere except in the To and CC fields. With this setting, you can select the maximum level of presence information to be displayed. If you define the maximum level of presence with this setting, then you do not need to enable any other setting in order to have presence information displayed." L_Setmaximumlevelofonlinestatusonapersonname="Set maximum level of online status on a person name" L_Enternewcategoriessemicolondelimited="Enter new categories (semicolon delimited)" L_Addnewcategoriesexplain="This setting allows you to add (append) new categories to the user's current list of categories (the default list of categories or the list of categories the user has created)." L_Addnewcategories="Add new categories" L_RSSSubscriptions="RSS Feeds" L_ToolsAccounts="Tools | Account Settings" L_1000AM="10:00 AM" L_1000PM="10:00 PM" L_100AM="1:00 AM" L_100PM="1:00 PM" L_1030AM="10:30 AM" L_1030PM="10:30 PM" L_10minutes="10 minutes" L_10seconds="10 seconds" L_1100AM="11:00 AM" L_1100PM="11:00 PM" L_1130AM="11:30 AM" L_1130PM="11:30 PM" L_1200AM="12:00 AM" L_1200PM="12:00 PM" L_1230AM="12:30 AM" L_1230PM="12:30 PM" L_130AM="1:30 AM" L_130PM="1:30 PM" L_15seconds="15 seconds" L_1minute="1 minute" L_200AM="2:00 AM" L_200PM="2:00 PM" L_230AM="2:30 AM" L_230PM="2:30 PM" L_2minutes="2 minutes" L_300AM="3:00 AM" L_300PM="3:00 PM" L_30seconds="30 seconds" L_330AM="3:30 AM" L_330PM="3:30 PM" L_3seconds="3 seconds" L_400AM="4:00 AM" L_400PM="4:00 PM" L_430AM="4:30 AM" L_430PM="4:30 PM" L_500AM="5:00 AM" L_500PM="5:00 PM" L_530AM="5:30 AM" L_530PM="5:30 PM" L_5minutes="5 minutes" L_5seconds="5 seconds" L_600AM="6:00 AM" L_600PM="6:00 PM" L_630AM="6:30 AM" L_630PM="6:30 PM" L_700AM="7:00 AM" L_700PM="7:00 PM" L_730AM="7:30 AM" L_730PM="7:30 PM" L_800AM="8:00 AM" L_800PM="8:00 PM" L_830AM="8:30 AM" L_830PM="8:30 PM" L_900AM="9:00 AM" L_900PM="9:00 PM" L_930AM="9:30 AM" L_930PM="9:30 PM" L_Accept="Accept" L_AdditionalContactsIndex="Additional Contacts Index:" L_AddpropertiestoattachmentstoenableReplywithChanges="Add properties to attachments to enable Reply with Changes" L_Advanced="Advanced" L_AdvancedEmailoptions="Advanced E-mail Options" L_Aftermovingordeletinganopenitem="After moving or deleting an open item:" L_AllconfigUIenabled="All config UI enabled" L_AllmailfoldersexcludingInbox=" All mail folders excluding Inbox:" L_AllotherfoldersbeingAutoArchived=" All other folders being AutoArchived:" L_Allowaccesstoemailattachments="Allow access to e-mail attachments" L_Allowattendeestoproposenewtimesformeetingsyouorganize="Allow attendees to propose new times for meetings you organize" L_Allowcommasasaddressseparator="Allow commas as address separator" L_AllowDisallowdownloadingofexternalcontentifthemessageisfroma="By default, external content is not automatically downloaded for sites in Safe Zones (as defined by Trusted Zones, Internet, and Intranet settings). You can change this behavior so that external content is automatically downloaded in this scenario by enabling the setting." L_AllowThirdPartyTransportstosendimmediatelywhenOffline="Allow Third Party Transports to send immediately when Offline" L_Allowuserscommentstobemarked="Allow user's comments to be marked" L_Allowxxfulldownloadsper13hrperiod="Allow xx full downloads per 13hr period" L_AllowxxincrementalOABdownloadsper13hrperiod="Allow xx incremental OAB downloads per 13hr period" L_AllowxxmanualOABdownloadsper13hrperiod="Allow xx manual OAB downloads per 13hr period" L_Allsevendays="All seven days" L_Alwayscheckspellingbeforesending="Always check spelling before sending" L_Alwayspromptbeforesendingreceipt="Always prompt before sending receipt" L_Alwayssendaresponse="Always send a response" L_Alwaysuseusersfonts="Always use user's fonts" L_Alwayswarnaboutinvalidsignatures="Always warn about invalid signatures" L_ArabicISO="Arabic (ISO)" L_ArabicWindows="Arabic (Windows)" L_Archiveordeleteolditems="Archive or delete old items" L_Askbeforesendingaresponse="Ask before sending a response" L_AskuserbeforerunningFIXMAPIEXE="Ask user before running FIXMAPI.EXE" L_Attachorginalmessage="Attach orginal message" L_AuthenticationwithExchangeServer="Authentication with Exchange Server" L_AutoArchive="AutoArchive" L_AutoArchiveSettings="AutoArchive Settings" L_Automaticallycleanupplaintextmessages="Automatically clean up plain text messages" L_AutomaticallydialduringabackgroundSendReceive="Automatically dial during a background Send/Receive" L_Automaticallyjournaltheseitems="Automatically journal these items" L_AutomaticallyshowtheOutlookAttachmentpanewhenaddingattachmen="Automatically show the Outlook Attachment pane when adding attachment" L_Automaticallywraptextatxcharacters="Automatically wrap text at characters." L_Automaticnamechecking="Automatic name checking" L_AutomaticPictureDownloadSettings="Automatic Picture Download Settings" L_AutorepairofMAPI32DLL="Auto-repair of MAPI32.DLL" L_Autosaveunsenteveryxxminutes0NoAutoSave="Autosave unsent every xx minutes (0=No AutoSave):" L_Autoselectencodingforoutgoingmessages="Auto-select encoding for outgoing messages" L_BalticISO="Baltic (ISO)" L_BalticWindows="Baltic (Windows)" L_BehaviorforhandlingSMIMEmessages="Behavior for handling S/MIME messages:" L_Blockexternalcontent="Display pictures and external content in HTML e-mail" L_BlockexternalcontentExplain="By default, downloading content from external servers (such as pictures and graphics) in HTML e-mail messages is blocked unless the sender is included in the Safe Senders list in Outlook. This helps protect users from unknowingly confirming their e-mail addresses to potential spam senders who might include a Web beacon in the e-mail message. By enabling this setting, you can change this behavior so that external content is not blocked in any HTML e-mail message." L_BlockInternet="Include Internet in Safe Zones for Automatic Picture Download" L_BlockInternetExplain="By default, Internet is not included in the Safe Zones for Automatic Picture Download. You can change this behavior to include Internet in the Safe Zones by enabling the setting." L_BlockIntranet="Include Intranet in Safe Zones for Automatic Picture Download" L_BlockIntranetExplain="By default, Intranet is not included in the Safe Zones for Automatic Picture Download. You can change this behavior to include Intranet in the Safe Zones by enabling the setting." L_BlockTrustedZones="Block Trusted Zones" L_BlockTrustedZonesExplain="By default, Trusted Zones is not included in the Safe Zones for Automatic Picture Download. You can change this behavior to include Trusted Zones in the Safe Zones by enabling the setting." L_Brieflychangethemousecursor="Briefly change the mouse cursor" L_BuddhistThai="Buddhist (Thai)" L_CachedExchangelowbandwidththreshold="Cached Exchange low bandwidth threshold" L_CachedExchangeMode="Cached Exchange Mode" L_CachedExchangeModeFileCachedExchangeMode="Cached Exchange Mode (File | Cached Exchange Mode)" L_CalendarFolderHome="Calendar Folder Home" L_Calendaritemdefaults="Calendar item defaults" L_Calendaritemsinanyfolder=" Calendar items in any folder:" L_Calendaroptions="Calendar Options" L_CalendarweeknumbersExplain="By default, week numbers are not shown in the Date Navigator in the Calendar. You can change this behavior to show week numbers in the Date Navigator by enabling this setting." L_Calendarweeknumbers="Calendar week numbers" L_CentralEuropeanISO="Central European (ISO)" L_CentralEuropeanWindows="Central European (Windows)" L_CheckedAddpeopletowhomIsendemailtotheSafeSendersListUnchecke="Checked: Add people to whom I send e-mail to the Safe Senders List. | Unchecked: Do not add people to whom I send e-mail to the Safe Senders List." L_CheckedCheckstheDownloadPublicFolderFavoritesoptionintheAdva="Checked: Checks the ''Download Public Folder Favorites'' option in the Advanced tab of the Microsoft Exchange Server dialog box (More Settings button in the E-mail Accounts dialog box) and enables the option. This enables Public Folder Favorites synchronization in Cached Exchange mode. | Unchecked: Unchecks the ''Download Public Folder Favorites'' option in the Advanced tab of the Microsoft Exchange Server dialog box (More Settings button in the E-mail Accounts dialog box) and disables the option. This disables Public Folder Favorites synchronization in Cached Exchange mode." L_CheckedDisplaysthecustomizableOutlookTodaypageUncheckedDispl="Checked: Displays the customizable Outlook Today page. | Unchecked: Displays a standard folder view in place of Outlook Today." L_CheckedDisplaystheOutlookAttachmentPaneautomaticallywhentheu="Checked: Displays the Outlook Attachment Pane automatically when the user adds an attachment to a