รายชื่อหนังสือ สาขาวิชาการพยาบาลมารดา ทารกและผดุงครรภ์ ย้อนหลัง 10 ปี (ภาษาอังกฤษ) |
ลำดับ | รายชื่อหนังสือ | ผู้แต่ง | ปีที่พิมพ์ | เล่ม |
1 | Introduction to maternity and pediatric nursing | Leifer, Gloria
| 2023 | 1 |
2 | Essentials of maternity, newborn, and women's health nursing | Ricci, Susan Scott | 2021 | 1 |
3 | Current diagnosis & treatment : obstetrics & gynecology | DeCherney, Alan H. | 2019 | 1 |
4 | Foundations of maternal-newborn and women's health nursing | Murray, Sharon Smith | 2019 | 1 |
5 | Midwifery : preparation for practice | Pairman, Sally | 2019 | 2 |
6 | Midwifery continuity of care | Homer, Caroline | 2019 | 1 |
7 | Midwifery essentials emergency maternity care | Baston, Helen | 2019 | 1 |
8 | Obstetrics and gynaecology | Kay, Sophie Eleanor | 2019 | 1 |
9 | Maternal & child health nursing : care of the childbearing & childrearing family | Silbert-Flagg, JoAnne | 2018 | 1 |
10 | Maternal-child nursing | McKinney, Emily Slone | 2018 | 1 |
11 | Midwife's labour and birth handbook | Chapman, Vicky | 2018 | 1 |
12 | Midwifery skills at a glance | Lindsay, Patricia | 2018 | 1 |
13 | Emergency department management of obstetric complications | Borhart, Joelle | 2017 | 2 |
14 | How to be a nurse or midwife leader | Ashton, David | 2017 | 1 |
15 | Maternity and pediatric nursing | Ricci, Susan Scott | 2017 | 1 |
16 | Medications and mothers' milk 2017 | Hale, Thomas | 2017 | 2 |
17 | Anatomy and physiology for midwives | Coad, Jane | 2015 | 1 |
18 | Contemporary maternal-newborn nursing care | Ladewig, Patricia A. Wieland | 2014 | 1 |
19 | Maternal & child health nursing : care of the childbearing & childrearing family | Pillitteri, Adele | 2014 | 1 |