;// _lcid="1033" _version="12.0.4518" CLASS MACHINE CATEGORY !!L_MicrosoftVisiomachine POLICY !!L_DonotopeninIE KEYNAME "Software\Classes\Visio.Drawing.11" VALUENAME "BrowserFlags" VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 8 EXPLAIN !!L_DonotopeninIEexplain END POLICY END CATEGORY CLASS USER CATEGORY !!L_MicrosoftVisio CATEGORY !!L_ToolsOptions CATEGORY !!L_View KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio POLICY !!L_Textquality KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Application PART !!L_Textquality DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME TextDisplayQuality ITEMLIST NAME !!L_ClearTypetextdisplay VALUE "2" NAME !!L_Higherqualitytextdisplay VALUE "1" DEFAULT NAME !!L_Fastertextdisplay VALUE "0" END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_TextqualityExplain END POLICY CATEGORY !!L_Show KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Application POLICY !!L_ChooseDrawingTypePane KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Application VALUENAME ShowTemplatePaneByDefault VALUEON "1" VALUEOFF "0" EXPLAIN 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VALUE "2" NAME !!L_Visio2002 VALUE "1" END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_IdentifiesthedefaultfileformatinwhichVisiofilesa END POLICY CATEGORY !!L_Saveoptions KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Application POLICY !!L_Promptfordocumentpropertiesonfirstsave KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Application VALUENAME PromptForSummaryInfo VALUEON "1" VALUEOFF "0" EXPLAIN !!L_Indicateswhetherthepropertiesdialogboxopenswhena END POLICY POLICY !!L_SaveAutoRecoverinfo KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Application PART !!L_EnableAutoRecoveryinfo CHECKBOX VALUENAME AutoRecovery VALUEON "1" VALUEOFF "0" END PART PART !!L_AutoRecoversavefrequencyminutes NUMERIC VALUENAME AutoRecoveryInterval SPIN 1 MIN 1 MAX 20 DEFAULT 10 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_Indicateswhetheradocumentrecoveryfileiscreatedat END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_Languageforfileconversion KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio POLICY !!L_Languageforfileconversion KEYNAME 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ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Allofthewords VALUE "1" DEFAULT NAME !!L_Anyofthewords VALUE "0" END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SetsthevalueinthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY CATEGORY !!L_Results KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Application POLICY !!L_Searchresults KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Application PART !!L_Searchresults DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME FindShapesGrouping ITEMLIST NAME !!L_Alphabetically VALUE "0" DEFAULT NAME !!L_ByGroup VALUE "1" END ITEMLIST NOSORT END PART EXPLAIN !!L_Specifieswhetherresultsarereturnedinaphabeticalo END POLICY POLICY !!L_Openresultsnewwindow KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Application VALUENAME FindShapesRecycle VALUEON "0" VALUEOFF "1" EXPLAIN !!L_Indicateswhetheranewsearchresultsstenciliscreate END POLICY POLICY !!L_Warnaboutresults KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Application PART !!L_Enablewarningsaboutresults CHECKBOX VALUENAME FindShapesWarn VALUEON "1" VALUEOFF "0" END PART PART 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"Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Security\Trusted Locations\PolLocation1" PART !!L_Pathcolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME Path END PART PART !!L_Datecolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME Date END PART PART !!L_Descriptioncolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME Description END PART PART !!L_Allowsubfolders CHECKBOX VALUENAME AllowSubFolders VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_TrustedLocationsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_TrustedLoc2 KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Security\Trusted Locations\PolLocation2" PART !!L_Pathcolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME Path END PART PART !!L_Datecolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME Date END PART PART !!L_Descriptioncolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME Description END PART PART !!L_Allowsubfolders CHECKBOX VALUENAME AllowSubFolders VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_TrustedLocationsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_TrustedLoc3 KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Security\Trusted Locations\PolLocation3" PART !!L_Pathcolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME Path END PART PART !!L_Datecolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME Date END PART PART !!L_Descriptioncolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME Description END PART PART !!L_Allowsubfolders CHECKBOX VALUENAME AllowSubFolders VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_TrustedLocationsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_TrustedLoc4 KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Security\Trusted Locations\PolLocation4" PART !!L_Pathcolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME Path END PART PART !!L_Datecolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME Date END PART PART !!L_Descriptioncolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME Description END PART PART !!L_Allowsubfolders CHECKBOX VALUENAME AllowSubFolders VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_TrustedLocationsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_TrustedLoc5 KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Security\Trusted Locations\PolLocation5" PART !!L_Pathcolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME Path END PART PART !!L_Datecolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME Date END PART PART !!L_Descriptioncolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME Description END PART PART 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PART !!L_Descriptioncolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME Description END PART PART !!L_Allowsubfolders CHECKBOX VALUENAME AllowSubFolders VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_TrustedLocationsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_TrustedLoc13 KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Security\Trusted Locations\PolLocation13" PART !!L_Pathcolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME Path END PART PART !!L_Datecolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME Date END PART PART !!L_Descriptioncolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME Description END PART PART !!L_Allowsubfolders CHECKBOX VALUENAME AllowSubFolders VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_TrustedLocationsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_TrustedLoc14 KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Security\Trusted Locations\PolLocation14" PART !!L_Pathcolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME Path END PART PART !!L_Datecolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME Date END PART PART !!L_Descriptioncolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME Description END PART PART !!L_Allowsubfolders CHECKBOX VALUENAME AllowSubFolders 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"Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Security\Trusted Locations\PolLocation17" PART !!L_Pathcolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME Path END PART PART !!L_Datecolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME Date END PART PART !!L_Descriptioncolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME Description END PART PART !!L_Allowsubfolders CHECKBOX VALUENAME AllowSubFolders VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_TrustedLocationsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_TrustedLoc18 KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Security\Trusted Locations\PolLocation18" PART !!L_Pathcolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME Path END PART PART !!L_Datecolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME Date END PART PART !!L_Descriptioncolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME Description END PART PART !!L_Allowsubfolders CHECKBOX VALUENAME AllowSubFolders VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_TrustedLocationsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_TrustedLoc19 KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Security\Trusted Locations\PolLocation19" PART !!L_Pathcolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME Path END PART PART !!L_Datecolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME Date END PART PART !!L_Descriptioncolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME Description END PART PART !!L_Allowsubfolders CHECKBOX VALUENAME AllowSubFolders VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_TrustedLocationsExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_TrustedLoc20 KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Security\Trusted Locations\PolLocation20" PART !!L_Pathcolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME Path END PART PART !!L_Datecolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME Date END PART PART !!L_Descriptioncolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME Description END PART PART !!L_Allowsubfolders CHECKBOX VALUENAME AllowSubFolders VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_TrustedLocationsExplain END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_MacroSecurity KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Application POLICY !!L_EnableMicrosoftVisualBasicforApplications KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Security VALUENAME NoVBA VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 EXPLAIN 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EventsEnabled VALUEON "1" VALUEOFF "0" EXPLAIN !!L_EnablesVisioeventstobesenttoVisioaddonsandVBAmac END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_Freeformdrawing KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Application POLICY !!L_Precision KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Application PART !!L_Precisioncolon NUMERIC VALUENAME LineTolerance SPIN 1 MIN 0 MAX 10 DEFAULT 5 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ControlsthemarginoferrorallowedwhiletheFreeformt END POLICY POLICY !!L_Smoothing KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Application PART !!L_Smoothing NUMERIC VALUENAME CubicTolerance SPIN 1 MIN 0 MAX 10 DEFAULT 5 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_Controlshowpreciselythemousemovementsaresmoothed END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_Inktool KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Application POLICY !!L_Autocreatespeed KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Application PART !!L_Autocreatespeedcolon NUMERIC VALUENAME InkToolSpeed SPIN 1 MIN 0 MAX 4 DEFAULT 2 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_ControlsthemarginofdelayafterinkdraawnwiththeINK END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_FilePaths KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Application POLICY !!L_Drawings KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Application PART !!L_Drawingscolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME DrawingsPath END PART EXPLAIN !!L_DisplaystheadditionallocationofdrawingsWhenyouad END POLICY POLICY !!L_Templates KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Application PART !!L_Templatescolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME TemplatePath END PART EXPLAIN !!L_DisplayestheadditionallocationoftemplatesWhenalo END POLICY POLICY !!L_Stencils KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Application PART !!L_Stencilscolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME StencilPath END PART EXPLAIN !!L_DisplaystheadditionallocationofstencilsWhenaloca END POLICY POLICY !!L_Help KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Application PART !!L_Helpcolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME HelpPath END PART EXPLAIN !!L_DisplaystheadditionallocationofHelpfiles END POLICY POLICY !!L_Addons KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Application PART !!L_Addonscolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME AddonsPath END PART EXPLAIN !!L_Displaystheadditionallocationofmacrosandaddons END POLICY POLICY !!L_Startup KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Application PART !!L_Startupcolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME StartUpPath END PART EXPLAIN !!L_Displaystheadditionallocationformacrosandaddonso END POLICY POLICY !!L_MyShapes KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Application PART !!L_MyShapescolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME MyShapesPath END PART EXPLAIN !!L_Displaysthepathofthemyshapesfolder END POLICY POLICY !!L_FavoritesStencilName KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Application PART !!L_FavoritesStencilNamecolon EDITTEXT VALUENAME FavoritesStencilName END PART EXPLAIN !!L_Displaysthenameofthestencilcreatedinthe END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_Colorsettings KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Colors POLICY !!L_Drawingwindow KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Colors PART !!L_Drawingwindow EDITTEXT DEFAULT "255 255 255" VALUENAME ColorPage END PART EXPLAIN !!L_groupoftheColorSettingsdialogintheAdvancedtaboft END POLICY POLICY !!L_Drawingbackgroundstart KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Colors PART !!L_Drawingbackgroundstart EDITTEXT VALUENAME ColorNonPageGradStart DEFAULT "192 255 255" END PART EXPLAIN !!L_groupoftheColorSettingsdialogintheAdvancedtaboft END POLICY POLICY !!L_Drawingbackgroundend KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Colors PART !!L_Drawingbackgroundend EDITTEXT VALUENAME ColorNonPageGradEnd DEFAULT "0 204 204" END PART EXPLAIN !!L_groupoftheColorSettingsdialogintheAdvancedtaboft END POLICY POLICY !!L_Stencilwindow KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Colors PART !!L_Stencilwindow EDITTEXT VALUENAME ColorMasterName DEFAULT "0 0 0" END PART EXPLAIN !!L_groupoftheColorSettingsdialogintheAdvancedtaboft END POLICY POLICY !!L_Stencilbackgroundstart KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Colors PART !!L_Stencilbackgroundstart EDITTEXT VALUENAME ColorStencilGradStart DEFAULT "128 255 128" END PART EXPLAIN !!L_groupoftheColorSettingsdialogintheAdvancedtaboft END POLICY POLICY !!L_Stencilbackgroundend KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Colors PART !!L_Stencilbackgroundend EDITTEXT VALUENAME ColorStencilGradEnd DEFAULT "0 214 134" END PART EXPLAIN !!L_groupoftheColorSettingsdialogintheAdvancedtaboft END POLICY POLICY !!L_PrintPreviewbackground KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Colors PART !!L_PrintPreviewbackground EDITTEXT VALUENAME ColorPreviewBackground DEFAULT "128 128 128" END PART EXPLAIN !!L_groupoftheColorSettingsdialogintheAdvancedtaboft END POLICY POLICY !!L_FullScreenbackground KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Colors PART !!L_FullScreenbackground EDITTEXT VALUENAME ColorFullScreenBackground DEFAULT "0 0 0" END PART EXPLAIN !!L_groupoftheColorSettingsdialogintheAdvancedtaboft END POLICY END CATEGORY END CATEGORY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_ToolsAutoCorrectOptions KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio CATEGORY !!L_AutoFormatasyoutype KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\AutoFormat As You Type" POLICY !!L_Straightquoteswithsmartquotes KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\AutoFormat As You Type" VALUENAME SmartQuotes VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUnchecksthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_Fractionswithfractioncharacter KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\AutoFormat As You Type" VALUENAME Fractions VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUnchecksthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_Ordinalswithsuperscript KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\AutoFormat As You Type" VALUENAME Ordinals VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUnchecksthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_Hyphenswithdash KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\AutoFormat As You Type" VALUENAME Dashes VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUnchecksthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY POLICY !!L_Smileyfacesandarrowswithspecialsymbols KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\AutoFormat As You Type" VALUENAME Smileys VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 