message. | Unchecked: Does not display the Outlook Attachment Pane automatically when the user adds an attachment to a message." L_CheckedDoesnotdisplayluckydayswhenusingaJapaneseRokuyoucalen="Checked: Does not display lucky days when using a Japanese Rokuyou calendar. | Unchecked: Displays lucky days when using a Japanese Rokuyou calendar." L_CheckedDoesnotdownloadlicenseinformationformessagesintolocal="Checked: Does not download license information for messages into local cache during Exchange offline folder synchronization. | Unchecked: Downloads license information for messages into local cache during Exchange offline folder synchronization." L_CheckedDonotuseANSImodeifofferedbyExchangeServerAlwaysreceiv="Checked: Do not use ANSI mode if offered by Exchange Server. Always receive messages in UNICODE encoded text format. | UnChecked: Use ANSI text when the Exchange Server can provide an ANSI equivalent version of a UNICODE encoded message." L_CheckedEnabletheretentionsettingsspecifiedinthispolicyIntheA="Checked: Enable the retention settings specified in this policy. In the AutoArchive tab of the Properties dialog box, the message, ''Retention policies that your system administrator sets supersede the archive settings for folders.'' appears under ''Retention policy''. | Unchecked: Disable the retention settings specified in this policy. In the AutoArchive tab of the Properties dialog box, the message, ''The network administrator has not set retention policies.'' appears under ''Retention policy''." L_CheckedIfacustomMAPItransportisinstalledOutlookpollsthetrans="Checked: If a custom MAPI transport is installed, Outlook polls the transport when a message for that transport is submitted, even if Outlook is working offline. | Unchecked: When Outlook is working offline, a message submitted for a custom MAPI transport is not sent until the user performs a Send/Receive." L_CheckedIftheoptionSendimmediatelywhenconnectedischeckedinthe="Checked: If the option ''Send immediately when connected'' is checked in the Mail Setup tab of the Tools|Options dialog box, Outlook sends e-mail immediately even if Outlook is working offline. | Unchecked: When working offline, Outlook waits until the next polling interval before sending e-mail messages." L_CheckedLoadallcustomMAPItransportsimmediatelywhenOutlookstar="Checked: Load all custom MAPI transports immediately when Outlook starts. | Unchecked: Do not load custom MAPI transports until they are needed." L_CheckedOutlookdoesnotalterexistingfolderviewsthefirsttimeitr="Checked: Outlook does not alter existing folder views the first time it runs on a user's computer. | Unchecked: The first time Outlook 2007 runs on a user's computer, it upgrades existing folder views to the Outlook 2007 arrangement style and checks the Show In Groups option on the Arrange By submenu of the View menu." L_CheckedOutlookdoesnotusetheVirtualListViewsLDAPextensionwhen="Checked: Outlook does not use the Virtual List Views LDAP extension when querying an LDAP server. | Unchecked: Outlook uses the Virtual List Views LDAP extension when querying an LDAP server." L_CheckedOutlookignorestheformatoftheusersdefaultarchivefilewh="Checked: Outlook ignores the format of the user's default archive file when determining whether to operate in Unicode or ANSI mode. | Unchecked: If the user's default archive file is in ANSI format, then Outlook operates in ANSI mode." L_CheckedOutlooksavesanolderversionofeachviewinlocationforuseb="Checked: Outlook saves an older version of each view in location for use by Outlook Web Access and older versions of the Exchange client. | Unchecked: Outlook does not include an older version of views in location." L_CheckedOverwritestheJunkMailImportlistUncheckedAppendstheJun="Checked: Overwrites the Junk Mail Import list. | Unchecked: Appends the Junk Mail Import list." L_CheckedRemovesassociateditemsfromthelistAutomaticallyrecordt="Checked: Removes associated items from the list ''Automatically record these items''. | Unchecked: Leaves the associated items in the list ''Automatically record these items''." L_CheckedSelectstheTaskPadcommandintheToolsmenutodisplaytheTas="Checked: Selects the Task Pad command in the Tools menu to display the Task Pad when viewing the Calendar folder. | Unchecked: Deselects the Task Pad command in the Tools menu so that the Task Pad is not displayed when viewing the Calendar folder." L_Checkforduplicatecontacts="Check for duplicate contacts" L_ChecksUncheckstheassociateditemsinthelistAutomaticallyrecord="Checks/Unchecks the associated items in the list ''Automatically record these items''." L_ChecksUnchecksthecorrespondingUIoptions="Checks/Unchecks the corresponding UI options." L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionAlsotrustemailfrommyContacts="Checks/Unchecks the option ''Also trust e-mail from my Contacts''." L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionEnablealternatecalendar="Checks/Unchecks the option ''Enable alternate calendar''." L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionMarkitemsasreadwhenviewedintheReading="Checks/Unchecks the option ''Mark items as read when viewed in the Reading Pane'' in the Reading Pane dialog box." L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionPermanentlydeletesuspectedjunkemailin="Checks/Unchecks the option ''Permanently delete suspected junk e-mail instead of moving it to the Junk E-mail folder''." L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionPublishatmylocation="Checks/Unchecks the option ''Publish at my location''." L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionReadalldigitallysignedmailinplaintext="Checks/Unchecks the option ''Read all digitally signed mail in plain text''." L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionReadallstandardmailinplaintext="Checks/Unchecks the option ''Read all standard mail in plain text''." L_ChecksUncheckstheoptionShowhomepagebydefaultforthisfolderint="Checks/Unchecks the option ''Show home page by default for this folder'' in the Home Page tab of the Inbox Properties dialog box, and Disables/Enables the option." L_Checktodisableusersfromaddingentriestoserverlist="Check to disable users from adding entries to server list" L_Checktoprompttheusertochoosesecuritysettingsifdefaultsetting="Check to prompt the user to choose security settings if default settings fail; uncheck to automatically select." L_ChineseLunarSimplifiedChinese="Chinese Lunar (Simplified Chinese)" L_ChineseLunarTraditionalChinese="Chinese Lunar (Traditional Chinese)" L_ChineseSimplifiedGB2312="Chinese Simplified (GB2312)" L_ChineseSimplifiedHZ="Chinese Simplified (HZ)" L_ChineseTraditionalBig5="Chinese Traditional (Big5)" L_ChooseadefaultformatfornewPSTs="Choose a default format for new PSTs" L_ChooseaFIXMAPIEXEoption="Choose a FIXMAPI.EXE option:" L_Choosethefirstdayoftheweek="Choose the first day of the week:" L_Choosethefirstweekoftheyear="Choose the first week of the year:" L_ChooseUIStatewhenOScansupportfeature="Choose UI State when OS can support feature:" L_ChoosewhetherexistingOSTformatdeterminesmailboxmode="Choose whether existing OST format determines mailbox mode" L_Choosewhethertoignoretheeurocharacterwhenautodetectingtheenc="Choose whether to ignore the euro character when auto-detecting the encoding of an outgoing message." L_Cleanoutitemsolderthan="Clean out items older than" L_Closeoriginalmessagewhenreplyorforward="Close original message when reply or forward" L_Color="Color:" L_Company="Company" L_CompanyLastFirst="Company (Last, First)" L_Confidential="Confidential" L_ConfiguresuserinterfaceoptionsrelatedtoRPCoverHTTPcommunicat="Configures user interface options related to RPC over HTTP communication with the Exchange server." L_Contactoptions="Contact Options" L_ContactsFolderHomePage="Contacts Folder Home Page" L_Contextbased="Context-based" L_ConverttoHTMLformat="Convert to HTML format" L_ConverttoPlainTextformat="Convert to Plain Text format" L_Corner03="Corner (0-3)" L_CreatenewOSTifformatdoesntmatchmode="Create new OST if format doesn't match mode" L_Cryptography="Cryptography" L_Cyrillic="Cyrillic" L_CyrillicISO="Cyrillic (ISO)" L_CyrillicKOI8R="Cyrillic (KOI8-R)" L_CyrillicKOI8U="Cyrillic (KOI8-U)" L_CyrillicWindows="Cyrillic (Windows)" L_DatePickerCalendarbehavior="Date Picker/Calendar behavior" L_Days="Days" L_Decline="Decline" L_Default="Default:" L_DefaultFileAsorder="Default File As order:" L_DefaultFullNameorder="Default Full Name order:" L_DefaultlocationforPSTfilesExplain="By default, PST and OST files are located in: %userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook. You can use this setting to specify a different folder location for PST and OST files. The setting ''Default location for OST files'' can be used to provide a new location specific to OST files, overriding this setting (for OST files only)." L_DefaultlocationforPSTfiles="Default location for PST and OST files" L_DefaultsearchfoldersatstartupExplain="By default, Outlook creates a set of search folders (in Mail, in the Navigation Pane) when users start Outlook for the first time: For Follow Up, Large Mail, and Unread Mail. By enabling this setting, you can prevent these default search folders from being created." L_Defaultsearchfoldersatstartup="Do not create default search folders when users start Outlook" L_DefaultserversanddataforMeetingWorkspaces="Default servers and data for Meeting Workspaces" L_DefaultSMIMEpasswordtimeminutes="Default S/MIME password time (minutes):" L_Definesalistofcustomerrormessagestoactivate="Defines a list of custom error messages to activate." L_DefinesthedefaultserversandserverdataforMeetingWorkspacesThi="Defines the default servers and server data for Meeting Workspaces. This policy populates the default servers and server data for Meeting Workspaces. It is recommended that you draft this policy in a text editor and paste it into the dialog box. You may choose to add up to 5 servers to this policy. Each server must be added as a pipe delimited list, a total of 6 pipes per record. The OrganizerName field should be left blank. For further details, see the Office Resource Kit at http://r.office.microsoft.com/r/rlidOfficeResourceKit?clid=1033 Example: http://server1 | Friendly name for server 1 | templateLCID | templateID | TemplateName | OrganizerName | http://server2 |" L_DefinestheintervalinminutesinwhichOutlookautomaticallyupdate="Defines the interval (in minutes) in which Outlook automatically updates SharePoint folders." L_Deleteblankvotingandmeetingresponsesafterprocessing="Delete blank voting and meeting responses after processing" L_DeletedItemsFolderHomePage="Deleted Items Folder Home Page" L_Deleteexpireditemsemailfoldersonly="Delete expired items (e-mail folders only)" L_DeletemeetingrequestfromInboxwhenresponding="Delete meeting request from Inbox when responding" L_DesktopAlert="Desktop Alert" L_Dialupoptions="Dial-up options" L_DisablebutshowallconfigUI="Disable but show all config UI" L_DisableContinuebuttononallEncryptionwarningdialogs="Do not provide Continue option on Encryption warning dialog boxes" L_DisableContinuebuttononallEncryptionwarningdialogsExplain="By default, warning dialog boxes related to encryption settings include a Continue button. Enable this setting to disable the Continue button on encryption settings warning dialog boxes." L_DisableDualFontSupport="Do not include Dual Font support option in the Outlook e-mail editor" L_DisableEnableaccesstoWindowsSharePointServiceswithOutlook="Disable/Enable access to Windows SharePoint Services with Outlook." L_DisableFolderHomePages="Do not allow Home Page URL to be set in folder Properties" L_DisableFolderHomePagesExplain="By default, users can set a URL to be used as the Home Page for a folder by entering the URL on the Home Page tab on the folder's Properties dialog box. By enabling this setting, you can disallow setting Folder Home Pages for all folders." L_DisableInternationalizedDomainNamesIDNinOutlook="Disable Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) in Outlook" L_DisableInternationalizedDomainNamesIDNinOutlookExplain="By default, Outlook supports Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) for SMTP addresses in Outlook if Windows provides the appropriate support for this feature. You can disable IDN support so that Punycode rather than native characters are used for rendering SMTP addresses.\n\nYou might choose to disable IDN support in Outlook if you do not typically expect non-ASCII characters in SMTP addresses.\n\nThis setting does not affect the support of IDN in URLs." L_DisablejournalingoftheseOutlookitems="Do not record listed Outlook items in Journal" L_DisableMeetingWorkspacebutton="Do not display Meeting Workspace button on the Meeting Request form" L_DisableOutlookAddressBook="Disable Outlook Address Book" L_DisableOutlookAddressBookExplain="By default, all Contacts folders are set to be Outlook Address Books when Outlook starts or when a Contacts folder is created. This setting disables automatic configuration of Contacts folders as Outlook Address Books. However, users can still configure new or existing Contacts folders as Outlook Address Books." L_DisablePublishtoGALbutton="Do not display 'Publish to GAL' button" L_DisablePublishtoGALbuttonExplain="By default, users can publish certificates to the Global Address List (GAL) by clicking Trust Center on the Tools menu, and then clicking Publish to GAL on the E-mail Security page. You can prevent Publish to GAL from appearing on the E-mail Security page by enabling this setting." L_DisablesEnablesDualFontsupportintheOutlookmessagetexteditor="Disables/Enables Dual Font support in the Outlook message text editor" L_DisablesEnablestheMeetingWorkspacebuttonontheMeetingRequestf="Disables/Enables the Meeting Workspace button on the Meeting Request form." L_DisablesEnablestheoptionDownloadFullItemsintheCachedExchange="Disables/Enables the option ''Download Full Items'' in the Cached Exchange Mode submenu in the File menu. This applies only to Microsoft Exchange Server 2007." L_DisablesEnablestheoptionDownloadHeadersandthenFullItemsinthe="Disables/Enables the option ''Download Headers and then Full Items'' in the Cached Exchange Mode submenu in the File menu. This applies only to Microsoft Exchange Server 2007." L_DisablesEnablestheoptionDownloadHeadersintheCachedExchangeMo="Disables/Enables the option ''Download Headers'' in the Cached Exchange Mode submenu in the File menu. This applies only to Microsoft Exchange Server 2007." L_DisablesEnablestheoptionforaddingemailaccountoftheassocitedt="Disables/Enables the option for adding e-mail account of the associated type in the Server Types page of the E-mail Accounts dialog box." L_DisablesEnablestheoptionOnSlowConnectionsDownloadOnlyHeaders="Disables/Enables the option ''On Slow Connections Download Only Headers'' in the Cached Exchange Mode submenu in the File menu. This applies only to Microsoft Exchange Server 2007." L_DisableSharepointintegrationinOutlook="Do not allow Sharepoint-Outlook integration" L_DisableShowInGroupsandnewstylearrangementsonoldviews="Disable Show In Groups and new style arrangements on old views" L_DisableSignatures="Do not allow creating, replying, or forwarding signatures for e-mail messages" L_DisableSignaturesExplain="By default, users can create and use signatures on e-mail messages. This setting prevents users from being able to define and use e-mail signatures. To support this, Outlook functionality is modified in the following ways:\n\n - The Tools | Options | Mail Format | Signatures button is disabled.\n\n - The Insert Signature option on the Ribbon is hidden.\n\n - In Tools | Options | Mail Format | Stationery and Fonts | Personal Stationery, the E-mail Signature tab is disabled.\n\n - The e-mail editor does not propagate signatures on e-mail messages. If a signature already exists (before this setting is enabled), Outlook does not include it in new messages, including replies and forwarded messages." L_DisablestheshortcutkeyExplain="By default, users can use the ctrl-enter shortcut to send an e-mail message. By enabling this setting, you can change this behavior so that ctrl-enter does not send e-mail messages." L_Disableuserentriestoserverlist="Disable user entries to server list" L_DisableVLVBrowsingonLDAPservers="Disable VLV Browsing on LDAP servers" L_DisableWindowsFriendlyLogonMailQueryExplain="By default, Windows queries Outlook for the unread message count for users and displays the result on the Windows Welcome screen. By enabling this setting, you can change this behavior so that Windows does not provide this feature on the Welcome screen." L_DisableWindowsFriendlyLogonMailQuery="Do not show unread message count on Windows Welcome screen" L_DisallowDownloadFullItemsFileCachedExchangeMode="Disallow Download Full Items (File | Cached Exchange Mode)" L_DisallowDownloadHeadersFileCachedExchangeMode="Disallow Download Headers (File | Cached Exchange Mode)" L_DisallowDownloadHeadersthenFullItemsFileCachedExchangeMode="Disallow Download Headers then Full Items (File | Cached Exchange Mode)" L_DisallowOnSlowConnectionsOnlyDownloadHeadersFileCachedExchan="Disallow On Slow Connections Only Download Headers (File | Cached Exchange Mode)" L_Displayanotificationmessagewhennewmailarrives="Display a