EXPLAIN !!L_ChecksUnchecksthecorrespondingUIoption END POLICY END CATEGORY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_Customizableerrormessages KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\CustomizableAlerts POLICY !!L_Listoferrormessagestocustomize KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\CustomizableAlerts PART !!L_Listoferrormessagestocustomize LISTBOX EXPLICITVALUE END PART PART !!L_EntererrorIDforValueNameandcustombuttontextforVa TEXT END PART ACTIONLISTON VALUENAME PolicyOn VALUE NUMERIC 1 END ACTIONLISTON ACTIONLISTOFF VALUENAME PolicyOn VALUE DELETE END ACTIONLISTOFF EXPLAIN !!L_Definesalistofcustomerrormessagestoactivate END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_Disableitemsinuserinterface KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio CATEGORY !!L_Predefined KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio POLICY !!L_Disablecommandbarbuttonsandmenuitems KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\DisabledCmdBarItemsCheckBoxes PART !!L_FileSaveasWebPage CHECKBOX VALUENAME FileSaveAsWebPage VALUEON 3823 VALUEOFF 0 END PART PART !!L_FileSendToMailRecipient CHECKBOX VALUENAME FileSendToMailRecipient VALUEON 3738 VALUEOFF 0 END PART PART !!L_InsertHyperlink CHECKBOX VALUENAME InsertHyperlink VALUEON 1576 VALUEOFF 0 END PART PART !!L_ToolsMacrosMacros CHECKBOX VALUENAME ToolsMacrosMacros VALUEON 186 VALUEOFF 0 END PART PART !!L_ToolsMacrosVisualBasicEditor CHECKBOX VALUENAME ToolsMacrosVBE VALUEON 1695 VALUEOFF 0 END PART PART !!L_ToolsCustomize CHECKBOX VALUENAME ToolsCustomize VALUEON 797 VALUEOFF 0 END PART PART !!L_ToolsOptions CHECKBOX VALUENAME ToolsOptions VALUEON 522 VALUEOFF 0 ACTIONLISTON VALUENAME WebOptions VALUE 4107 VALUENAME GeneralOptions VALUE 4108 END ACTIONLISTON ACTIONLISTOFF VALUENAME WebOptions VALUE DELETE VALUENAME GeneralOptions VALUE DELETE END ACTIONLISTOFF END PART PART !!L_HelpMicrosoftOfficeVisioHelp CHECKBOX VALUENAME HelpVisio VALUEON 984 VALUEOFF 0 END PART PART !!L_HelpMicrosoftOfficeOnline CHECKBOX VALUENAME HelpOfficeOnline VALUEON 3775 VALUEOFF 0 END PART PART !!L_HelpActivateProduct CHECKBOX VALUENAME HelpRegistration VALUEON 5933 VALUEOFF 0 END PART PART !!L_CheckForUpdates CHECKBOX VALUENAME CheckForUpdates VALUEON 9340 VALUEOFF 0 END PART PART !!L_CustomerFeedbackOptions CHECKBOX VALUENAME CustomerFeedbackOptions VALUEON 347131 VALUEOFF 0 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_PredefinedExplain END POLICY POLICY !!L_Disableshortcutkeys KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\DisabledShortcutKeysCheckBoxes PART !!L_CtrlFFind CHECKBOX VALUENAME Find VALUEON 70,8 VALUEOFF 0 END PART PART !!L_CtrlKInsertHyperlink CHECKBOX VALUENAME InsertHyperlink VALUEON 75,8 VALUEOFF 0 END PART PART !!L_AltF8ToolsMacrosMacros CHECKBOX VALUENAME ToolsMacrosMacros VALUEON 119,16 VALUEOFF 0 END PART PART !!L_AltF11ToolsMacrosVisualBasicEditor CHECKBOX VALUENAME ToolsMacrosVBE VALUEON 122,16 VALUEOFF 0 END PART EXPLAIN !!L_Specifythevirtualkeycodeandmodifierfortheshortcu END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_Custom KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio POLICY !!L_SpecifytheIDforacommandbartodisable KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\DisabledCmdBarItemsList PART !!L_EnteracommandbarIDtodisable LISTBOX VALUEPREFIX TCID END PART EXPLAIN !!L_SpecifytheIDforacommandbartodisable END POLICY POLICY !!L_Disableshortcutkeys KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\DisabledShortcutKeysList PART !!L_Enterakeyandmodifiertodisable LISTBOX VALUEPREFIX KeyMod END PART EXPLAIN !!L_Specifythevirtualkeycodeandmodifierfortheshortcu END POLICY END CATEGORY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!L_Miscellaneous KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Application POLICY !!L_EmailmessageforSendtocommands KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Visio\Application PART !!L_EmailmessageforSendtocommands EDITTEXT VALUENAME SendToEmailMsgString DEFAULT !!L_Empty END PART EXPLAIN !!L_commandintheSendTosubmenuoftheFilemenu END POLICY END CATEGORY END CATEGORY [Strings] L_DonotopeninIEexplain="This policy determines whether hyperlinks to Office documents opens them inside the application, or inside a browser window. The default in Office 2007 and greater (changed from previous releases) is to open within the Office applications. This behavior can also be driven from the Windows shell (in Windows XP and prior): Tools | Folder Options... | File Types | | Advanced | Browse in same window." L_DonotopeninIE="Open Hyperlinks to documents in Windows Internet Explorer" L_DisableTrustBarNotificationforunsignedExplain="This setting means Office applications will silently disable any DLL containing an application add-in which does not have a digital signature. It is used in conjuntion with the 'Require that application add-ins are signed by Trusted Publisher' option which must first be set to cause the application to actually check for signatures." L_DisableTrustBarNotificationforunsigned="Disable Trust Bar Notification for unsigned application add-ins" L_RequirethatApplicationExtensionsaresignedExplain="This setting means Office applications will check the digital signature on the .DLL containing an application add-in, and will give the user a security notification in the event of an unsigned DLL or a DLL signed by a publishers certificate that has not been added to the Trusted Publishers list." L_RequirethatApplicationExtensionsaresigned="Require that application add-ins are signed by Trusted Publisher" L_TrustCenter="Trust Center" L_Disableallapplicationextensions="Disable all