notification message when new mail arrives" L_Displaythereminder="Display the reminder" L_Donotaskautomaticallyrepair="Do not ask; automatically repair" L_Donotautomaticallysignreplies="Do not automatically sign replies" L_Donotcheckemailaddressagainstaddressofcertificatesbeingusing="Do not check e-mail address against address of certificates being using" L_DonotdownloadpermissionforemailduringofflineExchangefoldersy="Do not download permission for e-mail during offline Exchange folder sync" L_Donotincludeorginalmessage="Do not include orginal message" L_Dontopenmessageifreceiptcantbesent="Don't open message if receipt can't be sent" L_Doubleclickingajournalentry="Double-clicking a journal entry:" L_DownloadFullItems="Download Full Items" L_DownloadHeaders="Download Headers" L_DownloadHeadersandthenFullItems="Download Headers and then Full Items" L_DownloadPublicFolderFavorites="Download Public Folder Favorites" L_Drafts="Drafts" L_DraftsFolderHomePage="Drafts Folder Home Page" L_DuringAutoArchive="During AutoArchive:" L_EmailMessage="E-mail Message" L_Emailoptions="E-mail Options" L_EmptyDeletedItemsFolderExplain="By default, the Deleted Items folder is not emptied when users exit Outlook. By enabling this setting, you can change this behavior so that the Deleted Items folder is emptied when Outlook closes." L_EmptyDeletedItemsFolder="Empty the Deleted Items folder when Outlook closes" L_EnableconfigUIwhensettingsarepredeployed="Enable config UI when settings are pre-deployed" L_EnableCryptographyIcons="Enable Cryptography Icons" L_EnableExchangeOverInternetUserInterface="Configure RPC over HTTP user interface options" L_Enablemailloggingtroubleshooting="Enable mail logging (troubleshooting)" L_EnableonlyOnOffcontrolbutnotconfigUI="Enable only On/Off control but not config UI" L_EnablethePersonNamesSmartTag="Turn off Enable the Person Names Smart Tag option" L_EnablethePersonNamesSmartTagExplain="By default, the Enable the Person Names Smart Tag feature is turned on. You can change this behavior so that Person Names Smart Tags do not appear in Outlook by enabling this setting." L_EncodeattachmentsinUUENCODEformatwhensending1="Encode attachments in UUENCODE format when sending a" L_EncodeattachmentsinUUENCODEformatwhensending2="plain text message" L_Encodingforoutgoingmessages="Encoding for outgoing messages" L_Encryptallemailmessages="Encrypt all e-mail messages" L_EndTime="End Time:" L_EnforceANSIPST="Enforce ANSI PST" L_EnforceUnicodePST="Enforce Unicode PST" L_Englishmessageheadersandflags="English message headers and flags" L_EnsureallSMIMEsignedmessageshavealabel="Ensure all S/MIME signed messages have a label" L_Entererrormessagetextmax255characters="Enter error message text (max 255 characters):" L_Enterlistofpoliciesthatcanbeinthepoliciesextension1="Enter list of policies that can be in the policies extension" L_Enterlistofpoliciesthatcanbeinthepoliciesextension2="of a certificate indicating it's a Fortezza certificate" L_Entermaximumsecondstowaittosyncchanges="Enter maximum seconds to wait to sync changes" L_EntersecondstowaitbeforedownloadDefault30sec="Enter seconds to wait before download(Default 30 sec.)" L_EntersecondstowaitbeforesyncDefault60sec="Enter seconds to wait before sync(Default 60 sec.)" L_EntersecondstowaitbeforeuploadDefault15sec="Enter seconds to wait before upload(Default 15 sec.)" L_Entersecondstowaittodownloadchangesfromserver="Enter seconds to wait to download changes from server" L_Entersecondstowaittouploadchangestoserver="Enter seconds to wait to upload changes to server" L_Enterthebitratekbps128k128thresholdtodetectlowbandwidth1="Enter the bitrate (kbps: 128k = 128) threshold to detect low bandwidth" L_Enterthebitratekbps128k128thresholdtodetectlowbandwidth2="(0 - 1,000,000 kbps)" L_EntertheURLofOutlookTodayswebpagemax129chars="Enter the URL of Outlook Today's web page (max 129 chars):" L_EnterURL="Enter URL:" L_EnvironmentvariablessuchasUSERPROFILEcanbeused1="Environment variables such as %USERPROFILE% can be used." L_EnvironmentvariablessuchasUSERPROFILEcanbeused2="Example: %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\ " L_EnvironmentvariablessuchasUSERPROFILEcanbeused3=" Microsoft\Outlook\ " L_error="error" L_Euroencodingforoutgoingmessages="Euro encoding for outgoing messages" L_ExampleEXEREGCOM="Example: EXE;REG;COM" L_Exchange="Exchange" L_ExchangeandFortezza="Exchange and Fortezza" L_Exchangesettings="Exchange" L_ExchangeUnicodeModeIgnoreArchiveFormat="Exchange Unicode Mode - Ignore Archive Format" L_ExchangeUnicodeModeIgnoreOSTFormat="Exchange Unicode Mode - Ignore OST Format" L_ExchangeUnicodeModePreferANSI="Exchange Unicode Mode - Prefer ANSI" L_Exchangeviewinformation="Exchange view information" L_ExpandScopeofSearches="Expand scope of searches" L_ExpandScopeofSearchesExplain="By default, Instant Search in Outlook returns results only from the currently selected folder and the Instant Search Pane displays the folder being searched (for example, ''Search Inbox''). Enabling this setting expands the scope for Instant Search to all folders in the current module (for example, Mail or Calendar). The Instant Search Pane displays the module that is being searched (for example, ''Search All Mail Items'')." L_Firstdayoftheweek="First day of the week" L_Firstfourdayweek="First four-day week" L_Firstfullweek="First full week" L_FirstLast="First Last" L_FirstLast1Last2="First Last1 Last2" L_FirstMiddleLast="First (Middle) Last" L_Firstweekofyear="First week of year" L_FolderHomePagesforOutlookspecialfolders="Folder Home Pages for Outlook Special Folders" L_Foldersizedisplay="Do not display Folder Size button on folder properties dialog box" L_Foritemsnotbeingretained="For items not being retained:" L_Fortezza="Fortezza" L_Fortezzacertificatepolicies="Fortezza certificate policies" L_FreeBusyOptions="Free/Busy Options" L_FreeBusyupdatedontheservereveryxxxseconds="Free/Busy updated on the server every xxx seconds:" L_Friday="Friday" L_GreekISO="Greek (ISO)" L_GreekWindows="Greek (Windows)" L_GregorianArabic="Gregorian (Arabic)" L_GregorianEnglish="Gregorian (English)" L_GregorianHebrew="Gregorian (Hebrew)" L_GregorianTransliteratedEnglish="Gregorian (Transliterated English)" L_GregorianTransliteratedFrench="Gregorian (Transliterated French)" L_GroupCalendar="Group Calendar" L_Handleexternally="Handle externally" L_Handleifpossible="Handle if possible" L_Handleinternally="Handle internally" L_HandlemessageswithSMIMEreceiptrequestsinthefollowingmanner="Handle messages with S/MIME receipt requests in the following manner:" L_Hangupwhenfinishedsendingreceivingorupdating="Hang up when finished sending, receiving, or updating" L_HebrewISOLogical="Hebrew (ISO-Logical)" L_HebrewLunarEnglish="Hebrew Lunar (English)" L_HebrewLunarHebrew="Hebrew Lunar (Hebrew)" L_HebrewWindows="Hebrew (Windows)" L_Hidden="Hidden" L_HideluckydayswhenusingRokuyouJapanesecalendar="Hide lucky days when using Rokuyou (Japanese) calendar" L_HijriArabic="Hijri (Arabic)" L_HijriEnglish="Hijri (English)" L_HTMLOptionsExplain="By default, when users create an HTML e-mail message that includes a reference to pictures located on the Internet, the reference is sent in the e-mail message. By enabling this option, you can change this behavior so that a copy of the pictures is included in the e-mail message instead of the reference." L_HTMLOptions="Send copy of pictures with HTML messages instead of reference to Internet location" L_IfthispolicyisenabledthenalltheoptionsintheAutoArchivedialog="If this policy is enabled, then all the options in the AutoArchive dialog box are disabled except for the option ''Move old items to''." L_ignoreeuro="ignore euro" L_Ignoreoriginalmessagetextinreplyorforward="Ignore original message text in reply or forward" L_Inbox="Inbox" L_InboxFolderHomePage="Inbox Folder Home Page" L_InCachedExchangemakeSendReceiveF9nulloperation="Do not sync in Cached Exchange mode when users click Send/Receive or F9" L_InCachedExchangemakeSendReceiveF9nulloperationExplain="By default, when users click Send/Receive or press F9 for Cached Exchange Mode accounts, Outlook synchronizes with the Exchange server. When this setting is enabled, clicking Send/Receive and pressing F9 do not synchronize with Exchange unless only one folder is being synchronized. Users can continue to use shift-F9 to synchronize the current folder." L_Includeandindentorgmessagetext="Include and indent org. message text" L_Includeoriginalmessagetext="Include original message text" L_IndicateamissingCRLasan="Indicate a missing CRL as a(n):" L_Indicateamissingrootcertificateasan="Indicate a missing root certificate as a(n):" L_InfoldersotherthantheInboxsavereplieswithoriginalmessage="In folders other than the Inbox, save replies with original message" L_InternationalOptions="International Options" L_InternetFormatting="Internet Formatting" L_InternetFreeBusyOptions="Internet Free/Busy Options" L_JapaneseEUC="Japanese (EUC)" L_JapaneseJIS="Japanese (JIS)" L_JapaneseJISAllow1byteKana="Japanese (JIS-Allow 1 byte Kana)" L_JapaneseLunarJapanese="Japanese Lunar (Japanese)" L_JapaneseShiftJIS="Japanese (Shift-JIS)" L_Journalentryoptions="Journal entry options" L_JournalFolderHomePage="Journal Folder Home Page" L_Journaloptions="Journal Options" L_JunkEmail="Junk E-mail" L_JunkEmailprotectionlevel="Junk E-mail protection level" L_JunkMailImportList="Junk Mail Import List" L_KeepsearchfoldersinExchangeonline="Keep search folders in Exchange online" L_Keepsearchfoldersoffline="Keep search folders offline" L_KerberosNTLMPasswordAuthentication="Kerberos/NTLM Password Authentication" L_KerberosPasswordAuthentication="Kerberos Password Authentication" L_KoreanEUC="Korean (EUC)" L_KoreanLunarKorean="Korean Lunar (Korean)" L_Large="Large" L_LastFirst="Last First" L_LastFirstCompany="Last, First (Company)" L_Latin3ISO="Latin 3 (ISO)" L_Latin9ISO="Latin 9(ISO)" L_LayoutOptions="Layout Options" L_Lengthofworkweek="Length of work week:" L_Letuserdecideiftheywanttobewarned="Let user decide if they want to be warned" L_Listoffileextensionstoallow="List of file extensions to allow:" L_LoadTransportsimmediatelyafterstartup="Load Transports immediately after startup" L_LogSharePointsyncRequestsandResponses="Log SharePoint sync requests and responses" L_LogSharePointsyncRequestsandResponsesExplain="By default, logging sync requests and responses between Outlook and SharePoint is disabled. By enabling this setting (or when Outlook logging in general is enabled), Outlook logs most sync requests and responses to a log file stored in the user's TEMP directory. One log file is created per day (up to seven total), using the naming convention: 0-wss-sync-log.HTM, 1-wss-sync-log.HTM, and so on.\n\nLog files can help diagnose problems with Outlook and SharePoint interactions. Each log file links to one or more XML files (also in the TEMP directory) containing detailed server response and error information. The XML filename is based on the corresponding log file; you can obtain all related diagnostic files by copying all *-wss-*.* files from the TEMP directory." L_MailaccountoptionsExplain="Send messages immediately when connected" L_Mailaccountoptions="Mail account options" L_MailFormat="Mail Format" L_MailSetup="Mail Setup" L_MakeOutlookthedefaultprogramforEmailContactsandCalendar="Make Outlook the default program for E-mail, Contacts, and Calendar" L_Markitemasreadwhenselectionchanges="Mark item as read when selection changes" L_Markmessagesasreadinreadingwindow="Mark messages as read in reading window" L_Maximumnumberofdaystoretainitemsin="Maximum number of days to retain items in:" L_MaximumNumberofOnlineSearchFolderspermailbox="Maximum Number of Online Search Folders per mailbox" L_MaximumSMIMEpasswordtimeminutes="Maximum S/MIME password time (minutes):" L_Meetingcancellation="Meeting cancellation" L_MeetingPlanner="Meeting Planner" L_Meetingrequest="Meeting request" L_MeetingRequestsusingiCalendarExplain="By default, meeting requests sent over the Internet use the TNEF format in Outlook. You can change this behavior so that meeting requests sent over the Internet use iCalendar format by default. Enable this setting to use the iCalendar format by default." L_MeetingRequestsusingiCalendar="Send Internet meeting requests using iCalendar format" L_Meetingresponse="Meeting response" L_MeetingWorkspace="Meeting Workspace" L_Messageformat="Message Format" L_Messageformateditor="Set message format" L_MessageformateditorExplain="By default, e-mail messages are formatted as HTML. You can change the format for e-mail messages by enabling this setting and choosing a different option." L_MessageFormats="Message Formats" L_Messagehandling="Message handling" L_Messagesexpireafterdays="Messages expire after (days):" L_MessagewhenOutlookcannotfindthedigitalIDtodecodeamessage="Message when Outlook cannot find the digital ID to decode a message" L_MicrosoftOfficeOutlook12="Microsoft Office Outlook 2007" L_Millisec="Millisec:" L_MillisecDefault4000="Millisec (Default 4000):" L_MinimizeOutlooktothesystemtray="Minimize Outlook to the system tray" L_Minimumencryptionsettings="Minimum encryption settings" L_Minimumkeysizeinbits="Minimum key size (in bits):" L_MissingCRLs="Missing CRLs" L_MissingCRLsExplain="By default, a missing Certificate Revocation List (CRL) is a warning, not an error. You can use this setting to change this behavior so that a missing CRL is an error." L_Missingrootcertificates="Missing root certificates" L_MissingrootcertificatesExplain="By default, a missing root certificate is not a warning or an error in Outlook. You can use this setting to change this behavior so that a missing root certificate is a warning or an error." L_Monday="Monday" L_MondaytoFriday="Monday to Friday" L_MondaytoSaturday="Monday to Saturday" L_MondaytoThursday="Monday to Thursday" L_Months="Months" L_MonthsofFreeBusyinformationpublished="Months of Free/Busy information published:" L_MoreOptions="Warn before permanently deleting items" L_MoreOptionsExplain="By default, a warning message is displayed before Outlook items are permanently deleted. By disabling this setting, you can change this behavior to not display the warning message." L_Morereminders="More reminders" L_Moresavemessages="More save messages" L_movetodeleteditemsfolder="move to deleted items folder" L_MSGUnicodeformatwhendraggingtofilesystem="Use Unicode format when dragging e-mail message to file system" L_MSGUnicodeformatwhendraggingtofilesystemExplain="By default, when users drag an e-mail message from Outlook to the file system, the message file created is in ANSI format. By enabling this setting, you can change this behavior so that the message file is created in Unicode format." L_neithererrornorwarning="neither error nor warning" L_NeverretreivetheCRL="Never retreive the CRL" L_Neversendaresponse="Never send a response" L_NeversendSMIMEreceipts="Never send S/MIME receipts" L_Neverwarnaboutinvalidsignatures="Never warn about invalid signatures" L_NewMailDesktopAlert="Do not display New Mail alert for users" L_NewMailDesktopAlertExplain="By default, users receive an alert message on their desktops when new mail arrives. By enabling this setting, the alert is not displayed for new mail." L_Normal="Normal" L_Notesappearance="Notes appearance" L_NotesFolderHomePage="Notes Folder Home Page" L_Notesoptions="Notes Options" L_NTLMPasswordAuthentication="NTLM Password Authentication" L_OfflineAddressBookEnableSendReceiveGroupDownload="Display option for downloading OAB changes since last Send/Receive" L_OfflineAddressBookEnableSendReceiveGroupDownloadExplain="By default, incremental changes to the OAB are downloaded on Send/Receive and the option to download incremental OAB updates since the last Send/Receive (set by default) is not displayed to users. When this setting is enabled, the option appears on the Offline Address Book dialog box. Users can clear the option, so a full OAB update is downloaded on Send/Receive. Note that a full OAB is not downloaded more than once in 24 hours, regardless of whether users set or clear this option." L_OfflineAddressBookexactaliasmatchingExplain="By default, when searching the Offline Address Book, Outlook resolves e-mail addresses using Ambiguous Name Resolution. With Ambiguous Name Resolution, Outlook suggests additional possible matches (if they exist) even if there is a name that matches exactly the e-mail alias entered. By enabling this setting, you can change the behavior so that Outlook returns a single e-mail address if it exactly matches an e-mail alias." L_OfflineAddressBookexactaliasmatching="Return e-mail alias if it exactly matches the provided e-mail address when searching OAB" L_OfflineAddressBookLimitmanualOABdownloads="Offline Address Book: Limit manual OAB downloads" L_OfflineAddressBookLimitnumberoffullOABdownloads="Offline Address Book: Limit number of full OAB downloads" L_OfflineAddressBookLimitnumberofincrementalOABdownloads="Offline Address Book: Limit number of incremental OAB downloads" L_OfflineAddressBookPromptbeforeDownloadingFullOAB="Offline Address Book: Prompt before Downloading Full OAB" L_Onrepliesandforwards="On replies and forwards" L_OpacityAlphaLevel="Opacity (Alpha Level):" L_Openmessageifreceiptcantbesent="Open message if receipt can't be sent" L_Openstheassociateditem="Opens the associated