application add-ins" L_TrustedLocationsExplain="Warning: These locations are used as a trusted source for opening files in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access and Visio. Macros and code in these files will execute without user warning. If you change or add a location make sure that the new location is secured, with only appropriate user permissions to add document/files." L_Pathcolon="Path:" L_Datecolon="Date:" L_Descriptioncolon="Description:" L_Allowsubfolders="Allow sub folders:" L_TrustedLoc1="Trusted Location #1" L_TrustedLoc2="Trusted Location #2" L_TrustedLoc3="Trusted Location #3" L_TrustedLoc4="Trusted Location #4" L_TrustedLoc5="Trusted Location #5" L_TrustedLoc6="Trusted Location #6" L_TrustedLoc7="Trusted Location #7" L_TrustedLoc8="Trusted Location #8" L_TrustedLoc9="Trusted Location #9" L_TrustedLoc10="Trusted Location #10" L_TrustedLoc11="Trusted Location #11" L_TrustedLoc12="Trusted Location #12" L_TrustedLoc13="Trusted Location #13" L_TrustedLoc14="Trusted Location #14" L_TrustedLoc15="Trusted Location #15" L_TrustedLoc16="Trusted Location #16" L_TrustedLoc17="Trusted Location #17" L_TrustedLoc18="Trusted Location #18" L_TrustedLoc19="Trusted Location #19" L_TrustedLoc20="Trusted Location #20" L_TrustedLocsnotonmachineExplain="By default Office Trusted Locations require the user to explictly allow locations not on their local computer/disk be trusted. Using this key you can enforce policy that users can only trust locations on their computers or conversely require them to allow trusted locations off their computer. Note: If you are also deploying Trusted Locations via policy you should verify if any of them are remote locations. If any are remote locations and you do not allow remote locations via this key, then those policy keys pointing to remote locations will be ignored on the client" L_TrustedLocsnotonmachine="Allow Trusted Locations not on the computer" L_DisableTrustedLoc="Disable all trusted locations" L_DisableTrustedLocExplain="Office allows documents/document based solutions running from a trusted location to load and execute macros without warning. Using this policy key you can disable ALL trusted locations including those deployed by Office during setup, add by the user via UI, or already deployed via policy." L_VBAWarningsPolicy="VBA Macro Warning Settings" L_VBAWarningsExplain="Office 2007 system introduces a new security user model which has two goals, (1) improve the security notification events by avoiding blocking modal dialogs when a user opens a document and rather open the document but provide a Trust Bar to allow interested users change the security settings for the document, (2) simplify security settings by providing discrete settings for Macros, Application Extensions and Trusted Locations. This policy key allows you configure what notifications users see around VBA macros specifically, there are separate settings for Trusted Locations and Application extensions (such as Com Add-ins etc.)" L_TrustBarwarningsforallmacros="Trust Bar warning for all macros" L_TrustBarwarningfordigitallysigned="Trust Bar warning for digitally signed macros only (unsigned macros will be disabled)" L_Nowarningsforallmacrosbutdisable="No Warnings for all macros but disable all macros" L_NoSecuritychecksformacros="No Security checks for macros (Not recommended, code in all documents can run)" L_Empty=" " L_ChecksUnchecksthecorrespondingUIoption="Checks/Unchecks the corresponding UI option." L_CtrlFFind="Ctrl+F (Find...)" L_CtrlKInsertHyperlink="Ctrl+K (Insert | Hyperlinks...)" L_Custom="Custom" L_Customizableerrormessages="Customizable Error Messages" L_Disablecommandbarbuttonsandmenuitems="Disable commands" L_Disableitemsinuserinterface="Disable items in user interface" L_Disableshortcutkeys="Disable shortcut keys" L_EnteracommandbarIDtodisable="Enter a command bar ID to disable" L_Enterakeyandmodifiertodisable="Enter a key and modifier to disable" L_General="General" L_HelpActivateProduct="Help | Activate Product..." L_HelpMicrosoftOfficeOnline="Help | Microsoft Office Online" L_InsertHyperlink="Insert | Hyperlinks..." L_Listoferrormessagestocustomize="List of error messages to customize" L_Miscellaneous="Miscellaneous" L_Predefined="Predefined" L_Recentlyusedfilelist="Number of documents in the Recent Documents list" L_Security="Security" L_SpecifytheIDforacommandbartodisable="Specify the ID for a command bar to disable." L_ToolsCustomize="Tools | Customize..." L_ToolsOptions="Tools | Options..." L_View="View" L_PredefinedExplain="Specify command bar buttons and menu items to disable." L_Showshapesearchpane="Show Shape Search pane" L_Displaystheshapesearchuserinterfaceelements="Displays the shape search user interface elements of the stencil window." L_ShowsthecatalogoftemplateswhenyouopenVisio="Shows the catalog of templates when you open Visio." L_EnableAutoConnect="Enable AutoConnect" L_ShowMoreHandles="Show more handles on hover" L_SaveOpen="Save/Open" L_MyShapes="My Shapes" L_MyShapescolon="My Shapes:" L_Displaysthepathofthemyshapesfolder="Displays the path of the My Shapes folder." L_CheckForUpdates="Check for Updates" L_CustomerFeedbackOptions="Customer Feedback Options" L_Specifieswhetherresultsarereturnedinaphabeticalo="Specifies whether results are returned in alphabetical order by shape name or by stencil name (group). Click By Group to help distinguish between shapes that have the same name but appear on different stencils. Selecting this option is also useful if you want to locate the stencil containing the shape." L_MicrosoftVisiomachine="Microsoft Office Visio 2007 (machine)" L_Textquality="Text quality" L_TextqualityExplain="ClearType text display (anti-aliased, LCD displays): If selected, Visio uses ClearType text display to improve text readability. ClearType looks best on LCD displays (for example, flat panel monitors and notebook screens). This option is available only on computers running Microsoft Windows XP.