item" L_Opensthejournalentry="Opens the journal entry" L_Openthenextitem="Open the next item" L_Openthepreviousitem="Open the previous item" L_Options="Options" L_OSTCreation="Do not allow an OST file to be created" L_OSTFormatdeterminesmode="OST Format determines mode" L_Other="Other" L_Outbox="Outbox" L_OutboxFolderHomePage="Outbox Folder Home Page" L_OutlookrequiresthecorrectversionofMAPI32DLL1="Outlook requires the correct version of MAPI32.DLL be installed" L_OutlookrequiresthecorrectversionofMAPI32DLL2="for it to function properly. Sometimes other programs install a" L_OutlookrequiresthecorrectversionofMAPI32DLL3="version that is incompatible with Outlook. Rather than run the" L_OutlookrequiresthecorrectversionofMAPI32DLL4="FIXMAPI.EXE utility manually, Outlook can run it automatically" L_OutlookrequiresthecorrectversionofMAPI32DLL5="any time it detects a problem." L_OutlookRichTextinSMIMEmessages="Always use Rich Text formatting in S/MIME messages" L_OutlookRichTextinSMIMEmessagesExplain="By default, Outlook uses the format specified by the user when sending e-mail messages, including when sending S/MIME messages. By enabling this setting, you can change this behavior so that Outlook always uses Rich Text formatting when sending S/MIME messages." L_OutlookRichTextoptions="Outlook Rich Text options" L_OutlookSystemTrayIcon="Outlook System Tray Icon" L_OutlookTodayavailability="Outlook Today availability" L_OutlookTodaysettings="Outlook Today Settings" L_OverwriteorAppendJunkMailImportList="Overwrite or Append Junk Mail Import List" L_Pathandwavfiletoplayforreminder="Path and .wav file to play for reminder" L_permanentlydelete="permanently delete" L_PermanentlydeleteJunkEmail="Permanently delete Junk E-mail" L_Permanentlydeleteolditems="Permanently delete old items" L_PermitdownloadofcontentfromSafeSenderandRecipientlists="Automatically download content for e-mail from people in Safe Senders and Safe Recipients Lists" L_PermitdownloadofcontentfromSafeSenderandRecipientlistsExplain="By default, when users receive e-mail from people listed in the user's Safe Senders List or Safe Recipients List, external content is not downloaded automatically. You can change this behavior by enabling this setting, so that external content is automatically downloaded." L_Permitdownloadofcontentfromsafezones="Do not permit download of content from safe zones" L_Personal="Personal" L_PersonaldistributionlistsExchangeonly="Do not validate personal distribution lists when sending e-mail messages" L_PersonaldistributionlistsExchangeonlyExplain="Use only the local cache to obtain current user information when expanding a Personal Distribution List while sending e-mail" L_PersonNames="Person Names" L_Plaintextoptions="Plain text options" L_PlaintextoptionsExplain="By default, text is not automatically wrapped in Internet e-mail messages and attachments are not encoded in UUENCODE format. You can use this setting to set text to wrap in e-mail messages at a certain number of characters (minimum: 30, maximum 132). You can also use this setting to set attachments for Internet messages to be encoded in UUENCODE format." L_PlannerOptions="Planner Options" L_Playasound="Play a sound" L_Playremindersound="Play reminder sound" L_PreferANSIPST="Prefer ANSI PST" L_Preferences="Preferences" L_PreferredPSTModeUnicodeANSI="Preferred PST Mode (Unicode/ANSI)" L_PreferUnicodePST="Prefer Unicode PST" L_Prefixeachlineoftheorgmessage="Prefix each line of the org. message" L_Prefixeachlinewith="Prefix each line with:" L_PreventMAPIservicesfrombeingadded="Prevent MAPI services from being added" L_PreventMAPIservicesfrombeingaddedExplain="By default, any MAPI service can be added to a user profile as an Outlook account. This setting allows you to prevent users from adding a specific MAPI services on the list of services. To prevent adding a MAPI service, append the name of the service to the list of services stored in this setting, separated by from a previous name by a semi-colon (;). For example, if you wanted to prevent adding the Outlook Mobile Service and Live Meeting Transport, you would configure this setting ''MSOMS;LiveMeeting''." L_PreventMAPIservicesfrombeingaddedPart="Enter MAPI services to disable (semi-colon delimited)" L_PreventsofflinefolderuseatstartupThisisequivalenttoclickingt="Prevents offline folder use at startup. This is equivalent to clicking the Disable Offline Use button in the Offline Folder Settings dialog box." L_Preventusersfromaddingemailaccounttypes="Prevent users from adding e-mail account types" L_PreventusersfromaddingExchangeemailaccounts="Prevent users from adding Exchange e-mail accounts" L_PreventusersfromaddingHTTPemailaccounts="Prevent users from adding HTTP e-mail accounts" L_PreventusersfromaddingIMAPemailaccounts="Prevent users from adding IMAP e-mail accounts" L_Preventusersfromaddingothertypesofemailaccounts="Prevent users from adding other types of e-mail accounts" L_PreventusersfromaddingPOP3emailaccounts="Prevent users from adding POP3 e-mail accounts" L_PreventusersfromchangingMonthsofFreeBusyinformation1="Prevent users from changing Months of Free/Busy information" L_PreventusersfromchangingMonthsofFreeBusyinformation2="being published" L_ReadingPane="Reading Pane" L_Private="Private" L_Processreceiptsonarrival="Process receipts on arrival" L_Processrequestsandresponsesonarrival="Process requests and responses on arrival" L_Promotingerrorsaswarnings="Promote Level 2 errors as errors, not warnings" L_PromotingerrorsaswarningsExplain="By default, Level 2 errors are not promoted and treated as only warnings. You can change this behavior so that Level 2 errors are promoted as errors by disabling this setting." L_PromptbeforeAutoArchiveruns="Prompt before AutoArchive runs" L_PrompttocreatenewOSTifformatdoesntmatchmode="Prompt to create new OST if format doesn't match mode" L_Promptusertochoosesecuritysettingsifdefaultsettingsfail="Prompt user to choose security settings if default settings fail" L_PSTSettings="PST Settings" L_PublishatthisURL="Publish at this URL:" L_Publishdefaultallowothers="Publish default, allow others" L_PublishdefaultallowothersUserscanselecttheoptionOtherintheSe="''Publish default, allow others'': Users can select the option ''Other'' in the ''Select a location'' dropdown in the Meeting Workspace task pane. This allows the user to enter the address of a Meeting Workspace server. | ''Publish default, disallow others'': The option ''Other'' in the ''Select a location'' dropdown in the Meeting Workspace task pane is disabled." L_Publishdefaultdisallowothers="Publish default, disallow others" L_PublishExchangeviewsinPersonalnonpublicFolders="Publish Exchange views in Personal (non-public) Folders" L_PublishExchangeviewsinPublicFolders="Publish Exchange views in Public Folders" L_Publishfreebusyinformation="Publish free/busy information" L_Reademailasplaintext="Read e-mail as plain text" L_Readsignedemailasplaintext="Read signed e-mail as plain text" L_ReminderOptions="Reminder Options" L_Reminders="Reminders" L_RemindersonCalendaritems="Do not display reminders on Calendar items by default" L_RemindersonCalendaritemsExplain="By default, when users create Calendar items, the Reminder: check box in the item is set. By disabling this setting, you can change the default behavior so that the Reminder: check box is cleared by default ." L_RequestanSMIMEreceiptforallSMIMEsignedmessages="Request an S/MIME receipt for all S/MIME signed messages" L_Requestareadreceiptforallmessagesausersends="Request a read receipt for all messages a user sends" L_RequestdeliveryrcptforallmsgsausersendsExchangeonly="Request delivery rcpt for all msgs a user sends (Exchange only)" L_RequiredCertificateAuthority="Required Certificate Authority" L_RequireSuiteBAlgorithmsforSMIMEoperations="Require SuiteB algorithms for S/MIME operations" L_RequireSuiteBAlgorithmsforSMIMEoperationsExplain="By default, Outlook can use any available algorithm for S/MIME operations, such as encryption, signing, and so on. By enabling this policy, Outlook uses only Suite-B algorithms for S/MIME operations." L_RetainsRemovestheFolderSizebuttonintheGeneraltabofthefolderP="Retains/Removes the ''Folder Size'' button in the General tab of the Properties dialog box." L_RetentionSettings="Retention Settings" L_RetrievingCRLsCertificateRevocationLists="Retrieving CRLs (Certificate Revocation Lists)" L_ReturntotheInbox="Return to the Inbox" L_RokuyouJapanese="Rokuyou (Japanese)" L_RunAutoArchiveeveryxdays="Run AutoArchive every days" L_RuninFIPScompliantmode="Run in FIPS compliant mode" L_RunRulesonRSSItems="Run rules on RSS items" L_RunRulesonRSSItemsExplain="By default, rules