\n\nHigher quality text display (anti-aliased): If selected, Visio sharpens the display of text. To improve readability, select this option.\n\nFaster text display (aliased): If selected, speeds up display of text." L_Undolevels="Undo levels" L_Sizeofrecentlyusedfilelist="Size of recently used file list" L_Languageforfileconversion="Language for file conversion" L_Uselanguage="Use language:" L_Duration="Duration" L_Searchresults="Search results" L_MacroSecurity="Macro Security" L_Advancedoptions="Advanced options" L_Advanced="Advanced" L_Help="Help" L_ToolsAutoCorrectOptions="Tools | AutoCorrect Options..." L_ToolsMacrosMacros="Tools | Macro | Macros..." L_AltF8ToolsMacrosMacros="Alt+F8 (Tools | Macro | Macros...)" L_EmailmessageforSendtocommands="Email message for 'Send To' commands" L_Startupcolon="Start-up:" L_Addonscolon="Add-ons:" L_Helpcolon="Help:" L_Stencilscolon="Stencils:" L_Templatescolon="Templates:" L_Drawingscolon="Drawings:" L_Autocreatespeedcolon="Auto-create speed:" L_Smoothing="Smoothing:" L_Precisioncolon="Precision:" L_Enablewarningsaboutresults="Enable warning about results" L_EnableAutoRecoveryinfo="Enable save AutoRecover info" L_Zoomwheneditingtextwithsizeunder="Zoom when editing text with size under (Points):" L_DisplayGreektextwhenfontsizeisunder="Display Greek text when font size is under (Points):" L_ByGroup="By Group" L_Alphabetically="Alphabetically" L_Anyofthewords="Any of the words (OR)" L_Allofthewords="All of the words (AND)" L_Days="Days" L_Hours="Hours" L_Minutes="Minutes" L_Seconds="Seconds" L_Weeks="Weeks" L_Radians="Radians" L_MinSec="Min-Sec" L_DegMinSec="Deg-Min-Sec" L_Degrees="Degrees" L_Didots="Didots" L_Ciceros="Ciceros" L_Picas="Picas" L_Points="Points" L_Usethefollowinglanguage="Use the following language" L_Promptforlanguage="Prompt for language" L_LetVisiodecidelanguage="Let Visio decide language" L_Show="Show" L_Visio2002="Visio 2002" L_VisioXMLDocument="Visio XML Document" L_VisioDocument="Visio Document" L_Fastertextdisplay="Faster text display (aliased)" L_Higherqualitytextdisplay="Higher quality text display (anti-aliased)" L_ClearTypetextdisplay="ClearType text display (anti-aliased, LCD displays)" L_Ifyouselectshapesbyusingaselectionnetdraggingabo="If you select shapes by using a selection net(dragging a box around shapes on the drawing page), you can change the selection settings to also include shapes that are partially within the selection net." L_Stencilspacing="Stencil spacing" L_Precision="Precision" L_Stencilbackgroundend="Stencil background end" L_AddsallpossibleapplicationsettingsintotheWindows="Adds all possible application settings into the Windows registry. By default, only certain settings are added (non-default settings and very few others, such as file paths, import and export filters, and last files) to keep the registry settings simple." L_Drawingbackgroundstart="Drawing background start" L_SaveAutoRecoverinfo="Save AutoRecover info" L_Promptfordocumentpropertiesonfirstsave="Prompt for document properties on first save" L_Addons="Add-ons" L_DisplayestheadditionallocationoftemplatesWhenalo="Displays the additional location of templates. When a location is added here, templates in this location are listed on the New submenu on the File menu, as well as in the Template Categories of the Getting Started window." L_EnablesMicrosoftVisualBasicforApplicationsIfclea="Enables Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications. Disabling will disable VBA. NOTE: If you disable this option, some drawing types in Microsoft Office Visio that require macros to run may not have full functionality." L_Smileyfacesandarrowswithspecialsymbols="Smiley faces and arrows with special symbols" L_Indicateswhetherthepropertiesdialogboxopenswhena="Indicates whether the properties dialog box opens when a file is saved for the first time. File properties include author name and information such as the status of the file, preview settings and other properties." L_Controlshowpreciselythemousemovementsaresmoothed="Controls how precisely the mouse movements are smoothed while drawing a spline." L_Indicateswhetheradocumentrecoveryfileiscreatedat="Indicates whether a document recovery file is created at the interval in the minutes box. (The valid range is 1 to 120 minutes). If your computer stops responding or you lose power unexpectedly, Visio opens the AutoRecover file the next time you start Visio. The AutoRecover file might contain unsaved information that would otherwise be lost from your original document. If your original document was damaged, you might be able to recover information from the AutoRecover file. Note AutoRecover does not replace the Save command. You must still save your document periodically and when you finish working on it." L_EntererrorIDforValueNameandcustombuttontextforVa="Enter error ID for Value Name and custom button text for Value" L_AutoRecoversavefrequencyminutes="AutoRecover save frequency (minutes):" L_Charactersperline="Characters per line" L_FilePaths="File Paths" L_Openresultsnewwindow="Open results new window" L_Greektext="Greek text" L_Stencils="Stencils" L_Enablescertainuserinterfacefunctionsforthedevelo="Enables certain user interface functions for the development environment. If this option is selected, the Show Shapesheet command is added to a shape's shortcut menu." L_Specifiestheunitofmeasurefortheangleofrotation="Specifies