are not run on RSS items. Use this setting to make rules run on RSS items." L_SakaEnglish="Saka (English)" L_SakaHindi="Saka (Hindi)" L_Saturday="Saturday" L_SavecopiesofmessagesinSentItemsfolder="Save copies of messages in Sent Items folder" L_Saveforwardedmessages="Save forwarded messages" L_SaveMessages="Save Messages" L_Saveunsentitemsinthisfolder="Save unsent items in this folder:" L_SearchatthisURL="Search at this URL:" L_SearchFolders="Search Folders" L_Secondarycalendarsettings="Secondary calendar settings" L_SelectCachedExchangeModefornewprofiles="Select Cached Exchange Mode for new profiles" L_SelectintervaltosyncSharepointfoldersminutes="Select interval to sync SharePoint folders: (minutes)" L_Selectlevel="Select level:" L_SelectsamongthevaluesNoAutomaticFilteringLowHighandSafeLists="Selects among the values ''No Automatic Filtering'', ''Low'', ''High'', and ''Safe Lists Only'' in the option ''Choose the level of junk e-mail protection you want''." L_SelectsamongthevaluesUsethefontspecifiedinstationeryifspecif="Selects among the values ''Use the font specified in stationery (if specified)'', ''Use my font when replying to and forwarding messages'', ''Always use my fonts''." L_SelecttheauthenticationwithExchangeserver="Select the authentication with Exchange server." L_Selectthedefaultsettingforhowtofilenewcontacts="Select the default setting for how to file new contacts" L_Sendallsignedmessagesasclearsignedmessages="Send all signed messages as clear signed messages" L_SendimmediatelywhenOffline="Send immediately when Offline" L_sendmessagesasUTF8="send messages as UTF 8" L_SendusingOutlookRichTextformat="Send using Outlook Rich Text format" L_SentItems="Sent Items" L_SentItemsFolderHomePage="Sent Items Folder Home Page" L_Setglobaltextdirection="Set global text direction:" L_Setimportance="Set importance:" L_Setlayoutdirection="Set layout direction:" L_Setsecondarycalendarlanguage="Set secondary calendar language:" L_Setsensitivity="Set sensitivity:" L_SetsthepathandfilenametotheWAVfiletoplayforreminders="Sets the path and file name to the .WAV file to play for reminders." L_SetsthevalueforthecorrespondingUIoption="Sets the value for the corresponding UI option." L_SetsthevalueinthecorrespondingUIoption="Sets the value in the corresponding UI option." L_SetsthevalueintheoptionCalendarworkweek="Sets the value in the option ''Calendar work week''." L_SetsthevalueintheoptionDefaultreminder="Sets the value in the option ''Default reminder''." L_SetsthevalueintheoptionPreferredencodingforoutgoingmessages="Sets the value in the option ''Preferred encoding for outgoing messages''." L_SetsthevalueintheoptionPublishmonthsofCalendarfreebusyinform="Sets the value in the option ''Publish [] month(s) of Calendar free/busy information on the server''." L_SetsthevaluesinthecorrespondingUIoptions="Sets the values in the corresponding UI options." L_Sharepointfoldersyncinterval="Sharepoint folder sync interval" L_SharePointIntegration="SharePoint" L_ShowanadditionalContactsIndex="Show an additional Contacts Index" L_Showanenvelopeiconinthesystemtray="Show an envelope icon in the system tray" L_Showarchivefolderinfolderlist="Show archive folder in folder list" L_Showassociatedwebpage="Show associated web page" L_Showcalendardetailsinthegrid="Show calendar details in the grid" L_ShowExchangeServerMessages="Show Exchange Server Messages" L_ShowNetworkConnectivityChanges="Show Network Connectivity Changes" L_ShowNetworkWarnings="Show Network Warnings" L_Showpopupcalendardetails="Show popup calendar details" L_Showremindersxminutesbeforetheeventstarts="Show reminders minutes before the event starts:" L_Signallemailmessages="Sign all e-mail messages" L_SignatureStatusDialog="Signature Status dialog box" L_SignatureWarning="Signature Warning" L_Singlekeyreadingusingspacebar="Single key reading using spacebar" L_Size="Size:" L_Small="Small" L_SMIME="S/MIME" L_SMIMEandExchange="S/MIME and Exchange" L_SMIMEandFortezza="S/MIME and Fortezza" L_SMIMEExchangeandFortezza="S/MIME, Exchange, and Fortezza" L_SMIMEinteroperabilitywithexternalclients="S/MIME interoperability with external clients:" L_SMIMEpasswordsettings="S/MIME password settings" L_SMIMEreceiptrequests="S/MIME receipt requests" L_Specifiesmaximumnumberofsecondstowaitbeforesynchronizingchan="Specifies maximum number of seconds to wait before synchronizing changes with the Exchange server." L_Specifiesnumberofsecondstowaitbeforedownloadingchangesfromth="Specifies number of seconds to wait before downloading changes from the Exchange server." L_SpecifiesnumberofsecondstowaitbeforeuploadingchangestotheExc="Specifies number of seconds to wait before uploading changes to the Exchange server." L_Specifiesthattheuserisaskedforpermissionbeforeinitiatingaful="Specifies that the user is asked for permission before initiating a full download of the offline address book." L_Specifiestheamountoftimetodelaybeforedisplayinganotification="Specifies the amount of time to delay before displaying a notification balloon indicating a pending RPC (remote procedure call) via a high bandwidth connection." L_SpecifiesthebitratethreshholdvalueIfthebitrateoftheactivenet="Specifies the bit rate threshold value. If the bit rate of the active network connection is below this value, Outlook identifies the network connection as a ''slow'' connection and operates accordingly (for example, downloading headers instead of full messages)." L_SpecifiesthedefaultCachedExchangeModefornewprofilesanddisabl="Specifies the default Cached Exchange Mode for new profiles and disables the download options in the Cached Exchange Mode command submenu in the File menu. This applies only to Microsoft Exchange Server 2007." L_Specifiesthefolderinwhichunsentmessagesaresaved="Specifies the folder in which unsent messages are saved." L_SpecifiesthemaximumnumberofSearchFoldersthatrunontheExchange="Specifies the maximum number of Search Folders that run on the Exchange server. The number of Search Folders running on the client computer is not affected." L_SpecifiesthenumberofdaystokeepaSearchFolderactivewhenrunning="Specifies the number of days to keep a Search Folder active when running in offline mode. After a Search Folder has not been accessed for the specified number of days, then it becomes dormant and no longer remains up-to-date with current contents of folders (viewing the Search Folder makes it active again and restarts the timer). If 0 is specified, then Search Folders always remain dormant." L_Specifiesthenumberoffulldownloadsoftheofflineaddressbookallo="Specifies the number of full downloads of the offline address book allowed in a 13 hour period." L_Specifiesthenumberofincrementaldownloadsoftheofflineaddressb="Specifies the number of incremental downloads of the offline address book allowed in a 13 hour period." L_Specifiesthenumberofmanualdownloadsoftheofflineaddressbookal="Specifies the number of manual downloads of the offline address book allowed in a 13 hour period." L_SpecifiestheURLofacustomwebpagetobedisplayedinplaceofOutlook="Specifies the URL of a custom web page to be displayed in place of Outlook Today." L_SpecifieswhethernewPSTfilescreatedbytheuseraretobeinUnicodeo="Specifies whether new PST files created by the user are to be in Unicode or ANSI format, and whether the user is allowed to choose that format." L_SpecifieswhethertoprompttheuserbeforeautomaticallyrunningFIX="Specifies whether to prompt the user before automatically running FIXMAPI.EXE to correct MAPI32.DLL when an incorrect version of the file is detected." L_SpecifieswhethertousetheformatoftheusersOSTfiletodeterminewh="Specifies whether to use the format of the user's OST file to determine whether to run in Unicode or ANSI mode, and optionally specifies whether to automatically create a new OST file if needed or to prompt the user before creating it." L_Specifyalistoffileextensionstoaddtothelistofattachmentsallow="Specify a list of file extensions to add to the list of attachments allowed in e-mail." L_Specifyatextfilecontainingalistofemailaddressestoappendtooro="Specify a text file containing a list of e-mail addresses to append to or overwrite the Safe Senders list (depending on the policy ''Overwrite or Append Junk Mail Import List'')." L_SpecifydaystokeepfoldersaliveinExchangeonlinemode="Specify days to keep folders alive in Exchange online mode:" L_Specifydaystokeepfoldersaliveinofflineorcachedmode="Specify days to keep folders alive in offline or cached mode:" L_SpecifydefaultlocationofDesktopAlert="Specify default location of Desktop Alert" L_SpecifydefaultlocationofDesktopAlertExplain="You can change the default location of the Desktop Alert. In