the unit of measure for the angle of rotation." L_Displaystheadditionallocationformacrosandaddonso="Displays the additional location for macros and add-ons opened when you start Visio." L_FileSendToMailRecipient="File | Send To | Mail Recipient" L_Indicateswhetherawarningmessageappearswhenthenum="Indicates whether a warning message appears when the number of shapes found exceeds the specified limit." L_Displayoptions="Display options" L_commandintheSendTosubmenuoftheFilemenu="Command in the Send To submenu of the File menu." L_Enablelivedynamics="Enable live dynamics" L_Startup="Start-up" L_andspecifiesthatiftextissettothespecifiedpointsi="Specifies that if text is set to the specified point size, Microsoft Office Visio zooms in on the shape when you are editing text." L_DisplaystheadditionallocationofHelpfiles="Displays the additional location of Help files." L_DisplaystheadditionallocationofdrawingsWhenyouad="Displays the additional location of drawings. When you add a location here, it becomes the default save location." L_OtherScreenTips="Other ScreenTips" L_OtherScreenTipsExplain="Specifies whether other ScreenTips (ScreenTips: Tips that appear when you pause the pointer over certain elements in the Visio program, including: masters on stencils, toolbar buttons, and the ruler.) appear in Visio to help you identify and use various features, including drawing window rulers, control handles, and ShapeSheet cells." L_Warnaboutresults="Warn about results" L_Specifiestheunitofmeasurefordurationwhichiselaps="Specifies the unit of measure for duration, which is elapsed time as compared to a specific date or a given hour." L_Specifiesthenumberofconsecutiveactionsyoucanundo="Specifies the number of consecutive actions you can undo. The higher the number the more memory is required to store the actions." L_Drawingwindow="Drawing window" L_Angle="Angle" L_Text="Text" L_Smoothdrawing="Smooth drawing" L_Whenyouresizeorrotateashapeyoucanseetheshapeasit="When you resize or rotate a shape, you can see the shape as it is being transformed, instead of just seeing the bounding box until the action is complete" L_ZoomonrollwithIntelliMouse="Zoom on roll with IntelliMouse" L_ToolsMacrosVisualBasicEditor="Tools | Macro | Visual Basic Editor" L_Runindevelopermode="Run in developer mode" L_FileSaveasWebPage="File | Save as Web Page..." L_AltF11ToolsMacrosVisualBasicEditor="Alt+F11 (Tools | Macro | Visual Basic Editor)" L_Stencilwindow="Stencil window" L_Templates="Templates" L_Whenyouplaceashapeonthelineofaconnectoritsplitsa="When you place a shape on the line of a connector, it splits and each piece becomes a separate connector glued to the shape. Not all drawing types support connector splitting." L_Ordinalswithsuperscript="Ordinals with superscript" L_Displaystheadditionallocationofmacrosandaddons="Displays the additional location of macros and add-ons." L_Specifiestheunitofmeasureforindentslinespacingan="Specifies the unit of measure for indents, line spacing and other text measurements. The default unit for type size is points (1 point = 1/72 in.). You can enter type size in another unit of measure (for example, 1ft or 12 in) but you can't change the default." L_AutoFormatasyoutype="AutoFormat as you type" L_HelpMicrosoftOfficeVisioHelp="Help | Microsoft Office Visio Help" L_Results="Results" L_IfyouwanttobeabletohaveyourVBAprojectworkindrawi="If you want to be able to have your VBA project work in drawings created in other versions of Visio, select this option so that your VBA project is compiled when the file is loaded, but the compiled project is never saved." L_SetsthevalueinthecorrespondingUIoption="Sets the value in the corresponding UI option." L_LoadMicrosoftVisualBasicforApplicationsprojectsf="Load Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications projects from text" L_Selectshapespartiallywithinarea="Select shapes partially within area" L_FullScreenbackground="Full Screen background" L_RecordactionsinMicrosoftOfficeOutlookjournal="Record actions in Microsoft Office Outlook journal" L_ShapeSearch="Shape Search" L_Defaultunits="Default units" L_ControlsthemarginofdelayafterinkdraawnwiththeINK="Controls the margin of delay after ink drawn with the INK tool is automatically redrawn as a shape." L_Warnwhenresultsaregreaterthan="Warn when results are greater than:" L_PutallsettingsinWindowsregistry="Put all settings in Windows registry" L_EnableMicrosoftVisualBasicforApplications="Enable Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications" L_EnableAutomationevents="Enable Automation events" L_Colorsettings="Color settings" L_Specifiesthenumberofrecentlyusedfilestolistonthe="Specifies the number of recently used files to list on the File menus and in the New Drawing task pane (which appears when you start your Visio product). You can specify up to 9 files. You can then click the names of the files on the File menu or in the task pane." L_Warningsoptions="Warnings options" L_EnableMicrosoftVisualBasicforApplicationsproject="Enable Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications project creation" L_Specifiesthatwhenthetextonthescreenissmallerthan="Specifies that when the text on the screen is smaller than the specified point size, text is greeked (text is approximated with a wavy line). If set to 0 text is never greeked." L_Showfilesavewarnings="Show file save warnings" L_DetermineswhetherantialiasingisusedtodrawshapesA="Determines whether anti-aliasing is used to draw shapes. Anti-Aliased drawing (the default) produces higher-quality shape display, but is slower than aliased drawing." L_Autocreatespeed="Auto-create speed" L_IdentifiesthedefaultfileformatinwhichVisiofilesa="Identifies the default file format in which Visio files are saved." L_Indicateswhetherawarningmessageisdisplayedwhenyo="Indicates whether a warning message is displayed when you open files that contain errors such as invalid XML code." L_groupoftheColorSettingsdialogintheAdvancedtaboft="The following are settings for some common colors:\nBlack: 0 0 0\nMaroon: 128 0 0\nGreen: 0 128 0\nOlive: 128 128 0\nNavy: 0 0 128\nPurple: 128 0 128\nTeal: 0 128 128\nGray: 128 128 128\nSilver:192 192 192\nYellow: 255 255 204\nBlue: 0 0 255\nBlue #2: 187 168 216\nBlue #3: 0 153 255\nBlue #4: 153 51 255\nBrown/Green: 204 204" L_Linespermaster="Lines per master" L_Ifselectedletsyouzoominoroutfromadrawingbyrollin="If selected, lets you zoom in or out from a drawing by rolling the wheel of the Microsoft Intellimouse" L_Indicateswhetheranewsearchresultsstenciliscreate="Indicates whether a new search results stencil is created for every search. If cleared, the results of a search replace the results of any previous search." L_EnablescreationsofVBAprojectswhenyouopenorcreate="Enables creations of VBA projects when you open (or create) a document that does not already contain a project. If you clear this check box, you will not be able to create a macro in a document that does not already contain a project." L_Stencilbackgroundstart="Stencil background start" L_Searchfor="Search for:" L_Specifythevirtualkeycodeandmodifierfortheshortcu="Specify the virtual key code and modifier for the shortcut key to disable." L_Drawingbackgroundend="Drawing background end" L_Inktool="Ink tool" L_ControlsthemarginoferrorallowedwhiletheFreeformt="Controls the margin of error allowed while the Freeform tool is drawing a straight line before it switches to drawing a spline." L_OpeneachShapeSheetinthesamewindow="Open each ShapeSheet in the same window" L_Statusbar="Status bar" L_StatusbarExplain="Specifies whether the status bar appears at the bottom of the Visio program window." L_DisplaystheadditionallocationofstencilsWhenaloca="Displays the additional location of stencils. When a location is added here, stencils in this location are listed on the Shapes submenu from the file menu." L_Saveoptions="Save options" L_StencilwindowScreenTips="Stencil window ScreenTips" L_StencilwindowScreenTipsExplain="Specifies whether ScreenTips (ScreenTips: Tips that appear when you pause the pointer over certain elements in the Visio program, including: masters on stencils, toolbar buttons, and the ruler) appear in Visio to help you identify shapes in the stencil window." L_Definesalistofcustomerrormessagestoactivate="Defines a list of custom error messages to activate." L_Generaloptions="General options" L_Centerselectiononzoom="Center selection on zoom" L_Drawings="Drawings" L_EnablesVisioeventstobesenttoVisioaddonsandVBAmac="Enables Visio events to be sent to Visio add-ons and VBA macros. If cleared, disables all Visio events. If you clear this option, some drawing types in Visio that rely on Automation events may not have full functionality." L_SaveVisiofilesas="Save Visio files as" L_SpecifiesthatVisioshoulddeterminewhichlanguageto="Specifies that Visio should determine which language to use when converting from or to an earlier version of Visio." L_Freeformdrawing="Freeform drawing" L_PrintPreviewbackground="Print Preview background" L_IfCheckedwhenyoustretchabitmaporanothernonVisioo="If enabled, when you stretch a bitmap or another non-Visio object, you will not see a flicker." L_AlwaysofferMetricandUSunitsfornewblankdrawingsan="Always offer 'Metric' and 'US units' for new blank drawings and stencils" L_Forashapeonastencilspecifiesapproximatelyhowmany="For a shape on a stencil, specifies approximately how many characters of the shape's name can appear on each line before the text wraps. This options affects the overall spacing of shapes on a stencil, which affects how many shapes you can see without scrolling the stencil window." L_ChooseDrawingTypePane="Getting Started Screen" L_Straightquoteswithsmartquotes="Straight quotes with smart quotes" L_MicrosoftVisio="Microsoft Office Visio 2007" L_Showfileopenwarnings="Show file open warnings" L_Drawingwindowoptions="Drawing window options" L_ShowsbothNewDrawingUSUnitsandNewDrawingMetricwhe="Shows both New Drawing (US units) and New Drawing (Metric) when you choose New from the File menu. These drawings open with the appropriate rulers and page setup, and use the appropriate units for the drawing tools. This does not install the templates and shapes in both unit types." L_OpensmultipleShapeSheetsinthesamewindowrathertha="Opens multiple ShapeSheets in the same window rather than displaying each ShapeSheet in its own window." L_Higherqualityshapedisplay="Higher quality shape display" L_Specifiesthatwhenyouzoominwhatevershapewasselect="Specifies that when you zoom in, whatever shape was selected appears in the center of the window." L_Enalbeconnectorsplitting="Enable connector splitting" L_Hyphenswithdash="Hyphens with dash" L_Units="Units" L_Automaticallyzoomwheneditingtext="Automatically zoom when editing text" L_Specifiesthatyouractionssuchaseditingafilebereco="Specifies that your actions, such as editing a file be recorded in Microsoft Office Outlook Journal." L_Fractionswithfractioncharacter="Fractions with fraction character" L_SmartTags="Smart Tags" L_SmartTagsExplain="Shows smart tags if you hover over them in the drawing." L_FavoritesStencilName="Favorites Stencil Name" L_FavoritesStencilNamecolon="Favorites Stencil Name:" L_Displaysthenameofthestencilcreatedinthe="Displays the name of the stencil created in the My Shapes folder that contains a user's favorite shapes."