the Corner field, select a number corresponding to a quadrant of the user's screen: 0 = upper left, 1 = upper right, 2 = lower left, 3 = lower right (the default). In the XOffset field, enter a number representing the horizontal distance from the corner you've specified (the default is 44). In the YOffset field, enter a number representing the vertical distance from the corner you've specified (the default is 42)." L_SpecifydurationofDesktopAlertbeforefadeinmillisec="Specify duration of Desktop Alert before fade (in milliseconds)" L_SpecifydurationofDesktopAlertonmouseoverinmillisec="Specify duration of Desktop Alert on mouse over (in milliseconds)" L_Specifydurationoffadeininmillisec="Specify duration of fade in (in milliseconds)" L_Specifydurationoffadeoutinmillisec="Specify duration of fade out (in milliseconds)" L_SpecifyfullpathandfilenametoBlockedSenderslist="Specify full path and filename to Blocked Senders list" L_SpecifyfullpathandfilenametoSafeRecipientslist="Specify full path and filename to Safe Recipients list" L_SpecifyfullpathandfilenametoSafeSenderslist="Specify full path and filename to Safe Senders list" L_SpecifymaximumnumberofSearchFolders1="Specify maximum number of Search Folders " L_SpecifymaximumnumberofSearchFolders2="for Exchange server to run:" L_Specifyopacityatstartoffadein="Specify opacity at start of fade in" L_SpecifyopacityofDesktopAlert="Specify opacity of Desktop Alert" L_SpecifypathtoBlockedSenderslist="Specify path to Blocked Senders list" L_SpecifypathtoSafeRecipientslist="Specify path to Safe Recipients list" L_SpecifypathtoSafeSenderslist="Specify path to Safe Senders list" L_Spelling="Spelling" L_StartsonJan1="Starts on Jan. 1" L_Starttime="Start time:" L_StationeryandFonts="Stationery and Fonts" L_Stationeryfontoptions="Stationery font options:" L_StationeryFonts="Stationery Fonts" L_SuggestnameswhilecompletingToCcandBccfields="Suggest names while completing To, Cc, and Bcc fields" L_Sunday="Sunday" L_SundaytoFriday="Sunday to Friday" L_Supportthefollowingmessageformats="Support the following message formats:" L_Taskrequest="Task request" L_Taskresponse="Task response" L_TasksFolderHomePage="Tasks Folder Home Page" L_Tentative="Tentative" L_ThaiWindows="Thai (Windows)" L_ThelistshouldbeseparatedbysemicolonsForExample1="The list should be separated by semi-colons. For Example:" L_ThelistshouldbeseparatedbysemicolonsForExample2="policy1;policy2;policy3" L_ThelistshouldbeseparatedbysemicolonsForExamplepolicy1policy2="The list should be separated by semi-colons. For Example: policy1;policy2;policy3." L_TheURLcancontain12and3whichwillbereplaced1="The URL can contain %1, %2,and %3 which will be replaced by" L_TheURLcancontain12and3whichwillbereplaced2="the user's name, e-mail address, and language respectively." L_TheURLcancontain12and3whichwillbereplacedbytheusersnameemail="The URL can contain %1, %2,and %3 which will be replaced by the user's name, e-mail address, and language respectively." L_Thispolicypopulatesthedefaultserversandserverdata1="This policy populates the default servers and server data for " L_Thispolicypopulatesthedefaultserversandserverdata2="Meeting Workspaces. It is recommended that you draft this " L_Thispolicypopulatesthedefaultserversandserverdata3="policy in a text editor and paste it into the dialog. " L_Thispolicypopulatesthedefaultserversandserverdata4="You may choose to add up to 5 servers to this policy. " L_Thispolicypopulatesthedefaultserversandserverdata5="Each server must be added as a pipe delimited list, a total " L_Thispolicypopulatesthedefaultserversandserverdata6="of 6 pipes per record. The OrganizerName field should be " L_Thispolicypopulatesthedefaultserversandserverdata7="left blank. For further details, see the Office Resource Kit " L_Thispolicypopulatesthedefaultserversandserverdata8="at http://r.office.microsoft.com/r/rlidOfficeResourceKit?clid=1033 " L_Thispolicypopulatesthedefaultserversandserverdata9="Example: " L_Thispolicypopulatesthedefaultserversandserverdata10="http://server1 | Friendly name for server 1 | templateLCID | templateID |" L_Thispolicypopulatesthedefaultserversandserverdata11="TemplateName | OrganizerName | http://server2 |" L_Thursday="Thursday" L_ThursdaytoSunday="Thursday to Sunday" L_TimebeforenotifyingofpendingRPCviaballoon="Time before notifying of pending RPC via balloon" L_TimebeforenotifyingofpendingRPCvianotificationstrayicon="Time before notifying of pending RPC via notifications tray icon" L_Timetowaitifahighbandwidthconnectionisdetected="Time to wait if a high bandwidth connection is detected:" L_Timetowaitifalowbandwidthconnectionisdetected="Time to wait if a low bandwidth connection is detected:" L_Trackingoptions="Tracking Options" L_TrustEmailfromContacts="Trust E-mail from Contacts" L_Tuesday="Tuesday" L_TuesdaytoFriday="Tuesday to Friday" L_TurkishISO="Turkish (ISO)" L_TurkishWindows="Turkish (Windows)" L_TurnoffInternetExplorersecuritychecksforthiswebpage="Turn off Windows Internet Explorer security checks for this web page" L_TurnonAutoArchive="Turn on AutoArchive" L_TurnRetentionPoliciesOn="Turn Retention Policies On" L_UnicodeUTF7="Unicode (UTF-7)" L_UnicodeUTF8="Unicode (UTF-8)" L_URLaddressofassociatedwebpage="URL address of associated web page:" L_URLforcustomOutlookToday="URL for custom Outlook Today" L_URLforSMIMEcertificates="URL for S/MIME certificates" L_URLwithcorporateretentionpolicyinformation="URL with corporate retention policy information:" L_USASCII="US-ASCII" L_UseAutoCorrectinRichTextandplaintextmessages="Use AutoCorrect in Rich Text and plain text messages" L_UseEnglishformessageflags="Use English for message flags" L_UseEnglishformessageheadersonrepliesorforwards="Use English for message headers on replies or forwards" L_UselegacyOutlookauthenticationdialogs="Use legacy Change Password authentication dialog boxes" L_UselegacyOutlookauthenticationdialogsExplain="By default, Outlook displays the Windows authentication dialog box when users are prompted to change their passwords. By enabling this setting, you can change this behavior so that older-style Outlook dialog boxes that include the Change Password button are displayed." L_UserDefined="User Defined" L_Usesecondarycalendar="Enable alternate calendar" L_UsesystemDefault="Use system Default" L_UsethefollowingFormatEditorforemailmessages="Use the following Format/Editor for e-mail messages:" L_UsethefontspecifiedinStationery="Use the font specified in Stationery" L_Usethisencodingforoutgoingmessages="Use this encoding for outgoing messages:" L_Usethisresponsewhenyouproposenewmeetingtimes="Use this response when you propose new meeting times" L_Useusersfontonrepliesandfwds="Use user's font on replies and fwds" L_VietnameseWindows="Vietnamese (Windows)" L_Waitxxxsecondsbeforemarkingitemsasread="Wait xxx seconds before marking items as read:" L_Warnbeforeswitchingdialupconnection="Warn before switching dial-up connection" L_warning="warning" L_Wednesday="Wednesday" L_WednesdaytoSaturday="Wednesday to Saturday" L_Weeks="Weeks" L_WesternEuropeanISO="Western European (ISO)" L_WesternEuropeanWindows="Western European (Windows)" L_Whenforwardingamessage="When forwarding a message:" L_Whennewitemsarrive="When new items arrive" L_WhenonlinealwaysretreivetheCRL="When online always retreive the CRL" L_WhenOutlookisaskedtorespondtoareadreceiptrequest="When Outlook is asked to respond to a read receipt request:" L_Whenpreferredencodingdoesnotsupporteuro1="When preferred encoding does not support euro, " L_Whenpreferredencodingdoesnotsupporteuro2="auto-select should:" L_Whenreplyingtoamessage="When replying to a message:" L_Whensendingamessage="When sending a message" L_WhensendingOutlookRichTextmessagestoInternetrecipients1="When sending Outlook Rich Text messages to Internet recipients," L_WhensendingOutlookRichTextmessagestoInternetrecipients2="use this format:" L_Workinghours="Working hours" L_Workweek="Work week" L_WorkflowTasksinOutlook="Do not display Edit this task button for workflow tasks" L_WorkflowTasksinOutlookExplain="As part of E-mail notification of workflow tasks, users can edit a task by clicking the Edit this task button to display the task dialog box for the workflow task. When this setting is enabled, the Edit this task button is not displayed." L_X509issueDNthatrestrictschoiceofcertifyingauthorities="X.509 issue DN that restricts choice of certifying authorities:" L_XOffsetdefault44="XOffset (default 44):" L_YOffsetdefault42="YOffset (default 42):" L_ZodiacJapanese="Zodiac (Japanese)" L_ZodiacKorean="Zodiac (Korean)" L_ZodiacSimplifiedChinese="Zodiac (Simplified Chinese)" L_ZodiacTraditionalChinese="Zodiac (Traditional Chinese)"